Example #1
   * Updates column hint values by given axis attributes.
   * @param outputAttrs the latest axis attributes
   * @param cachedOutputAttrs the last(cached) axis attributes
   * @param newHint the column hint
  private static void updateColumnHintFromAxisAttrs(
      AxisAttributes axisAttributes, AxisAttributes cachedAxisAttributes, ColumnHint newHint) {
    if (axisAttributes == null) return;

    Object newValue = axisAttributes.getAxisType();
    Object oldValue = cachedAxisAttributes == null ? null : cachedAxisAttributes.getAxisType();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
          ColumnHint.ANALYSIS_MEMBER, convertAxisTypeToAnalysisType((AxisType) newValue));

    newValue = axisAttributes.isOnColumnLayout();
    oldValue = cachedAxisAttributes == null ? null : cachedAxisAttributes.isOnColumnLayout();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.ON_COLUMN_LAYOUT_MEMBER, newValue);

    newValue = axisAttributes.getRelatedColumns();
    oldValue = cachedAxisAttributes == null ? null : cachedAxisAttributes.getRelatedColumns();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      String analysisColumnName = null;
      DataElementIdentifiers columns = ((ResultSubset) newValue).getColumnIdentifiers();
      if (columns != null && !columns.getIdentifiers().isEmpty())
        analysisColumnName = columns.getIdentifiers().get(0).getName();
      newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.ANALYSIS_COLUMN_MEMBER, analysisColumnName);
Example #2
   * Updates column hint values by given data element attributes.
   * @param dataAttrs the latest data element attributes
   * @param cachedDataAttrs the last(cached) data element attributes
   * @param newHint the column hint
  private static void updateColumnHintFromDataAttrs(
      DataElementAttributes dataAttrs,
      DataElementAttributes cachedDataAttrs,
      ColumnHint newHint,
      OdaResultSetColumn column) {
    if (dataAttrs == null) return;

    Object oldValue = cachedDataAttrs == null ? null : cachedDataAttrs.getName();
    Object newValue = dataAttrs.getName();
    // If column name in hint already matches column name in column, don't
    // update it even if
    // oda has a new column name. Column name in hint and column has to
    // match as model use column name
    // as identifier to relate column and hint
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(
            newHint.getProperty(null, ColumnHint.COLUMN_NAME_MEMBER), column.getColumnName())
        && !CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue))
      newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.COLUMN_NAME_MEMBER, newValue);

    DataElementUIHints dataUIHints = dataAttrs.getUiHints();
    if (dataUIHints == null) return;

    DataElementUIHints cachedDataUIHints =
        cachedDataAttrs == null ? null : cachedDataAttrs.getUiHints();
    oldValue = cachedDataUIHints == null ? null : cachedDataUIHints.getDisplayName();
    newValue = dataUIHints.getDisplayName();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.DISPLAY_NAME_MEMBER, newValue);

    oldValue = cachedDataUIHints == null ? null : cachedDataUIHints.getDisplayNameKey();
    newValue = dataUIHints.getDisplayNameKey();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.DISPLAY_NAME_ID_MEMBER, newValue);

    // description to description in data ui hints: not support now

     * oldValue = cachedDataUIHints == null ? null : cachedDataUIHints
     * .getDescription( ); newValue = dataUIHints.getDescription( ); if (
     * oldValue == null || !oldValue.equals( newValue ) ) {
     * newHint.setProperty( ColumnHint.DESCRIPTION_MEMBER, newValue ); }
     * oldValue = cachedDataUIHints == null ? null : cachedDataUIHints
     * .getDescriptionKey( ); newValue = dataUIHints.getDescriptionKey( );
     * if ( oldValue == null || !oldValue.equals( newValue ) ) {
     * newHint.setProperty( ColumnHint.DESCRIPTION_ID_MEMBER, newValue ); }

Example #3
 public synchronized boolean contains(int key) {
   IntLinkedSetry buk[] = table;
   int index = hash(key) % buk.length;
   for (IntLinkedSetry e = buk[index]; e != null; e = e.next) {
     if (CompareUtil.equals(e.key, key)) {
       return true;
   return false;
Example #4
 public synchronized boolean containsValue(int value) {
   ENTRY tab[] = table;
   int i = tab.length;
   while (i-- > 0) {
     for (ENTRY e = tab[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
       if (CompareUtil.equals(e.value, value)) {
         return true;
   return false;
   * Updates values in InputElementAttributes to the given report parameter.
   * @param elementAttrs the latest input element attributes
   * @param cachedElementAttrs the cached input element attributes
   * @param reportParam the report parameter
   * @param setHandle the ROM data set that has the corresponding data set parameter
   * @throws SemanticException
  protected void updateInputElementAttrsToReportParam(
      InputElementAttributes elementAttrs,
      InputElementAttributes cachedElementAttrs,
      AbstractScalarParameterHandle reportParam,
      OdaDataSetHandle setHandle)
      throws SemanticException {
    if (elementAttrs == null) return;

