  public void shouldApplyReverseCharConversion() {
    CharTarget target = new CharTarget();

    CharSource source = CharMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSource(target);

  public void shouldApplyCharConversion() {
    CharSource source = new CharSource();

    CharTarget target = CharMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTarget(source);

Example #3
  * fetch a bit of lookahead for use in messages for exceptions. The lookahead is pushed back into
  * the input afterwards.
 private String lookahead() {
   // Read up to 30 chars for a decent error message
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(30);
   int i;
   try {
     for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
       int ch = in.read();
       if (ch == -1) break;
       sb.append((char) ch);
   } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
     in.pushBack(sb, 0);
     return "IOException when trying to generate context info";
   String result;
   if (i == 30) result = sb.substring(0, 27) + "...";
   else result = sb.toString() + "[EOF]";
   in.pushBack(sb, 0);
   return result;
Example #4
   * finds the next match in the current input, appends it to <code>out</code> and returns the
   * {@link FaAction} associated with the match. Input is read until a match is found, {@link
   * #maxCopy} is reached or EOF is hit. Non-matching input is handled according to {@link
   * #setOnFailedMatch setOnFailedMatch()}. In particular:
   * <dl>
   *   <dt>{@link #UNMATCHED_COPY}
   *   <dd>will append up to {@link #maxCopy} non-matching characters in front of the match. If
   *       <code>maxCopy</code> is reached before the match, <b>no matching text is returned</b>,
   *       only the non-matching characters. In this case the return value is <code>null</code>, and
   *       should <code>maxCopy</code> be &le;&nbsp;1, then 1 character is always delivered. If a
   *       match is found before <code>maxCopy</code> is reached, the match is appended to <code>out
   *       </code>. To find out where the match actually starts, call {@link #matchStart()}.
   *   <dt>{@link #UNMATCHED_DROP}
   *   <dd>will drop (delete) unmatched text. In this case the matching text is the only text
   *       appended to <code>out</code>.
   *   <dt>{@link #UNMATCHED_THROW}
   *   <dd>causes a {@link monq.jfa.NomatchException} to be thrown. No text will be appended to
   *       <code>out</code> and the offenting text will still be available in the {@link CharSource}
   *       serving as input to <code>this</code>.
   * </dl>
   * <p><b>Hint:</b> Use this method if you are interested only in a simple tokenization of the
   * input. The actions returned may serve as the token type. If you however want to apply the
   * actions returned immediately to the match, then rather use one of the <code>read</code> or
   * <code>filter</code> methods. If you find yourself using <code>if</code> statements on the
   * <code>FaAction</code> returned, you are definitively doing something wrong.
   * @return
   *     <dl>
   *       <dt>eofAction
   *       <dd>When EOF is hit the first time and the <code>Dfa</code> operated has a action set for
   *           EOF which is not <code>null</code> this is returned (see {@link Nfa#compile
   *           Nfa.compile()}).
   *       <dt>{@link #EOF}
   *       <dd>if EOF is hit and <code>eofAction</code> was already delivered or is <code>null
   *           </code>. The output may have non-matching input that was found just before EOF.
   *       <dt><code>null</code>
   *       <dd>if <code>UNMATCHED_COPY</code> is active and <code>maxCopy</code> non-matching
   *           characters where found before a match was encountered.
   *       <dt>an action
   *       <dd>found for a match.
   *     </dl>
  public FaAction next(StringBuilder out) throws java.io.IOException {
    matchStart = out.length();
    FaAction a = dfa.match(in, out, smd);

    if (a == null) {
      // There was no match, so we have to search for the first
      // match. Note: there is always at least one character available as
      // long as not Dfa.EOF is returned by dfa.match()
      if (onFailedMatch == UNMATCHED_COPY) {
        int unmatched = 0;
        do {
          out.append((char) (in.read()));
          unmatched += 1;
          a = dfa.match(in, out, smd);
        } while (a == null && unmatched < maxCopy);
        matchStart += unmatched;

      } else if (onFailedMatch == UNMATCHED_DROP) {
        do {
          a = dfa.match(in, out, smd);
        } while (a == null);

      } else {
        // everything else is a failure
        String emsg = lookahead();
        throw new NomatchException(
            "no matching regular expression " + "when looking at `" + emsg + "'");

    // We handle EOF and eofAction as if we have found a match
    if (a == EOF && dfa.eofAction != null && eofArmed) {
      eofArmed = false;
      return dfa.eofAction;

    return a;
Example #5
  * Joins multiple {@link Reader} suppliers into a single supplier. Reader returned from the
  * supplier will contain the concatenated data from the readers of the underlying suppliers.
  * <p>Reading from the joined reader will throw a {@link NullPointerException} if any of the
  * suppliers are null or return null.
  * <p>Only one underlying reader will be open at a time. Closing the joined reader will close the
  * open underlying reader.
  * @param suppliers the suppliers to concatenate
  * @return a supplier that will return a reader containing the concatenated data
  * @deprecated Use {@link CharSource#concat(Iterable)} instead. This method is scheduled for
  *     removal in Guava 18.0.
 public static InputSupplier<Reader> join(
     final Iterable<? extends InputSupplier<? extends Reader>> suppliers) {
   Iterable<CharSource> sources =
           new Function<InputSupplier<? extends Reader>, CharSource>() {
             public CharSource apply(InputSupplier<? extends Reader> input) {
               return asCharSource(input);
   return asInputSupplier(CharSource.concat(sources));
Example #6
  * shoves back characters into the input of the <code>DfaRun</code> while deleting them from the
  * given <code>StringBuilder</code>. The characters will be the first to be read when the machine
  * performs the next match, e.g. when {@link #read} is called.
 public void unskip(StringBuilder s, int startAt) {
   in.pushBack(s, startAt);
Example #7
  * reads one character immediately from the input source and returns it without filtering. If
  * filtered characters are already available because of a previous {@link #read()}, these are not
  * touched and will be used in the next call to one of the <code>read()</code> functions.
 public int skip() throws java.io.IOException {
   return in.read();
Example #8
 public CharSource createSource(String data) throws IOException {
   return CharSource.empty();
Example #9
  * Returns a factory that will supply instances of {@link StringReader} that read a string value.
  * @param value the string to read
  * @return the factory
  * @deprecated Use {@link CharSource#wrap(CharSequence)} instead. This method is scheduled for
  *     removal in Guava 18.0.
 public static InputSupplier<StringReader> newReaderSupplier(final String value) {
   return asInputSupplier(CharSource.wrap(value));
Example #10
 public CharSource asCharSource(Charset charset) {
   return CharSource.empty();