public static void insertMovieReviewsReply(int memberId, int review_id, String review) {

    ResultSet rs;
    int movie_id = 0;

    String str2 =
        "insert into reviewreply values (" + review_id + ", " + memberId + ", '" + review + "', 0)";

    // update reviewreply table
    DBConnections.query = str2;
    int ret = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForUpdate(DBConnections.query);

    if (ret == 1) System.out.println("Your reply has been updated!!!");

    // find status, credit_points and member_points
    String memberShipStatus = null;
    int credit_points = 0;
    int member_points = 0;
    String str4 =
        "select status, credit_points, member_points from membership where member_id = " + memberId;
    DBConnections.query = str4;
    rs = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForSelect(DBConnections.query);

    try {
      while ( {
        memberShipStatus = rs.getString(1);
        credit_points = rs.getInt(2);
        member_points = rs.getInt(3);

    } catch (SQLException e) {

    } finally {

    // give points on posting a review

    int points = 0;
    if (memberShipStatus.equals("Silver")) points = 5;
    if (memberShipStatus.equals("Gold")) points = 10;
    if (memberShipStatus.equals("Platinum")) points = 20;
    String str5 =
        "update membership set credit_points = "
            + (credit_points + points)
            + ", member_points = "
            + (member_points + points)
            + " where member_id = "
            + memberId;

    DBConnections.query = str5;
    ret = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForUpdate(DBConnections.query);
  public static void likeComment(int review_id) {

    ResultSet rs;
    int like_count = 0;
    String str1 = "select like_count from review where review_id = " + review_id;
    DBConnections.query = str1;
    rs = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForSelect(DBConnections.query);

    try {
      while ( {
        like_count = rs.getInt(1);

    } catch (SQLException e) {

    } finally {

    String str =
        "update review set like_count = " + (like_count + 1) + " where review_id = " + review_id;

    DBConnections.query = str;
    int ret = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForUpdate(DBConnections.query);

    if (ret == 1) System.out.println("Thank you for liking the comment.");
  public static void updateTable(String query) {

    ResultSet rs1;
    DBConnections.query = query;
    int ret = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForUpdate(DBConnections.query);


    if (ret == 1) {
      System.out.println("Query executed Successfully\n");
  public static void updateProfile(int memberId, int option, String value) {

    String str1 =
        "update userregistration set phone = '" + value + "' where member_id = " + memberId;
    String str2 =
        "update userregistration set address = '" + value + "' where member_id = " + memberId;

    if (option == 1) DBConnections.query = str1;
    if (option == 2) DBConnections.query = str2;

    int ret = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForUpdate(DBConnections.query);


    if (ret == 1) {
      System.out.println("\nProfile updated\n");
      System.out.println("\nYour Account details :");
  public static void updatePolicy(String membership_status, String policy_type, float value) {
    ResultSet rs;

    String str =
        "update policies set "
            + policy_type
            + " = '"
            + value
            + "' where membership_status = '"
            + membership_status
            + "'";

    DBConnections.query = str;
    int ret = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForUpdate(DBConnections.query);

    if (ret == 1) {
      System.out.println("Policy update\n");
  public static void createNewTheatreReviewThread(int memberId, String theatre, String review) {
    ResultSet rs;
    int theatre_id = 0;
    String str1 = "select theatre_id from theatre where name = '" + theatre + "'";
    String str2 =
        "insert into review values (seq_review.nextVal, " + memberId + ", 0, '" + review + "', 0)";

    DBConnections.query = str1;
    rs = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForSelect(DBConnections.query);

    // find movie_id
    try {
      while ( {
        theatre_id = rs.getInt(1);

    } catch (SQLException e) {

    } finally {

    // update review table
    DBConnections.query = str2;
    int ret = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForUpdate(DBConnections.query);

    // update moviereview table
    String str3 =
        "insert into theatrereview (select " + theatre_id + ", max(review_id) from review)";
    DBConnections.query = str3;

    // find status, credit_points and member_points
    String memberShipStatus = null;
    int credit_points = 0;
    int member_points = 0;
    String str4 =
        "select status, credit_points, member_points from membership where member_id = " + memberId;
    DBConnections.query = str4;
    rs = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForSelect(DBConnections.query);

    try {
      while ( {
        memberShipStatus = rs.getString(1);
        credit_points = rs.getInt(2);
        member_points = rs.getInt(3);

    } catch (SQLException e) {

    } finally {

    // give points on posting a review
    int points = 0;

    if (memberShipStatus.equals("Silver")) points = 5;
    if (memberShipStatus.equals("Gold")) points = 10;
    if (memberShipStatus.equals("Platinum")) points = 20;

    String str5 =
        "update membership set credit_points = "
            + (credit_points + points)
            + ", member_points = "
            + (member_points + points)
            + " where member_id = "
            + memberId;

    DBConnections.query = str5;
    ret = DBConnections.openDbConnectionForUpdate(DBConnections.query);

    System.out.println("Review thread created\n");