public static void insertCollect(Context ctx, MSArticle article, MSPlayer player, Message msg) { MSResponse response = new MSResponse(msg); String collectId = (String) response.getResponseField("favoriteId"); DBHelper db = DBHelper.getInstance(ctx); int time = XTimeUtils.str2time(XTimeUtils.getTime()); db.insertCollect(article,, time, collectId); }
public NoticeDaoDBManager(Context context) { try { this.context = context; dbHelper = DBHelper.getInstance(context); dataBase = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public static void syncCollectionSuc(Context ctx, MSResponse msResponse) { JSONArray articlesArray = (JSONArray) msResponse.getResponseField("articlesList"); MSPlayer msPlayer = MSPlayer.currentMSPlayer(ctx); DBHelper dbHelper = DBHelper.getInstance(ctx); for (int i = 0; i < articlesArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject articleObj = articlesArray.optJSONObject(i); dbHelper.checkCollection(articleObj,; } }
/** * Actionbar is loaded and setup, the database is queried for a list of restaurants, a basic * ArrayAdapter is constructed to display names of restaurants in a ListView, and an on click * listener for the ListView takes the user to the next activity which can be either * BudgetActivity or BudgetAcitivity2. */ @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Load layout setContentView(R.layout.activity_restaurant); // Enable home button and manually set title getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); getActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); getActionBar().setDisplayShowCustomEnabled(true); getActionBar().setCustomView(R.layout.ab_title); TextView title = (TextView) findViewById(; title.setText("Restaurants"); // Get DBHelper instance and grab restaurant list db = DBHelper.getInstance(this); restaurantList = db.getRestaurants(); // Construct basic ArrayAdapter for ListView of restaurants adapter = new ArrayAdapter<Restaurant>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, restaurantList); setListAdapter(adapter); // onClick listener changes activity to MenuActivity and passes restaurant_id ListView listView = getListView(); listView.setOnItemClickListener( new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { int rid = adapter.getItem(position).getRestaurantID(); boolean acceptsMeals = adapter.getItem(position).getAcceptsMeals(); // Toast for closed restaurants, and start new activity appropriately depending on // acceptsMeals if (rid == 3 || rid == 6) { // Prompts that the restaurants are closed Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Currently Closed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } else if (acceptsMeals) { Intent intent = new Intent(RestaurantActivity.this, BudgetActivity.class); intent.putExtra("previous", "RestaurantActivity"); intent.putExtra("rid", rid); startActivity(intent); } else { Intent intent = new Intent(RestaurantActivity.this, BudgetActivity2.class); intent.putExtra("previous", "RestaurantActivity"); intent.putExtra("rid", rid); startActivity(intent); } } }); }
/** * 插入数据库表 * * @param result */ public synchronized void insertAllNotice(List<HashMap<String, Object>> result) { try { synchronized (DBHelper.getInstance(context)) { for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { String cloumns = ""; String cloumnValues = ""; HashMap<String, Object> map = result.get(i); Iterator<String> keyIter = map.keySet().iterator(); String key; int count = 0; while (keyIter.hasNext()) { key = (String); if (!TablesColumns.getAllFileds().contains(key)) { continue; } if (key != null) { if (count == 0) { cloumns += "'" + key + "'"; cloumnValues += "'" + map.get(key).toString() + "'"; count++; } else { cloumns += ",'" + key + "'"; cloumnValues += ",'" + map.get(key).toString() + "'"; } } } String sql = "insert into " + TablesColumns.TABLENOTICE + " " + "(" + cloumns + ") values (" + cloumnValues + ")"; dataBase.execSQL(sql); } Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(MainActivity.noticeInfobroastCast); if (context != null) { context.sendBroadcast(intent); } } } catch (SQLException e) { } }
@Override protected String doInBackground(String... params) { String resultJSON = ""; String METHOD = params[0]; this.numero = params[1]; this.__jsonToSend = params[2]; Log.i(TAG, StaticFunctions.timeElapsed(this.__jsonToSend, "doInBack")); Log.d(TAG, this.__jsonToSend); SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD); if (METHOD.compareTo("sms_check_transaction") == 0 || METHOD.compareTo("whatsapp_device") == 0 || METHOD.compareTo("Sales_point_whatsapp_synchronize") == 0) request.addProperty("jrquest", this.__jsonToSend); else { request.addProperty("sgateway", this.__jsonToSend); } SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = getSoapSerializationEnvelope(request); HttpTransportSE transportSE = new HttpTransportSE(Settings.URL(this.context), 20000); transportSE.debug = true; transportSE.setXmlVersionTag(Settings.XML_VERSSION); try { + METHOD, envelope); testHttpResponse(transportSE); } catch (IOException | XmlPullParserException e) { DBHelper dbHelper = DBHelper.getInstance(this.context); dbHelper.insertLog( StaticFunctions.throwToString(e), "Problema de conexión con el web service. <<" + TAG + ">>"); } if (envelope.bodyIn != null) if (((SoapObject) envelope.bodyIn).getPropertyCount() > 0) { SoapObject resultSOAP = (SoapObject) envelope.bodyIn; resultJSON = resultSOAP.getProperty(0).toString(); } try { transportSE.getServiceConnection().disconnect(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return resultJSON; }
public PasswordDAO(Context context) { dbHelper = DBHelper.getInstance(context); Log.i(TAG, "dbHelper: " + dbHelper.toString()); }
