Class cast in Java is a type of conversion that is used to change the data type of an object to a different class type. This is often necessary when the original class type does not support certain operations or methods.
In this example, we create an object of the String class and assign it to a variable of type Object. We then cast the Object to a String to access its methods and properties.
2. Converting a Number to an Integer:
Number num = 10.5; Integer i = (Integer) num;
In this example, we create a variable of type Number and assign it a decimal value. We then cast the Number to an Integer to convert it to a whole number.
These examples are part of the Java Standard Library and do not require any additional package or library.
However, in some cases, casting may require the use of external libraries or packages, such as when casting between custom data types or using specialized functions. In these situations, you may need to import the appropriate packages or libraries to use the casting functionality.
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