  public void shouldLoadFilledModel() throws Exception {
    // GIVEN a filled data model
    final Map<String, Object> modelData = createFilledModel();
    // Some static data is changed at this moment, so need to reset the extractors list

    // WHEN asking the view to render the model contents
    underTest.renderMergedOutputModel(modelData, mock(HttpServletRequest.class), response);

    // THEN the resulting CSV contains the expected data
    verify(writer).write("\"Header\",\"Header NG\",\"H\",\"Header\"\n");
  public void shouldLoadEmptyModel() throws Exception {
    // GIVEN a data model (empty in our case)
    final Map<String, Object> modelData = createEmptyModel();

    // WHEN asking the view to render the model contents
    underTest.renderMergedOutputModel(modelData, mock(HttpServletRequest.class), response);

    // THEN the response sets the correct MIME type
    verify(response).setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=activityReport.csv");

    // AND returns an empty closed stream