Example #1
  // Check if DatagramChannel.send while connected can include
  // address without throwing
  private static void test1() throws Exception {

    DatagramChannel sndChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
    InetSocketAddress sender =
        new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), sndChannel.socket().getLocalPort());

    DatagramChannel rcvChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
    InetSocketAddress receiver =
        new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), rcvChannel.socket().getLocalPort());


    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(256);
    int sent = sndChannel.send(bb, receiver);
    CharBuffer cb = Charset.forName("US-ASCII").newDecoder().decode(bb);
    if (!cb.toString().startsWith("h")) throw new RuntimeException("Test failed");

Example #2
  protected CoderResult encodeLoop(CharBuffer src, ByteBuffer dst) {
    int mark = src.position();

    if (needsMark) {
      if (dst.remaining() < 2) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
      put(BYTE_ORDER_MARK, dst);
      needsMark = false;

    try {
      while (src.hasRemaining()) {
        char c = src.get();
        if (!Surrogate.is(c)) {
          if (dst.remaining() < 2) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
          put(c, dst);
        int d = sgp.parse(c, src);
        if (d < 0) return sgp.error();
        if (dst.remaining() < 4) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
        mark += 2;
        put(Surrogate.high(d), dst);
        put(Surrogate.low(d), dst);
      return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
    } finally {
 public static void main(String[] arguments) {
   try {
     // read byte data into a byte buffer
     String data = "friends.dat";
     FileInputStream inData = new FileInputStream(data);
     FileChannel inChannel = inData.getChannel();
     long inSize = inChannel.size();
     ByteBuffer source = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) inSize);
     inChannel.read(source, 0);
     System.out.println("Original byte data:");
     for (int i = 0; source.remaining() > 0; i++) {
       System.out.print(source.get() + " ");
     // convert byte data into character data
     Charset ascii = Charset.forName("US-ASCII");
     CharsetDecoder toAscii = ascii.newDecoder();
     CharBuffer destination = toAscii.decode(source);
     System.out.println("\n\nNew character data:");
     for (int i = 0; destination.remaining() > 0; i++) {
   } catch (FileNotFoundException fne) {
   } catch (IOException ioe) {
Example #4
 static boolean check(CharsetDecoder dec, byte[] bytes, boolean direct, int[] flow) {
   int inPos = flow[0];
   int inLen = flow[1];
   int outPos = flow[2];
   int outLen = flow[3];
   int expedInPos = flow[4];
   int expedOutPos = flow[5];
   CoderResult expedCR = (flow[6] == 0) ? CoderResult.UNDERFLOW : CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
   ByteBuffer bbf;
   CharBuffer cbf;
   if (direct) {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(inPos + bytes.length);
     cbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect((outPos + outLen) * 2).asCharBuffer();
   } else {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.allocate(inPos + bytes.length);
     cbf = CharBuffer.allocate(outPos + outLen);
   bbf.put(bytes).flip().position(inPos).limit(inPos + inLen);
   CoderResult cr = dec.decode(bbf, cbf, false);
   if (cr != expedCR || bbf.position() != expedInPos || cbf.position() != expedOutPos) {
     System.out.printf("Expected(direct=%5b): [", direct);
     for (int i : flow) System.out.print(" " + i);
         "]  CR=" + cr + ", inPos=" + bbf.position() + ", outPos=" + cbf.position());
     return false;
   return true;
Example #5
  // Check if the datagramsocket adaptor can send with a packet
  // that has not been initialized with an address; the legacy
  // datagram socket will send in this case
  private static void test2() throws Exception {
    DatagramChannel sndChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
    InetSocketAddress sender =
        new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), sndChannel.socket().getLocalPort());

    DatagramChannel rcvChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
    InetSocketAddress receiver =
        new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), rcvChannel.socket().getLocalPort());


    byte b[] = "hello".getBytes("UTF-8");
    DatagramPacket pkt = new DatagramPacket(b, b.length);

    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(256);
    CharBuffer cb = Charset.forName("US-ASCII").newDecoder().decode(bb);
    if (!cb.toString().startsWith("h")) throw new RuntimeException("Test failed");

