protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    // ================================!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!================================
    // Hey guys. There is this bug where if you go from the start page to the Lifestyles page, then
    // press submit we get a 500.
    // This results because some attributes have not been set from previous pages. See this
    // application assumes that
    // The client went through the sequential order correctly you guys should fix that.
    // Also you may have to just re-write this whole servlet, for we have no guarantee that our
    // implementations of the algorithms for this project work.
    // We were not given test data so we only followed instructions as best we could.
    // ================================!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!================================
    // Model Calculate:
    // return results list <String nameType, int dollarValue>
    // Set to attribute : allResults
    // Get QuarterExtra default=0;
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();

    String degree = (String) session.getAttribute("school_program");
    String region = (String) session.getAttribute("aspirations_region");

    double salary = salaryManager.getSalaryByDegreeAndRegion(degree, region).getSalary();
    int salaryPerMonth = (int) (salary / 12);

    // ===== Savings
    double savingsAmount = (Double) session.getAttribute("lifestyle_savings");
    int savings = (int) savingsAmount;

    // ===== Student loan
    double studentLoanPercent = (Double) session.getAttribute("school_loanPercent");
    int extraQuarters = (Integer) session.getAttribute("school_extraQuarters");
    if (request.getParameter("additionalQuarter") != null) {
      session.setAttribute("school_extraQuarters", extraQuarters);
    int quarters = (degreeManager.getQuarters(degree).getQuarters()) + extraQuarters;
    double grants = (Double) session.getAttribute("school_grants");
    double schoolInterest = (Double) session.getAttribute("school_interest");
    double initialSchoolPay = (quarters * 7200) - grants - savings;
    double studentLoanPayment =
        (((initialSchoolPay) + (initialSchoolPay * (schoolInterest / 100))) / 120)
            * (studentLoanPercent / 100);
    double studentHousingPayment = getStudentHousingRent(session);
    int totalLoanPayment = (int) (studentLoanPayment + studentHousingPayment);

    // ===== Income tax
    double taxPercent = salaryManager.getSalaryByDegreeAndRegion(degree, region).getTaxBracket();
    double incomeTax = salary * taxPercent;
    int incomeTaxPerMonth = (int) (incomeTax / 12);

    // ===== Miscellaneous
    double foodBudgetWeekly = (Double) session.getAttribute("weekly_food_budget");
    double monthlyFoodExpense = (foodBudgetWeekly * 52) / 12;
    double gameSpending = (Double) session.getAttribute("lifestyle_gameSpending");
    double otherSpending = (Double) session.getAttribute("other_spending");
    int miscellaneous =
        (int) (foodBudgetWeekly + monthlyFoodExpense + gameSpending + otherSpending);

    // ===== Car
    String carCondition = (String) session.getAttribute("aspirations_carCondition");
    String carQuality = (String) session.getAttribute("aspirations_carQuality");
    int carCost;
    if (carCondition.contains("No")) {
      carCost = 0;
    } else if (carQuality.contains("Above")) {
      carCost = carManager.getCarByQuality(carCondition).getHigh();
    } else if (carQuality.contains("Below")) {
      carCost = carManager.getCarByQuality(carCondition).getLow();
    } else { // Average
      carCost = carManager.getCarByQuality(carCondition).getMiddle();
    double carInterest = (Double) session.getAttribute("aspirations_interest");
    int monthlyCarExpenses = (int) ((carCost / (12 * 5)) + (carCost * (carInterest / 100)));

    // ===== Post-grad housing
    int postGradHousingPayment = getPostGradHousing(session);

    // ===== Other debt
    double creditDebt = (Double) session.getAttribute("school_creditDebt");
    double medicalDebt = (Double) session.getAttribute("school_medicalDebt");
    double loanDebt = (Double) session.getAttribute("school_loanDebt");
    int otherDebt = (int) (creditDebt + medicalDebt + loanDebt);

    // ===== Discretionary income
    int discretionaryIncome =
                - totalLoanPayment
                - incomeTaxPerMonth
                - miscellaneous
                - monthlyCarExpenses
                - postGradHousingPayment);

    request.setAttribute("salary", salaryPerMonth);
    request.setAttribute("studentLoans", totalLoanPayment);
    request.setAttribute("incomeTax", incomeTaxPerMonth);
    request.setAttribute("miscellaneous", miscellaneous);
    request.setAttribute("carExpenses", monthlyCarExpenses);
    request.setAttribute("mortgageRent", postGradHousingPayment);
    request.setAttribute("otherDebt", otherDebt);
    request.setAttribute("savings", savings);
    request.setAttribute("discretionaryIncome", discretionaryIncome);
        .forward(request, response);