private GestorEmergencias(Context context) { db = DBHelper.getInstance(context).open(context); }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(String result) { DBHelper dbHelper = DBHelper.getInstance(this.context); Log.i(TAG, StaticFunctions.timeElapsed(this.__jsonToSend, "onPOSTExecute")); try { Log.d(TAG, result); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result); if (jsonObject.has("Confirmation")) { String Confirmation = jsonObject.getString("Confirmation"); String msgResponse = jsonObject.getString("msgResponse"); String[] arrayParse = this.__jsonToSend.split("\\*"); String folio; if (arrayParse.length == 6) { folio = arrayParse[3]; } else { folio = arrayParse[1]; } String folio_casiLimpio = folio.substring(3, 10); Log.d(TAG, folio_casiLimpio); if (Confirmation.compareTo("00") == 0) { Log.d(TAG, "Confirm-->" + this.numero + "Message--->" + msgResponse); String folioToUpdate = folio_casiLimpio.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", ""); dbHelper.updateTransaction( folioToUpdate, jsonObject.getString("Confirmation"), RandomMessages.getStringRandom("Status", msgResponse, folio_casiLimpio), "1"); } else if (Confirmation.compareTo("24") == 0 || Confirmation.compareTo("17") == 0) { Thread.sleep(3000); RequestWebService request = new RequestWebService(this.context); /** * saldo*folio*99 0 6563942495*20.00*22*52003*99*6561082873 1 tel para recargar 2 monto 3 * carrier 4 folio 5 puerto 6 send user */ String send = arrayParse[5]; String recursiveJsonTosend; recursiveJsonTosend = "{\"Folio_Pos\":\"" + folio + "\",\"User\":\"" + send + "\"}"; String folioToUpdate = folio.substring(3, 10).replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", ""); String differenceString = dbHelper.getDiffDateTransaction(folioToUpdate); double difference = 0.0; try { if (differenceString != null) { difference = Double.parseDouble(differenceString); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (difference < 120.0) { request.execute("sms_check_transaction", this.numero, recursiveJsonTosend); } else { dbHelper.updateTransaction( folioToUpdate, jsonObject.getString("Response"), RandomMessages.getStringRandom("Status", msgResponse, folio_casiLimpio), "1"); } } else { String folioToUpdate = folio.substring(3, 10).replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", ""); dbHelper.updateTransaction( folioToUpdate, jsonObject.getString("Confirmation"), RandomMessages.getStringRandom("Status", msgResponse, folio_casiLimpio), "1"); } } else if (jsonObject.has("Response")) { if (jsonObject.has("whatsapp_device") || jsonObject.has("Sales_point_whatsapp_synchronize")) { JSONArray contactsArray; WContacts wContacts = new WContacts(context); if (jsonObject.has("Sales_point_whatsapp_synchronize")) { contactsArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("Sales_point_whatsapp_synchronize"); } else { contactsArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("whatsapp_device"); } try { wContacts.insertContacts(contactsArray); } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { dbHelper.insertLog( StaticFunctions.throwToString(e), "Problema al sincronizar usuarios"); } } else { if (jsonObject.getString("Response").compareTo("24") == 0 || jsonObject.getString("Response").compareTo("17") == 0) { Thread.sleep(3000); String msgResponse = jsonObject.getString("MSG_Response"); JSONObject jsonObjectSended = new JSONObject(this.__jsonToSend); String folio = jsonObjectSended.getString("Folio_Pos"); String folio_casiLimpio = folio.substring(3, 10); String folioToUpdate = folio_casiLimpio.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", ""); double difference = Double.parseDouble(dbHelper.getDiffDateTransaction(folioToUpdate)); Log.d(TAG, String.valueOf(difference)); if (difference < 120.0) { RequestWebService request = new RequestWebService(this.context); request.execute("sms_check_transaction", this.numero, this.__jsonToSend); } else { dbHelper.updateTransaction( folioToUpdate, jsonObject.getString("Response"), RandomMessages.getStringRandom("Status", msgResponse, folio_casiLimpio), "1"); } } else { String msgResponse = jsonObject.getString("MSG_Response"); String folio; if (jsonObject.has("Folio_POS")) { folio = jsonObject.getString("Folio_POS"); } else { JSONObject jsonSended = new JSONObject(this.__jsonToSend); folio = jsonSended.getString("Folio_Pos"); } String folio_casiLimpio = folio.replaceFirst(Settings.APP_ID(this.context), ""); String folioToUpdate = folio_casiLimpio.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", ""); dbHelper.updateTransaction( folioToUpdate, jsonObject.getString("Response"), RandomMessages.getStringRandom("Status", msgResponse, folio_casiLimpio), "1"); } } } else { Messages messages = new Messages( new String[] {this.numero}, "Hubo un problema con la respuesta del servido, Revisa tu saldo"); messages.sendMessage(); messages.close(); } } catch (IOException | JSONException | TimeoutException | InterruptedException e) { dbHelper.insertLog( StaticFunctions.throwToString(e), "Problema al leer JSON, IO, TimeOut o Conexion Interrumpida <<" + TAG + ">>"); try { if (this.numero != null) { Messages messages = new Messages( new String[] {this.numero}, "Hubo un problema con la conexión, Revisa tu saldo!"); messages.sendMessage(); messages.close(); } } catch (IOException | TimeoutException e1) { dbHelper.insertLog( StaticFunctions.throwToString(e1), "Problema al enviar mensaje, Error de IO o timeout con la base de datos <<" + TAG + ">>"); } } }
public static String getMaxFavId(Context ctx, String playerId) { String maxId = null; DBHelper db = DBHelper.getInstance(ctx); maxId = db.getMaxFavIdByPlayer(playerId); return maxId; }
public static String getFavoriteId(Context ctx, String articleId) { String id = null; DBHelper db = DBHelper.getInstance(ctx); id = db.selectFavoriteIdByArticleId(articleId); return id; }
public ThreadDAOImpl(Context context) { mHelper = DBHelper.getInstance(context); }
public DBAdapter(Context context) { db = DBHelper.getInstance(context).getWritableDatabase(); }