    // Check that the pkt got set with the target address;
    // This is legacy behavior
    if (!pkt.getSocketAddress().equals(receiver)) throw new RuntimeException("Test failed");

Example #6
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a'});
   printnb("Byte Buffer ");
   while (bb.hasRemaining()) printnb(bb.position() + " -> " + bb.get() + ", ");
   CharBuffer cb = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asCharBuffer();
   printnb("Char Buffer ");
   while (cb.hasRemaining()) printnb(cb.position() + " -> " + cb.get() + ", ");
   FloatBuffer fb = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asFloatBuffer();
   printnb("Float Buffer ");
   while (fb.hasRemaining()) printnb(fb.position() + " -> " + fb.get() + ", ");
   IntBuffer ib = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asIntBuffer();
   printnb("Int Buffer ");
   while (ib.hasRemaining()) printnb(ib.position() + " -> " + ib.get() + ", ");
   LongBuffer lb = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asLongBuffer();
   printnb("Long Buffer ");
   while (lb.hasRemaining()) printnb(lb.position() + " -> " + lb.get() + ", ");
   ShortBuffer sb = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asShortBuffer();
   printnb("Short Buffer ");
   while (sb.hasRemaining()) printnb(sb.position() + " -> " + sb.get() + ", ");
   DoubleBuffer db = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asDoubleBuffer();
   printnb("Double Buffer ");
   while (db.hasRemaining()) printnb(db.position() + " -> " + db.get() + ", ");
  public CharBuffer put(CharBuffer src) {

    if (src instanceof DirectCharBufferS) {
      if (src == this) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
      DirectCharBufferS sb = (DirectCharBufferS) src;

      int spos = sb.position();
      int slim = sb.limit();
      assert (spos <= slim);
      int srem = (spos <= slim ? slim - spos : 0);

      int pos = position();
      int lim = limit();
      assert (pos <= lim);
      int rem = (pos <= lim ? lim - pos : 0);

      if (srem > rem) throw new BufferOverflowException();
      unsafe.copyMemory(sb.ix(spos), ix(pos), srem << 1);
      sb.position(spos + srem);
      position(pos + srem);
    } else if (!src.isDirect()) {

      int spos = src.position();
      int slim = src.limit();
      assert (spos <= slim);
      int srem = (spos <= slim ? slim - spos : 0);

      put(src.hb, src.offset + spos, srem);
      src.position(spos + srem);

    } else {
    return this;
  private String digestToBase64(byte[] digest, int len) {
    CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.allocate();

    Base64.encode(cb, digest, 0, len);

    return cb.close();
 protected long computeEstimatedMemorySize() {
   long result = 0;
   if (!textArray.isDirect()) result += (Character.SIZE / 8) * textArray.capacity();
   result += (Integer.SIZE / 8) * textIndexArray.length;
   result += (Double.SIZE / 8) * latlonArray.length;
   return result;
Example #10
 static byte[] encode(char[] cc, Charset cs, boolean testDirect, Time t) throws Exception {
   ByteBuffer bbf;
   CharBuffer cbf;
   CharsetEncoder enc = cs.newEncoder();
   String csn = cs.name();
   if (testDirect) {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cc.length * 4);
     cbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cc.length * 2).asCharBuffer();
   } else {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.allocate(cc.length * 4);
     cbf = CharBuffer.wrap(cc);
   CoderResult cr = null;
   long t1 = System.nanoTime() / 1000;
   for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
     cr = enc.encode(cbf, bbf, true);
   long t2 = System.nanoTime() / 1000;
   t.t = (t2 - t1) / iteration;
   if (cr != CoderResult.UNDERFLOW) {
     int pos = cbf.position();
     System.out.printf("  cr=%s, cbf.pos=%d, cc[pos]=%x%n", cr.toString(), pos, cc[pos] & 0xffff);
     throw new RuntimeException("Encoding err: " + csn);
   byte[] bb = new byte[bbf.position()];
   return bb;
 protected PlaceNameChunk createPlaceNameChunk(PlaceNameService service) {
   int numChars = this.textArray.length();
   CharBuffer textBuffer = newCharBuffer(numChars);
   return new PlaceNameChunk(
       service, textBuffer, this.textIndexArray, this.latlonArray, this.numEntries);
   * Writes all data written up to the moment to out.
   * @param out
   * @throws IOException
  public void writeTo(Writer writer) throws IOException {
    CharBuffer b = firstBuffer;

