Example #1
  * Constructs a component hierarchy from the design specified as an html tree.
  * <p>If a component root is given, the component instances created during reading the design are
  * assigned to its member fields based on their id, local id, and caption
  * @param doc the html tree
  * @param componentRoot optional component root instance. The type must match the type of the root
  *     element in the design.
  * @param classWithFields a class (componentRoot class or a super class) with some member fields.
  *     The member fields whose type is assignable from {@link Component} are bound to fields in
  *     the design based on id/local id/caption
 private static DesignContext designToComponentTree(
     Document doc, Component componentRoot, Class<?> classWithFields) {
   DesignContext designContext = new DesignContext(doc);
   // No special handling for a document without a body element - should be
   // taken care of by jsoup.
   Element root = doc.body();
   Elements children = root.children();
   if (children.size() > 1) {
     throw new DesignException(
         "The first level of a component hierarchy should contain at most one root component, but found "
             + children.size()
             + ".");
   Element element = children.size() == 0 ? null : children.first();
   if (componentRoot != null) {
     if (element == null) {
       throw new DesignException(
           "The root element cannot be null when the specified root Component is" + " not null.");
     // user has specified root instance that may have member fields that
     // should be bound
     final FieldBinder binder;
     try {
       binder = new FieldBinder(componentRoot, classWithFields);
     } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
       throw new DesignException("Could not bind fields of the root component", e);
     // create listener for component creations that binds the created
     // components to the componentRoot instance fields
     ComponentCreationListener creationListener =
         new ComponentCreationListener() {
           public void componentCreated(ComponentCreatedEvent event) {
             binder.bindField(event.getComponent(), event.getLocalId());
     // create subtree
     designContext.readDesign(element, componentRoot);
     // make sure that all the member fields are bound
     Collection<String> unboundFields = binder.getUnboundFields();
     if (!unboundFields.isEmpty()) {
       throw new DesignException("Found unbound fields from component root " + unboundFields);
     // no need to listen anymore
   } else {
     // createChild creates the entire component hierarchy
     componentRoot = element == null ? null : designContext.readDesign(element);
   return designContext;