private void checkAddWithDictionary(String string) { for (String s : perms) { if (string.equals(s)) return; } ArrayList<String> foo = new ArrayList<String>(); String ss = new String(string); foo.add(ss.toUpperCase()); if (dict.areWords(foo)) { perms.add(string); } }
/* * We modified to allow it to play 2 bots together, * We also added some functionality like printing average times */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { Board board = new Board(); Pool pool = new Pool(); Player[] players = new Player[NUM_PLAYERS]; UI ui = new UI(); Robot Bobbot = new MoreComprehensiveBot(); Robot Marthabot = new Bot(); int currentPlayerId = 0, prevPlayerId; Player currentPlayer, prevPlayer; Frame currentFrame, prevFrame; Word word; char lowestTile; boolean tileDraw = false; String letters; char[] tiles = new char[NUM_PLAYERS]; int commandCode, checkCode, totalWordScore; boolean frameWasFull, turnOver = false, gameOver = false, allOverPassLimit; int[] unusedScore = new int[NUM_PLAYERS]; int totalUnused; boolean prevWasPlay = false, challengeDone = false; Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary(); // Initialize players ui.displayGameStart(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { players[i] = new Player(); } players[BOBBOT_ID].setName("Bob"); players[MARTHABOT_ID].setName("Martha"); // Decide who starts do { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { tiles[i] = pool.getRandomTile().getFace(); ui.displayTile(players[i], tiles[i]); } lowestTile = tiles[0]; currentPlayerId = 0; tileDraw = false; for (int i = 1; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { if (tiles[i] < lowestTile) { lowestTile = tiles[i]; currentPlayerId = i; tileDraw = false; } else if (tiles[i] == lowestTile) { tileDraw = true; } } if (!tileDraw) { ui.displayStarter(players[currentPlayerId]); } else { ui.displayStarterDraw(); } } while (tileDraw); // Play the game gameOver = false; do { currentPlayer = players[currentPlayerId]; currentFrame = currentPlayer.getFrame(); currentFrame.refill(pool); ui.displayBoard(board); ui.displayScores(players); ui.displayPoolSize(pool); challengeDone = false; do { if (currentPlayerId == BOBBOT_ID) { ui.displayPrompt(currentPlayer); commandCode = Bobbot.getCommand(currentPlayer, board, dictionary); ui.displayCommand(players[BOBBOT_ID], commandCode, Bobbot.getWord(), Bobbot.getLetters()); } else { ui.displayPrompt(currentPlayer); commandCode = Marthabot.getCommand(currentPlayer, board, dictionary); ui.displayCommand( players[MARTHABOT_ID], commandCode, Marthabot.getWord(), Marthabot.getLetters()); } switch (commandCode) { case UI.COMMAND_QUIT: turnOver = true; gameOver = true; break; case UI.COMMAND_PASS: turnOver = true; currentPlayer.pass(); turnOver = true; allOverPassLimit = true; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { allOverPassLimit = allOverPassLimit && players[i].isOverPassLimit(); } if (allOverPassLimit) { gameOver = true; } prevWasPlay = false; break; case UI.COMMAND_HELP: ui.displayHelp(); turnOver = false; break; case UI.COMMAND_EXCHANGE: if (currentPlayerId == BOBBOT_ID) { letters = Bobbot.getLetters(); } else { letters = Marthabot.getLetters(); } if (!currentFrame.isAvailable(letters)) { ui.displayError(UI.EXCHANGE_NOT_AVAILABLE); turnOver = false; } else if (pool.size() < letters.length()) { ui.displayError(UI.EXCHANGE_NOT_ENOUGH_IN_POOL); turnOver = false; } else {, pool); turnOver = true; prevWasPlay = false; } break; case UI.COMMAND_PLAY: if (currentPlayerId == BOBBOT_ID) { word = Bobbot.getWord(); } else { word = Marthabot.getWord(); } checkCode = board.checkWord(word, currentFrame); if (checkCode != UI.WORD_OK) { ui.displayError(checkCode); turnOver = false; } else { frameWasFull = currentFrame.isFull(); totalWordScore = board.setWord(word, currentFrame); if (currentFrame.isEmpty() && frameWasFull) { totalWordScore = totalWordScore + BONUS; } ui.displayWordScore(totalWordScore); currentPlayer.addScore(totalWordScore); turnOver = true; prevWasPlay = true; if (currentFrame.isEmpty() && pool.isEmpty()) { gameOver = true; } } break; case UI.COMMAND_CHALLENGE: if (challengeDone) { ui.displayError(UI.CHALLENGE_REPEAT); turnOver = false; } else if (board.isFirstPlay()) { ui.displayError(UI.CHALLENGE_FIRST_PLAY); turnOver = false; } else if (!prevWasPlay) { ui.displayError(UI.CHALLENGE_PREV_NOT_PLAY); turnOver = false; } else if (!dictionary.areWords(board.getWords())) { ui.displayChallengeSuccess(); prevPlayerId = currentPlayerId - 1; if (prevPlayerId < 0) { prevPlayerId = NUM_PLAYERS - 1; } prevPlayer = players[prevPlayerId]; prevFrame = prevPlayer.getFrame(); board.undo(); prevPlayer.undo(); prevFrame.undo(); ui.displayBoard(board); ui.displayScores(players); ui.displayPoolSize(pool); challengeDone = true; turnOver = false; } else { ui.displayChallengeFail(); turnOver = true; challengeDone = true; prevWasPlay = false; } break; } } while (!turnOver); if (!gameOver) { currentPlayerId++; if (currentPlayerId > NUM_PLAYERS - 1) { currentPlayerId = 0; } } } while (!gameOver); totalUnused = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { unusedScore[i] = players[i].unusedLettersScore(); players[i].addScore(-unusedScore[i]); totalUnused = totalUnused + unusedScore[i]; } if (unusedScore[currentPlayerId] == 0) { players[currentPlayerId].addScore(totalUnused); } ui.displayResult(players); System.out.println("Avg time for Bob: " + computeAvgTime(Bobbot)); System.out.println("Avg time for Martha: " + computeAvgTime(Marthabot)); System.out.println("GAME OVER"); return; }