    while (b != null) {
      writer.write(b.getChars(), 0, b.getUsedSize());
      b = b.getNext();
Example #13
 public void getChars(int where, int len, Segment txt) throws BadLocationException {
   CharBuffer b = buffer;
   int start = b.getSegment(where, len);
   if (start < 0) throw new BadLocationException("invalid offset", where);
   txt.offset = start;
   txt.array = b.getArray();
   txt.count = len;
  public void printTo(ServletOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
    CharBuffer b = firstBuffer;

    while (b != null) {
      outputStream.print(new String(b.getChars()));
      b = b.getNext();
Example #15
 public SwingContent(int initialSize) {
   CharBuffer b = new CharBuffer(initialSize);
   // Swing assumes that a Content object is initialized to contain
   // a single '\n'.  This of course is not clearly documented ...
   b.gapEnd = initialSize - 1;
   b.getArray()[b.gapEnd] = '\n';
   this.buffer = b;
 public static IndexedCollection<Character> ofCharacter(
     @NotNull Collection<Character> intCollection) {
   CharBuffer vals = CharBuffer.allocate(intCollection.size());
   return new CharacterBufferCollection(vals);
 public int read(CharBuffer cb) {
   if (count-- == 0) return -1; // Indicates end of input
   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
   cb.append(" ");
   return 10; // Number of characters appended
 public void forEachRemaining(IntConsumer action) {
   if (action == null) throw new NullPointerException();
   CharBuffer cb = buffer;
   int i = index;
   int hi = limit;
   index = hi;
   while (i < hi) {
Example #19
   * Prints a String to the log.
   * @param buffer receiving byte buffer.
   * @param offset offset into the receiving buffer.
   * @param s the new string to be logged.
   * @return the new offset into the byte buffer.
  private int print(byte[] buffer, int offset, String s) {
    int length = s.length();

    char[] cBuf = _cb.getBuffer();

    s.getChars(0, length, cBuf, 0);

    for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) buffer[offset + i] = (byte) cBuf[i];

    return offset + length;
Example #20
   * Mon, 17 Jan 1994 11:14:55 -0500 (EST)
  public String printDate() {
    if (_lastDate != null && _lastTime == _localTimeOfEpoch) return _lastDate;

    CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer();


    _lastDate = cb.toString();
    _lastTime = _localTimeOfEpoch;

    return _lastDate;
Example #21
  public UndoableEdit insertString(int where, String str, boolean beforeMarkers)
      throws BadLocationException {
    CharBuffer b = buffer;
    if (where < 0 || where > b.length()) throw new BadLocationException("bad insert", where);
    b.insert(where, str, beforeMarkers);

    GapUndoableEdit undo = new GapUndoableEdit(where);
    undo.content = this;
    undo.data = str;
    undo.nitems = str.length();
    undo.isInsertion = true;
    return undo;
Example #22
   * Draw every char in separate terminal cell to guaranty equal width for different lines.
   * Nevertheless to improve kerning we draw word characters as one block for monospaced fonts.
  private void drawChars(int x, int y, CharBuffer buf, TextStyle style, Graphics2D gfx) {
    final int blockLen = 1;
    int offset = 0;
    int drawCharsOffset = 0;

    // workaround to fix Swing bad rendering of bold special chars on Linux
    // TODO required for italic?
    CharBuffer renderingBuffer;
    if (mySettingsProvider.DECCompatibilityMode() && style.hasOption(TextStyle.Option.BOLD)) {
      renderingBuffer = CharUtils.heavyDecCompatibleBuffer(buf);
    } else {
      renderingBuffer = buf;

    while (offset + blockLen <= buf.length()) {
      if (renderingBuffer.getBuf()[buf.getStart() + offset] == CharUtils.DWC) {
        offset += blockLen;
        drawCharsOffset += blockLen;
        continue; // dont' draw second part(fake one) of double width character

