   * Gets the compiler options to use for this test. Use getProcessor to determine what passes
   * should be run.
  protected CompilerOptions getOptions(CompilerOptions options) {

    // This doesn't affect whether checkSymbols is run--it just affects
    // whether variable warnings are filtered.
    options.checkSymbols = true;

    options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.MISSING_PROPERTIES, CheckLevel.WARNING);
    options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.INVALID_CASTS, CheckLevel.WARNING);
    return options;
 private Node parse(String[] original) {
   String[] argStrings = args.toArray(new String[] {});
   CommandLineRunner runner = new CommandLineRunner(argStrings);
   Compiler compiler = runner.createCompiler();
   List<SourceFile> inputs = Lists.newArrayList();
   for (int i = 0; i < original.length; i++) {
     inputs.add(SourceFile.fromCode(getFilename(i), original[i]));
   CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
   // ECMASCRIPT5 is the most forgiving.
   compiler.init(externs, inputs, options);
   Node all = compiler.parseInputs();
   Preconditions.checkState(compiler.getErrorCount() == 0);
   Node n = all.getLastChild();
   return n;
   * Verifies that the compiler pass's JS output matches the expected output and (optionally) that
   * an expected warning is issued. Or, if an error is expected, this method just verifies that the
   * error is encountered.
   * @param externs Externs inputs
   * @param js Inputs
   * @param expected Expected output, or null if an error is expected
   * @param error Expected error, or null if no error is expected
   * @param warning Expected warning, or null if no warning is expected
   * @param description The description of the expected warning, or null if no warning is expected
   *     or if the warning's description should not be examined
  private void test(
      List<SourceFile> externs,
      List<SourceFile> js,
      String expected,
      DiagnosticType error,
      DiagnosticType warning,
      String description) {
    Compiler compiler = createCompiler();
    lastCompiler = compiler;

    CompilerOptions options = getOptions();

    // Note that in this context, turning on the checkTypes option won't
    // actually cause the type check to run.
    options.checkTypes = parseTypeInfo;
    compiler.init(externs, js, options);


    test(compiler, maybeCreateArray(expected), error, warning, description);