/** Implementation of PanZoomTarget */
 public void setAnimationTarget(ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics) {
   if (mGeckoIsReady) {
     // We know what the final viewport of the animation is going to be, so
     // immediately request a draw of that area by setting the display port
     // accordingly. This way we should have the content pre-rendered by the
     // time the animation is done.
     DisplayPortMetrics displayPort = DisplayPortCalculator.calculate(metrics, null);
   * This function is invoked by Gecko via JNI; be careful when modifying signature. The compositor
   * invokes this function just before compositing a frame where the document is different from the
   * document composited on the last frame. In these cases, the viewport information we have in Java
   * is no longer valid and needs to be replaced with the new viewport information provided.
   * setPageRect will never be invoked on the same frame that this function is invoked on; and this
   * function will always be called prior to syncViewportInfo.
  public void setFirstPaintViewport(
      float offsetX,
      float offsetY,
      float zoom,
      float pageLeft,
      float pageTop,
      float pageRight,
      float pageBottom,
      float cssPageLeft,
      float cssPageTop,
      float cssPageRight,
      float cssPageBottom) {
    synchronized (this) {
      final ImmutableViewportMetrics newMetrics =
              .setViewportOrigin(offsetX, offsetY)
                  new RectF(pageLeft, pageTop, pageRight, pageBottom),
                  new RectF(cssPageLeft, cssPageTop, cssPageRight, cssPageBottom));
      // Since we have switched to displaying a different document, we need to update any
      // viewport-related state we have lying around. This includes mGeckoViewport and
      // mViewportMetrics. Usually this information is updated via handleViewportMessage
      // while we remain on the same document.
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              mGeckoViewport = newMetrics;

      Tab tab = Tabs.getInstance().getSelectedTab();

      // At this point, we have just switched to displaying a different document than we
      // we previously displaying. This means we need to abort any panning/zooming animations
      // that are in progress and send an updated display port request to browser.js as soon
      // as possible. We accomplish this by passing true to abortPanZoomAnimation, which
      // sends the request after aborting the animation. The display port request is actually
      // a full viewport update, which is fine because if browser.js has somehow moved to
      // be out of sync with this first-paint viewport, then we force them back in sync.

      // Indicate that the document is about to be composited so the
      // LayerView background can be removed.
      if (mView.getPaintState() == LayerView.PAINT_START) {
  /** Attaches to root layer so that Gecko appears. */
  public void notifyGeckoReady() {
    mGeckoIsReady = true;

    mRootLayer = new VirtualLayer(new IntSize(mView.getWidth(), mView.getHeight()));
    mLayerRenderer = mView.getRenderer();


   * Returns true if this client is fine with performing a redraw operation or false if it would
   * prefer that the action didn't take place.
  private boolean getRedrawHint() {
    if (mForceRedraw) {
      mForceRedraw = false;
      return true;

    if (!mPanZoomController.getRedrawHint()) {
      return false;

    return DisplayPortCalculator.aboutToCheckerboard(
        mViewportMetrics, mPanZoomController.getVelocityVector(), mDisplayPort);
  private void adjustViewport(DisplayPortMetrics displayPort) {
    ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics = getViewportMetrics();
    ImmutableViewportMetrics clampedMetrics = metrics.clamp();

    if (displayPort == null) {
      displayPort =
          DisplayPortCalculator.calculate(metrics, mPanZoomController.getVelocityVector());

    mDisplayPort = displayPort;
    mGeckoViewport = clampedMetrics;