    // update default values.

    updateDefaultValueToReportParam(elementAttrs, cachedElementAttrs, reportParam);

    // update isOptional value
    Boolean isOptional = Boolean.valueOf(elementAttrs.isOptional());
    Boolean cachedIsOptional =
        cachedElementAttrs == null ? null : Boolean.valueOf(cachedElementAttrs.isOptional());
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(cachedIsOptional, isOptional))
      setReportParamIsRequired(reportParam, ALLOW_BLANK_PROP_NAME, isOptional.booleanValue());

    // update selection choices
        cachedElementAttrs == null ? null : cachedElementAttrs.getStaticValueChoices(),

    // update dynamic list
    DynamicValuesQuery valueQuery = elementAttrs.getDynamicValueChoices();
        cachedElementAttrs == null ? null : cachedElementAttrs.getDynamicValueChoices(),

    // for dynamic parameter, the flag is in DynamicValuesQuery is true
    // for static parameter, the DynamicValuesQuery is null or the flag is
    // false

    DynamicValuesQuery cachedValueQuery =
        cachedElementAttrs == null ? null : cachedElementAttrs.getDynamicValueChoices();

    boolean isEnabled = (valueQuery == null) ? false : valueQuery.isEnabled();

    if (reportParam.getContainer() != null
        && reportParam.getContainer() instanceof CascadingParameterGroupHandle) isEnabled = true;

    if (cachedValueQuery == null || cachedValueQuery.isEnabled() != isEnabled) {
      if (isEnabled) reportParam.setValueType(DesignChoiceConstants.PARAM_VALUE_TYPE_DYNAMIC);
      else reportParam.setValueType(DesignChoiceConstants.PARAM_VALUE_TYPE_STATIC);
Example #6
   * Updates result set column values by given data element attributes.
   * @param dataAttrs the latest data element attributes
   * @param cachedDataAttrs the last (cached) data element attributes
   * @param newColumn the result set column
   * @param dataSourceId the data source id
   * @param dataSetId the data set id
   * @param params the iterator that includes oda result set columns
  private void updateResultSetColumnFromDataAttrs(
      DataElementAttributes dataAttrs,
      DataElementAttributes cachedDataAttrs,
      OdaResultSetColumn newColumn,
      String dataSourceId,
      String dataSetId) {
    if (dataAttrs == null) {

    Object oldValue = cachedDataAttrs == null ? null : cachedDataAttrs.getName();
    Object newValue = dataAttrs.getName();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      // if the native name is just empty, treat it as null

      String tmpNativeName = (String) newValue;
      if (tmpNativeName != null && tmpNativeName.length() == 0) tmpNativeName = null;


    oldValue = cachedDataAttrs == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(cachedDataAttrs.getPosition());
    newValue = Integer.valueOf(dataAttrs.getPosition());
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      newColumn.setPosition((Integer) newValue);

    oldValue =
        cachedDataAttrs == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(cachedDataAttrs.getNativeDataTypeCode());
    newValue = Integer.valueOf(dataAttrs.getNativeDataTypeCode());
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue) || newColumn.getNativeDataType() == null) {
      newColumn.setNativeDataType((Integer) newValue);

    newColumn.setDataType(getROMDataType(dataSourceId, dataSetId, newColumn));
Example #7
 public synchronized int remove(int key) {
   IntLinkedSetry buk[] = table;
   int index = hash(key) % buk.length;
   for (IntLinkedSetry e = buk[index], prev = null; e != null; prev = e, e = e.next) {
     if (CompareUtil.equals(e.key, key)) {
       if (prev != null) {
         prev.next = e.next;
       } else {
         buk[index] = e.next;
       return key;
   return NONE;
     MergeSourceViewer mergeSourceViewer, ReviewAnnotationModel annotationModel) {
   this.sourceViewer = CompareUtil.getSourceViewer(mergeSourceViewer);
   this.mergeSourceViewer = mergeSourceViewer;
   this.annotationModel = annotationModel;
Example #9
   * Updates column hint values by given output element attributes.
   * @param outputAttrs the latest output element attributes
   * @param cachedOutputAttrs the last(cached) output element attributes
   * @param newHint the column hint
  private static void updateColumnHintFromUsageHints(
      OutputElementAttributes outputAttrs,
      OutputElementAttributes cachedOutputAttrs,
      ColumnHint newHint,
      OdaResultSetColumn column) {
    if (outputAttrs == null) return;

