private void queryBdayToUpdate(JSONObject bd) throws JSONException { uChecksCounter++; CustomAsyncHandler handler = new CustomAsyncHandler(getContentResolver(), this); String[] projection = {EventTable.COLUMN_OID, EventTable.COLUMN_ID, EventTable.COLUMN_PIC_URL}; Long begin = bdayToMillis(bd.getString("anon"), true); String selection = EventTable.COLUMN_CALENDAR_ID + " = \"" + EventTable.CALENDAR_ID_FB_BIRTHDAYS + "\" AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_BEGIN + " >= " + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_OID + " = " + bd.getString("uid") + " AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_BEGIN_DAY + " != " + Time.getJulianDay( begin, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(begin))); // IDEA: setting the event JSONObject as cookie handler.startQuery( QUERY_BD_TO_UPDATE, bd, AgendaNowProvider.CONTENT_URI_EV, projection, selection, null, null); }
public void queryFutureStoredBDays() { resetCounters(); CustomAsyncHandler handler = new CustomAsyncHandler(getContentResolver(), this); String[] projection = { EventTable.COLUMN_OID, EventTable.COLUMN_UPDATED_TIME, EventTable.COLUMN_ID }; String selection = EventTable.COLUMN_CALENDAR_ID + " = " + EventTable.CALENDAR_ID_FB_BIRTHDAYS + " AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_BEGIN + " >= " + today_begin.getTimeInMillis(); if (isAppLaunchStage) { selection += " AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_BEGIN + " <= " + today_end.getTimeInMillis(); } String orderBy = "date(" + EventTable.COLUMN_UPDATED_TIME + ") ASC"; handler.startQuery( QUERY_FUTURE_STORED_BDS, null, AgendaNowProvider.CONTENT_URI_EV, projection, selection, null, orderBy); }
private void queryBdayToInsert(JSONObject bd) throws JSONException { iChecksCounter++; CustomAsyncHandler handler = new CustomAsyncHandler(getContentResolver(), this); String[] projection = {EventTable.COLUMN_OID, EventTable.COLUMN_ID}; String selection = EventTable.COLUMN_CALENDAR_ID + " = \"" + EventTable.CALENDAR_ID_FB_BIRTHDAYS + "\" AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_OID + " = " + bd.getString("uid"); // IDEA: setting the event JSONObject as cookie handler.startQuery( 101, bd, AgendaNowProvider.CONTENT_URI_EV, projection, selection, null, null); }
/* * Taking an event coming from FB JSON response as input parameter, this method is looking * for that event in the ContentProvider, selecting it only if its latest update time * is different by the one present in the JSON. If so, the event row is updated. */ public void queryEventToUpdate(JSONObject ev) throws JSONException { uChecksCounter++; CustomAsyncHandler handler = new CustomAsyncHandler(getContentResolver(), this); String[] projection = { EventTable.COLUMN_OID, EventTable.COLUMN_UPDATED_TIME, EventTable.COLUMN_ID, EventTable.COLUMN_PIC_URL }; String selection = EventTable.COLUMN_PLATFORM + " = \"" + EventTable.PLATFORM_FACEBOOK + "\" AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_BEGIN + " >= " + today_begin.getTimeInMillis() + " AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_OID + " = " + ev.getString("eid") + " AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_UPDATED_TIME + " <> " + ev.getString("update_time"); if (isAppLaunchStage) { selection += " AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_BEGIN + "<=" + today_end.getTimeInMillis(); } // IDEA: setting the event JSONObject as cookie handler.startQuery( QUERY_EV_TO_UPDATE, ev, AgendaNowProvider.CONTENT_URI_EV, projection, selection, null, null); }
/* * Taking an event coming from FB JSON response as input parameter, this method is looking * for that event in the ContentProvider. If not found, a new row is created, to insert the new event. */ public void queryEventToInsert(JSONObject ev) throws JSONException { iChecksCounter++; CustomAsyncHandler handler = new CustomAsyncHandler(getContentResolver(), this); String[] projection = { EventTable.COLUMN_OID, EventTable.COLUMN_UPDATED_TIME, EventTable.COLUMN_ID }; String selection = EventTable.COLUMN_PLATFORM + " = \"" + EventTable.PLATFORM_FACEBOOK + "\" AND " + EventTable.COLUMN_OID + " = " + ev.getString("eid"); // IDEA: setting the event JSONObject as cookie handler.startQuery( QUERY_EV_TO_INSERT, ev, AgendaNowProvider.CONTENT_URI_EV, projection, selection, null, null); }