    if (mRecordDrawTimes) {

    GeckoAppShell.sendEventToGecko(GeckoEvent.createViewportEvent(clampedMetrics, displayPort));
 public DisplayPortMetrics getDisplayPort(
     boolean pageSizeUpdate,
     boolean isBrowserContentDisplayed,
     int tabId,
     ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics) {
   Tabs tabs = Tabs.getInstance();
   if (tabs.isSelectedTab(tabs.getTab(tabId)) && isBrowserContentDisplayed) {
     // for foreground tabs, send the viewport update unless the document
     // displayed is different from the content document. In that case, just
     // calculate the display port.
     return handleViewportMessage(
         metrics, pageSizeUpdate ? ViewportMessageType.PAGE_SIZE : ViewportMessageType.UPDATE);
   } else {
     // for background tabs, request a new display port calculation, so that
     // when we do switch to that tab, we have the correct display port and
     // don't need to draw twice (once to allow the first-paint viewport to
     // get to java, and again once java figures out the display port).
     return DisplayPortCalculator.calculate(metrics, null);
   * This function is invoked by Gecko via JNI; be careful when modifying signature. The compositor
   * invokes this function on every frame to figure out what part of the page to display, and to
   * inform Java of the current display port. Since it is called on every frame, it needs to be
   * ultra-fast. It avoids taking any locks or allocating any objects. We keep around a
   * mCurrentViewTransform so we don't need to allocate a new ViewTransform everytime we're called.
   * NOTE: we might be able to return a ImmutableViewportMetrics which would avoid the copy into
   * mCurrentViewTransform.
  public ViewTransform syncViewportInfo(
      int x, int y, int width, int height, float resolution, boolean layersUpdated) {
    // getViewportMetrics is thread safe so we don't need to synchronize.
    // We save the viewport metrics here, so we later use it later in
    // createFrame (which will be called by nsWindow::DrawWindowUnderlay on
    // the native side, by the compositor). The viewport
    // metrics can change between here and there, as it's accessed outside
    // of the compositor thread.
    mFrameMetrics = getViewportMetrics();

    mCurrentViewTransform.x = mFrameMetrics.viewportRectLeft;
    mCurrentViewTransform.y = mFrameMetrics.viewportRectTop;
    mCurrentViewTransform.scale = mFrameMetrics.zoomFactor;

    mRootLayer.setPositionAndResolution(x, y, x + width, y + height, resolution);

    if (layersUpdated && mRecordDrawTimes) {
      // If we got a layers update, that means a draw finished. Check to see if the area drawn
      // matches
      // one of our requested displayports; if it does calculate the draw time and notify the
      // DisplayPortCalculator
      DisplayPortMetrics drawn = new DisplayPortMetrics(x, y, x + width, y + height, resolution);
      long time = mDrawTimingQueue.findTimeFor(drawn);
      if (time >= 0) {
        long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
        time = now - time;
        mRecordDrawTimes = DisplayPortCalculator.drawTimeUpdate(time, width * height);

    if (layersUpdated && mDrawListener != null) {
      /* Used by robocop for testing purposes */

    return mCurrentViewTransform;
  /** Viewport message handler. */
  private DisplayPortMetrics handleViewportMessage(
      ImmutableViewportMetrics messageMetrics, ViewportMessageType type) {
    synchronized (this) {
      ImmutableViewportMetrics metrics;
      ImmutableViewportMetrics oldMetrics = getViewportMetrics();

      switch (type) {
        case UPDATE:
          // Keep the old viewport size
          metrics = messageMetrics.setViewportSize(oldMetrics.getWidth(), oldMetrics.getHeight());
        case PAGE_SIZE:
          // adjust the page dimensions to account for differences in zoom
          // between the rendered content (which is what Gecko tells us)
          // and our zoom level (which may have diverged).
          float scaleFactor = oldMetrics.zoomFactor / messageMetrics.zoomFactor;
          metrics =
                  RectUtils.scale(messageMetrics.getPageRect(), scaleFactor),

      final ImmutableViewportMetrics newMetrics = metrics;
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              mGeckoViewport = newMetrics;
      setViewportMetrics(newMetrics, type == ViewportMessageType.UPDATE);
      mDisplayPort = DisplayPortCalculator.calculate(getViewportMetrics(), null);
    return mDisplayPort;
  // This is called on the Gecko thread to determine if we're still interested
  // in the update of this display-port to continue. We can return true here
  // to abort the current update and continue with any subsequent ones. This
  // is useful for slow-to-render pages when the display-port starts lagging
  // behind enough that continuing to draw it is wasted effort.
  public ProgressiveUpdateData progressiveUpdateCallback(
      boolean aHasPendingNewThebesContent,
      float x,
      float y,
      float width,
      float height,
      float resolution,
      boolean lowPrecision) {
    // Skip all low precision draws until we're at risk of checkerboarding
    if (lowPrecision && !mProgressiveUpdateWasInDanger) {
      mProgressiveUpdateData.abort = true;
      return mProgressiveUpdateData;