    // help text and key

    Object oldValue = cachedOutputAttrs == null ? null : cachedOutputAttrs.getHelpText();
    Object newValue = outputAttrs.getHelpText();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.HELP_TEXT_MEMBER, newValue);

    oldValue = cachedOutputAttrs == null ? null : cachedOutputAttrs.getHelpTextKey();
    newValue = outputAttrs.getHelpTextKey();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.HELP_TEXT_ID_MEMBER, newValue);

    // m_label maps to heading

    oldValue = cachedOutputAttrs == null ? null : cachedOutputAttrs.getLabel();
    newValue = outputAttrs.getLabel();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.HEADING_MEMBER, newValue);

    oldValue = cachedOutputAttrs == null ? null : cachedOutputAttrs.getLabelKey();
    newValue = outputAttrs.getLabelKey();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.HEADING_ID_MEMBER, newValue);

    // for values in formatting.

    ValueFormatHints formatHints = outputAttrs.getFormattingHints();
    if (formatHints == null) return;

    ValueFormatHints cachedFormatHints =
        cachedOutputAttrs == null ? null : cachedOutputAttrs.getFormattingHints();
    oldValue = cachedFormatHints == null ? null : cachedFormatHints.getDisplayFormat();

    // convert display format in oda to pattern part of value-format member
    newValue = formatHints.getDisplayFormat();
    if (!CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
      FormatValue format = (FormatValue) newHint.getProperty(null, ColumnHint.VALUE_FORMAT_MEMBER);
      if (format == null && newValue != null) {
        format = StructureFactory.newFormatValue();
        newHint.setProperty(ColumnHint.VALUE_FORMAT_MEMBER, format);

      // add logic to fix 32742: if the column is date-time, then do some
      // special handle for the format string in IO
      if (newValue != null
          && (column != null
              && DesignChoiceConstants.COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_DATETIME.equals(column.getDataType()))) {
        String formatValue = (String) newValue;
        newValue = formatValue.replaceFirst("mm/", "MM/"); // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
      if (format != null) format.setPattern((String) newValue);

    // not support display length
     * newValue = formatHints.getDisplaySize( ); oldValue =
     * cachedFormatHints == null ? null : cachedFormatHints .getDisplaySize(
     * ); if ( oldValue == null || !oldValue.equals( newValue ) ) {
     * newHint.setProperty( ColumnHint.DISPLAY_LENGTH_MEMBER, newValue ); }

    newValue = formatHints.getHorizontalAlignment();
    oldValue = cachedFormatHints == null ? null : cachedFormatHints.getHorizontalAlignment();
    if (formatHints.isSetHorizontalAlignment() && !CompareUtil.isEquals(oldValue, newValue)) {
          convertToROMHorizontalAlignment((HorizontalAlignment) newValue));

    // not support word-wrap
     * newValue = formatHints.getTextWrapType( ); oldValue =
     * cachedFormatHints == null ? null : cachedFormatHints
     * .getTextWrapType( );
     * if ( oldValue == null || !oldValue.equals( newValue ) ) {
     * newHint.setProperty( ColumnHint.WORD_WRAP_MEMBER,
     * convertToROMWordWrap( (TextWrapType) newValue ) ); }

    // cannot handle text format since two objects in ODA and ROM are
    // different.
Example #10
 public boolean equals(Object o) {
   if (!(o instanceof IntLinkedSetry)) return false;
   IntLinkedSetry e = (IntLinkedSetry) o;
   return CompareUtil.equals(e.key, key);
Example #11
 private synchronized int _put(int key, MODE m) {
   IntLinkedSetry buk[] = table;
   int index = hash(key) % buk.length;
   for (IntLinkedSetry e = buk[index]; e != null; e = e.next) {
     if (CompareUtil.equals(e.key, key)) {
       switch (m) {
         case FORCE_FIRST:
           if (header.link_next != e) {
             chain(header, header.link_next, e);
         case FORCE_LAST:
           if (header.link_prev != e) {
             chain(header.link_prev, header, e);
       return key;
   if (max > 0) {
     switch (m) {
       case FORCE_FIRST:
       case FIRST:
         while (count >= max) {
           int v = header.link_prev.key;
       case FORCE_LAST:
       case LAST:
         while (count >= max) {
           int v = header.link_next.key;
   if (count >= threshold) {
     buk = table;
     index = hash(key) % buk.length;
   IntLinkedSetry e = new IntLinkedSetry(key, buk[index]);
   buk[index] = e;
   switch (m) {
     case FORCE_FIRST:
     case FIRST:
       chain(header, header.link_next, e);
     case FORCE_LAST:
     case LAST:
       chain(header.link_prev, header, e);
   return NONE;