Example #1
 private void setGprobs(DuoBaumLevel level, double[] gtProbsA, double[] gtProbsB) {
   int m = level.marker();
   int nGenotypes = gl.marker(m).nGenotypes();
   int base = gl.markers().sumGenotypes(m);
   for (int j = 0; j < nGenotypes; ++j) {
     gtProbsA[base + j] = level.gtProbsA(j);
     gtProbsB[base + j] = level.gtProbsB(j);
Example #2
 private int initialRandomState(DuoBaumLevel level) {
   double d = random.nextDouble();
   double sum = 0.0;
   for (int j = 0, n = level.size(); j < n; ++j) {
     sum += level.forwardValue(j);
     if (d <= sum) {
       return j;
   assert false;
   return level.size() - 1; // error in finite bit arithmetic encountered
Example #3
   * Returns a list of {@code this.nCopies()} sampled haplotype pairs for the specified parent
   * ({@code sampleA}) and offspring ({@code sampleB}). Haplotype pairs are sampled conditional on
   * the HMM with transition probabilities determined by {@code this.dag()} and emission
   * probabilities determined by {@code this.gl()}. Posterior genotype probabilities for the parent
   * and offspring are written to {@code gtProbsA} and {@code gtProbsB} respectively. The posterior
   * probability of the {@code j}-th genotype for the {@code k}-th marker is stored at index {@code
   * gl.markers().sumGenotypes(k) + j} in the {@code gtProbsA} and {@code gtProbsB} arrays. The
   * contract for this method is unspecified if no parent haplotype pairs or no offspring haplotype
   * pairs are consistent with the HMM.
   * @param sampleA the sample index of the parent.
   * @param sampleB the sample index of the offspring.
   * @param gtProbsA an array to which posterior genotype probabilities for the parent will be
   *     written.
   * @param gtProbsB an array to which posterior genotype probabilities for the offspring will be
   *     written.
   * @return a list of {@code this.nCopies()} sampled haplotype pairs for the specified individuals.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code sampleA<0 || sampleA>=this.gl().nSamples()}
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code sampleB<0 || sampleB>=this.gl().nSamples()}
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code gtProbsA.length!=this.gl().markers().sumGenotypes()}
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code gtProbsB.length!=this.gl().markers().sumGenotypes()}
   * @throws NullPointerException if {@code gtProbsA==null || gtProbsB==null}
  public List<HapPair> sample(int sampleA, int sampleB, double[] gtProbsA, double[] gtProbsB) {
    checkGprobs(gtProbsA, gtProbsB);
    forwardAlgorithm(sampleA, sampleB);

    initSampleAlleles(currentLevel(), sampleA, sampleB);
    setGprobs(currentLevel(), gtProbsA, gtProbsB);

    for (int j = nMarkers - 2; j >= 0; --j) {
      DuoBaumLevel level = previousLevel(sampleA, sampleB);
      sampleAlleles(level, sampleA, sampleB);
      setGprobs(level, gtProbsA, gtProbsB);
    return hapList(sampleA, sampleB);
Example #4
 private void forwardAlgorithm(int sampleA, int sampleB) {
   this.windowIndex = -1;
   this.arrayIndex = levels.length - 1;
   for (int marker = 0; marker < nMarkers; ++marker) {
     nextLevel().setForwardValues(fwdNodes, marker, sampleA, sampleB);
Example #5
 private void initSampleAlleles(DuoBaumLevel level, int sampleA, int sampleB) {
   int m = level.marker();
   for (int copy = 0; copy < nCopies; ++copy) {
     int state = initialRandomState(level);
     nodeAB1[copy] = level.parentNodeAB1(state);
     nodeA2[copy] = level.parentNodeA2(state);
     nodeB2[copy] = level.parentNodeB2(state);
     nodeValue[copy] = parentSum(level, sampleA, sampleB, state);
     allelesAB1[copy][m] = level.symbolAB1(state);
     allelesA2[copy][m] = level.symbolA2(state);
     allelesB2[copy][m] = level.symbolB2(state);
Example #6
 private int randomPreviousState(
     DuoBaumLevel level, int nodeAB1, int nodeA2, int nodeB2, double nodeValue) {
   double d = random.nextDouble() * nodeValue;
   double sum = 0.0;
   for (int j = 0, n = level.size(); j < n; ++j) {
     if (nodeAB1 == level.childNodeAB1(j)
         && nodeA2 == level.childNodeA2(j)
         && nodeB2 == level.childNodeB2(j)) {
       sum += level.forwardValue(j);
       if (d <= sum) {
         return j;
   return level.size() - 1; // error in finite bit arithmetic encountered
Example #7
 private double parentSum(DuoBaumLevel level, int sampleA, int sampleB, int state) {
   int marker = level.marker();
   double fwdValue = level.forwardValuesSum() * level.forwardValue(state);
   int edgeAB1 = level.edgeAB1(state);
   int edgeA2 = level.edgeA2(state);
   int edgeB2 = level.edgeB2(state);
   double tpAB1 = dag.condEdgeProb(marker, edgeAB1);
   double tpA2 = dag.condEdgeProb(marker, edgeA2);
   double tpB2 = dag.condEdgeProb(marker, edgeB2);
   byte symbolAB1 = dag.symbol(marker, edgeAB1);
   byte symbolA2 = dag.symbol(marker, edgeA2);
   byte symbolB2 = dag.symbol(marker, edgeB2);
   double epA = gl.gl(marker, sampleA, symbolAB1, symbolA2);
   double epB = gl.gl(marker, sampleB, symbolAB1, symbolB2);
   return fwdValue / ((epA * epB) * (tpAB1 * tpA2 * tpB2));