    // Reset the checkerboard risk flag
    if (!lowPrecision && mLastProgressiveUpdateWasLowPrecision) {
      mProgressiveUpdateWasInDanger = false;
    mLastProgressiveUpdateWasLowPrecision = lowPrecision;

    // Grab a local copy of the last display-port sent to Gecko and the
    // current viewport metrics to avoid races when accessing them.
    DisplayPortMetrics displayPort = mDisplayPort;
    ImmutableViewportMetrics viewportMetrics = mViewportMetrics;
    mProgressiveUpdateData.abort = false;

    // Always abort updates if the resolution has changed. There's no use
    // in drawing at the incorrect resolution.
    if (!FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(resolution, viewportMetrics.zoomFactor)) {
      Log.d(LOGTAG, "Aborting draw due to resolution change");
      mProgressiveUpdateData.abort = true;
      return mProgressiveUpdateData;

    // Store the high precision displayport for comparison when doing low
    // precision updates.
    if (!lowPrecision) {
      if (!FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(resolution, mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort.resolution)
          || !FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(x, mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort.getLeft())
          || !FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(y, mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort.getTop())
          || !FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(x + width, mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort.getRight())
          || !FloatUtils.fuzzyEquals(y + height, mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort.getBottom())) {
        mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort =
            new DisplayPortMetrics(x, y, x + width, y + height, resolution);

    // XXX All sorts of rounding happens inside Gecko that becomes hard to
    //     account exactly for. Given we align the display-port to tile
    //     boundaries (and so they rarely vary by sub-pixel amounts), just
    //     check that values are within a couple of pixels of the
    //     display-port bounds.

    // Never abort drawing if we can't be sure we've sent a more recent
    // display-port. If we abort updating when we shouldn't, we can end up
    // with blank regions on the screen and we open up the risk of entering
    // an endless updating cycle.
    if (Math.abs(displayPort.getLeft() - mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort.getLeft()) <= 2
        && Math.abs(displayPort.getTop() - mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort.getTop()) <= 2
        && Math.abs(displayPort.getBottom() - mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort.getBottom()) <= 2
        && Math.abs(displayPort.getRight() - mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort.getRight()) <= 2) {
      return mProgressiveUpdateData;

    if (!lowPrecision && !mProgressiveUpdateWasInDanger) {
      // If we're not doing low precision draws and we're about to
      // checkerboard, give up and move onto low precision drawing.
      if (DisplayPortCalculator.aboutToCheckerboard(
          viewportMetrics, mPanZoomController.getVelocityVector(), mProgressiveUpdateDisplayPort)) {
        mProgressiveUpdateWasInDanger = true;

    // Abort updates when the display-port no longer contains the visible
    // area of the page (that is, the viewport cropped by the page
    // boundaries).
    // XXX This makes the assumption that we never let the visible area of
    //     the page fall outside of the display-port.
    if (Math.max(viewportMetrics.viewportRectLeft, viewportMetrics.pageRectLeft) + 1 < x
        || Math.max(viewportMetrics.viewportRectTop, viewportMetrics.pageRectTop) + 1 < y
        || Math.min(viewportMetrics.viewportRectRight, viewportMetrics.pageRectRight) - 1
            > x + width
        || Math.min(viewportMetrics.viewportRectBottom, viewportMetrics.pageRectBottom) - 1
            > y + height) {
      Log.d(LOGTAG, "Aborting update due to viewport not in display-port");
      mProgressiveUpdateData.abort = true;
      return mProgressiveUpdateData;

    // Abort drawing stale low-precision content if there's a more recent
    // display-port in the pipeline.
    if (lowPrecision && !aHasPendingNewThebesContent) {
      mProgressiveUpdateData.abort = true;
    return mProgressiveUpdateData;