 protected void setUp() throws Exception {
   doc = new DefaultStyledDocument();
   root = doc.getDefaultRootElement();
   buf = new DefStyledDoc_Helpers.ElementBufferWithLogging(doc, root);
   doc.buffer = buf;
   paragraph = root.getElement(0);
   content = doc.getContent();
   content.insertString(0, "plainbolditalic\ntext");
   // Create the structure equivalent to this sequence:
   // doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "plain", null);    // 5 chars
   // doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "bold", bold);     // 4 chars
   // doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "italic", italic); // 6 chars
   // doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\ntext", null);   // 5 chars
   doc.writeLock(); // Write lock needed to modify document structure
   Element[] leaves = new Element[4];
   leaves[0] = doc.createLeafElement(paragraph, null, 0, 5);
   leaves[1] = doc.createLeafElement(paragraph, bold, 5, 9);
   leaves[2] = doc.createLeafElement(paragraph, italic, 9, 15);
   leaves[3] = doc.createLeafElement(paragraph, null, 15, 16);
   ((BranchElement) paragraph).replace(0, 1, leaves);
   BranchElement branch = (BranchElement) doc.createBranchElement(root, null);
   leaves = new Element[1];
   leaves[0] = doc.createLeafElement(branch, null, 16, 21);
   branch.replace(0, 0, leaves);
   // Add this branch to the root
   ((BranchElement) root).replace(1, 0, new Element[] {branch});
   insertOffset = 5 + 2;