public void testComplexWithShallowCycle() throws GraphConstraintException {
    //  +-----------+
    //  |           |
    //  v           |
    //  a --> b --> c
    //  |     |
    //  |     v
    //  +---> d

    Dag dag = new Dag();

    try {
      dag.addEdge("a", "b");

      dag.addEdge("b", "c");

      dag.addEdge("b", "d");

      dag.addEdge("a", "d");

      dag.addEdge("c", "a");

      fail("Cycle should be detected");

    } catch (CycleDetectedException e) {
      assertCycle(new String[] {"c", "a", "b", "c"}, e.getCycle());

      // Ensure that edge was removed
      assertFalse("Edge 'c' -> 'a' should have been removed.", dag.hasEdge("c", "a"));
  public void testSimpleSelfCycle() throws GraphConstraintException {
    //  a --> b <---+
    //        |     |
    //        |     |
    //        +-----+

    Dag dag = new Dag();

    try {
      dag.addEdge("a", "b");

      dag.addEdge("b", "b");

      fail("Cycle should be detected");
    } catch (CycleDetectedException e) {
      assertCycle(new String[] {"b", "b"}, e.getCycle());

      // Ensure that edge was removed
      assertFalse("Edge 'b' -> 'b' should have been removed.", dag.hasEdge("b", "b"));
  public void testComplexWithDeepCycle() throws GraphConstraintException {
    //        f --> g --> h
    //        |
    //        |
    //  a --> b --> c --> d
    //        ^           |
    //        |           v
    //        +---------- e

    final Dag dag = new Dag();

    try {

      dag.addEdge("a", "b");

      dag.addEdge("b", "c");

      dag.addEdge("b", "f");

      dag.addEdge("f", "g");

      dag.addEdge("g", "h");

      dag.addEdge("c", "d");

      dag.addEdge("d", "e");

      dag.addEdge("e", "b");

      fail("Cycle should be detected");

    } catch (CycleDetectedException e) {
      assertCycle(new String[] {"e", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, e.getCycle());

      // Ensure that edge was removed
      assertFalse("Edge 'e' -> 'b' should have been removed.", dag.hasEdge("e", "b"));