      Font font = getFontToDisplay(buf.charAt(offset + blockLen - 1), style);
      //      while (myMonospaced && (offset + blockLen < buf.getLength()) &&
      // isWordCharacter(buf.charAt(offset + blockLen - 1))
      //              && (font == getFontToDisplay(buf.charAt(offset + blockLen - 1), style))) {
      //        blockLen++;
      //      }

      int descent = gfx.getFontMetrics(font).getDescent();
      int baseLine = (y + 1) * myCharSize.height - descent;
      int xCoord = (x + drawCharsOffset) * myCharSize.width;
      int textLength =
              buf.getStart() + offset,

      int yCoord = y * myCharSize.height;

          Math.min(textLength * myCharSize.width, getWidth() - xCoord),
          Math.min(myCharSize.height, getHeight() - yCoord));


      gfx.drawChars(renderingBuffer.getBuf(), buf.getStart() + offset, blockLen, xCoord, baseLine);

      drawCharsOffset += blockLen;
      offset += blockLen;
Example #23
  public UndoableEdit remove(int where, int nitems) throws BadLocationException {
    CharBuffer b = buffer;
    if (nitems < 0 || where < 0 || where + nitems > b.length())
      throw new BadLocationException("invalid remove", where);

    b.delete(where, nitems);

    GapUndoableEdit undo = new GapUndoableEdit(where);
    undo.content = this;
    undo.data = new String(b.getArray(), b.gapEnd - nitems, nitems);
    undo.nitems = nitems;
    undo.isInsertion = false;
    return undo;
   * Writes all data written up to the moment to string buffer.
   * @param out
   * @throws IOException
  public char[] toCharArray() {
    CharBuffer b = firstBuffer;

    if (b == null) {
      return new char[0];

    CharBuffer l = b;

    while (l.getNext() != null) {
      l = l.getNext();

    char[] result = new char[l.getTotalSize()];
    int index = 0;

    while (b != null) {
      int s = b.getUsedSize();

      System.arraycopy(b.getChars(), 0, result, index, s);
      index += s;
      b = b.getNext();

    return result;
Example #25
  private int parseInt(CharBuffer cb) throws Exception {
    int value = 0;
    int sign = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < cb.length(); i++) {
      int ch = cb.charAt(i);
      if (i == 0 && ch == '-') sign = -1;
      else if (i == 0 && ch == '+') {
      } else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') value = 10 * value + ch - '0';
      else throw new Exception();

    return sign * value;
   * Creates a string in a specfied character set.
   * @param value String constant, must not be null
   * @param charsetName Name of the character set, may be null
   * @param collation Collation, may be null
   * @throws IllegalCharsetNameException If the given charset name is illegal
   * @throws UnsupportedCharsetException If no support for the named charset is available in this
   *     instance of the Java virtual machine
   * @throws RuntimeException If the given value cannot be represented in the given charset
  public NlsString(String value, String charsetName, SqlCollation collation) {
    assert value != null;
    if (null != charsetName) {
      charsetName = charsetName.toUpperCase();
      this.charsetName = charsetName;
      String javaCharsetName = SqlUtil.translateCharacterSetName(charsetName);
      if (javaCharsetName == null) {
        throw new UnsupportedCharsetException(charsetName);
      this.charset = Charset.forName(javaCharsetName);
      CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder();

