Example #1
    public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) {
      // first clear the character buffer
      m_sbuf.delete(0, m_sbuf.length());

      if (qName.equals(GRAPH)) {
        // parse directedness default
        String edef = atts.getValue(EDGEDEF);
        m_directed = DIRECTED.equalsIgnoreCase(edef);
        m_graphid = atts.getValue(ID);
      } else if (qName.equals(KEY)) {
        if (!inSchema) {
                  + KEY
                  + "\" elements can not"
                  + " occur after the first node or edge declaration.");
        m_for = atts.getValue(FOR);
        m_id = atts.getValue(ID);
        m_name = atts.getValue(ATTRNAME);
        m_type = atts.getValue(ATTRTYPE);
      } else if (qName.equals(NODE)) {

        m_row = m_nodes.addRow();

        String id = atts.getValue(ID);
        m_nodeMap.put(id, new Integer(m_row));
        m_table = m_nodes;
      } else if (qName.equals(EDGE)) {

        m_row = m_edges.addRow();

        // do not use the id value
        //                String id = atts.getValue(ID);
        //                if ( id != null ) {
        //                    if ( !m_edges.canGetString(ID) )
        //                        m_edges.addColumn(ID, String.class);
        //                    m_edges.setString(m_row, ID, id);
        //                }
        m_edges.setString(m_row, SRCID, atts.getValue(SRC));
        m_edges.setString(m_row, TRGID, atts.getValue(TRG));

        // currently only global directedness is used
        // ignore directed edge value for now
        //                String dir = atts.getValue(DIRECTED);
        //                boolean d = m_directed;
        //                if ( dir != null ) {
        //                    d = dir.equalsIgnoreCase("false");
        //                }
        //                m_edges.setBoolean(m_row, DIRECTED, d);
        m_table = m_edges;
      } else if (qName.equals(DATA)) {
        m_key = atts.getValue(KEY);
 private boolean isValidRequest(PlanningTask parameters) {
   PlanningAlgorithm algorithm = parameters.getAlgorithm();
   PlanningAlgorithmsSpecification algorithmSpecification =
   Graph graph = parameters.getGraph().getGraph();
   return !((DIRECTED.equals(graph.getDefaultedgetype())
           && !algorithmSpecification.supportsDirectedGraph())
       || (isWeightedGraph(graph) && !algorithmSpecification.supportsWeightedGraph()));