      // dry run to see if encoding hits any problems
      try {
      } catch (CharacterCodingException ex) {
        throw RESOURCE.charsetEncoding(value, javaCharsetName).ex();
    } else {
      this.charsetName = null;
      this.charset = null;
    this.collation = collation;
    this.value = value;
Example #27
 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
   String s = "abc\uD800\uDC00qrst"; // Valid surrogate
   char[] c = s.toCharArray();
   CharsetEncoder enc =
   /* Process the first 4 characters, including the high surrogate
   which should be stored */
   ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
   CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(c);
   enc.encode(cb, bb, false);
   enc.encode(cb, bb, true);
   byte[] first = bb.array();
   for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
     System.err.printf("[%d]=%d was %d\n", i, (int) first[i] & 0xffff, (int) c[i] & 0xffff);
  public static IndexedCollection<Character> ofCharacter(@NotNull ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
    int magic = byteBuffer.getInt();
    if (magic != MAGIC) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad magic number");
    int version = byteBuffer.getInt();
    if (version != VERSION) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad version number");

    int size = byteBuffer.getInt();
    CharBuffer values = byteBuffer.asCharBuffer();
    byteBuffer.position(byteBuffer.position() + size * Integer.BYTES);
    return new CharacterBufferCollection(values.slice());
  /** @see java.io.Writer.write(char cbuf[]) */
  public void write(char[] cbuf) throws IOException {
    if (cbuf == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException();

    lastBuffer = lastBuffer.append(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length);
    length += cbuf.length;
Example #30
   * Gets a Reader for a text flavor, decoded, if necessary, for the expected charset (encoding).
   * The supported representation classes are <code>java.io.Reader</code>, <code>java.lang.String
   * </code>, <code>java.nio.CharBuffer</code>, <code>[C</code>, <code>java.io.InputStream</code>,
   * <code>java.nio.ByteBuffer</code>, and <code>[B</code>.
   * <p>Because text flavors which do not support the charset parameter are encoded in a
   * non-standard format, this method should not be called for such flavors. However, in order to
   * maintain backward-compatibility, if this method is called for such a flavor, this method will
   * treat the flavor as though it supports the charset parameter and attempt to decode it
   * accordingly. See <code>selectBestTextFlavor</code> for a list of text flavors which do not
   * support the charset parameter.
   * @param transferable the <code>Transferable</code> whose data will be requested in this flavor
   * @return a <code>Reader</code> to read the <code>Transferable</code>'s data
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the representation class is not one of the seven listed
   *     above
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the <code>Transferable</code> has <code>null</code> data
   * @exception NullPointerException if the <code>Transferable</code> is <code>null</code>
   * @exception UnsupportedEncodingException if this flavor's representation is <code>
   *     java.io.InputStream</code>, <code>java.nio.ByteBuffer</code>, or <code>[B</code> and this
   *     flavor's encoding is not supported by this implementation of the Java platform
   * @exception UnsupportedFlavorException if the <code>Transferable</code> does not support this
   *     flavor
   * @exception IOException if the data cannot be read because of an I/O error
   * @see #selectBestTextFlavor
   * @since 1.3
  public Reader getReaderForText(Transferable transferable)
      throws UnsupportedFlavorException, IOException {
    Object transferObject = transferable.getTransferData(this);
    if (transferObject == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("getTransferData() returned null");

    if (transferObject instanceof Reader) {
      return (Reader) transferObject;
    } else if (transferObject instanceof String) {
      return new StringReader((String) transferObject);
    } else if (transferObject instanceof CharBuffer) {
      CharBuffer buffer = (CharBuffer) transferObject;
      int size = buffer.remaining();
      char[] chars = new char[size];
      buffer.get(chars, 0, size);
      return new CharArrayReader(chars);
    } else if (transferObject instanceof char[]) {
      return new CharArrayReader((char[]) transferObject);

    InputStream stream = null;

    if (transferObject instanceof InputStream) {
      stream = (InputStream) transferObject;
    } else if (transferObject instanceof ByteBuffer) {
      ByteBuffer buffer = (ByteBuffer) transferObject;
      int size = buffer.remaining();
      byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
      buffer.get(bytes, 0, size);
      stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
    } else if (transferObject instanceof byte[]) {
      stream = new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) transferObject);

    if (stream == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "transfer data is not Reader, String, CharBuffer, char array, InputStream, ByteBuffer, or byte array");

    String encoding = getParameter("charset");
    return (encoding == null)
        ? new InputStreamReader(stream)
        : new InputStreamReader(stream, encoding);