Example #1
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Callee1 c1 = new Callee1();
   Callee2 c2 = new Callee2();
   Caller caller1 = new Caller(c1);
   Caller caller2 = new Caller(c2.getCallbackReference());
Example #2
  * Retrieves detailed artist info for the given artist or mbid entry.
  * @param artistOrMbid Name of the artist or an mbid
  * @param locale The language to fetch info in, or <code>null</code>
  * @param apiKey The API key
  * @return detailed artist info
 public static final Artist getInfo(
     final Context context, final String artistOrMbid, final Locale locale, final String apiKey) {
   final Map<String, String> mParams = new WeakHashMap<String, String>();
   mParams.put("artist", artistOrMbid);
   if (locale != null && locale.getLanguage().length() != 0) {
     mParams.put("lang", locale.getLanguage());
   final Result mResult = Caller.getInstance(context).call("artist.getInfo", apiKey, mParams);
   return ResponseBuilder.buildItem(mResult, Artist.class);
Example #3
  * Get the tags applied by an individual user to an album on Last.fm.
  * @param artist The artist name in question
  * @param album The album name in question
  * @param session A Session instance
  * @return a list of tags
 public static Collection<String> getTags(String artist, String album, Session session) {
   Result result =
       Caller.getInstance().call("album.getTags", session, "artist", artist, "album", album);
   if (!result.isSuccessful()) return Collections.emptyList();
   DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
   Collection<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();
   for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("tag")) {
   return tags;
Example #4
  * Get the metadata for an album on Last.fm using the album name or a musicbrainz id. See
  * playlist.fetch on how to get the album playlist.
  * @param artist Artist's name
  * @param albumOrMbid Album name or MBID
  * @param apiKey The API key
  * @return Album metadata
 public static Album getInfo(String artist, String albumOrMbid, String apiKey) {
   Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
   if (StringUtilities.isMbid(albumOrMbid)) {
     params.put("mbid", albumOrMbid);
   } else {
     params.put("artist", artist);
     params.put("album", albumOrMbid);
   Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("album.getInfo", apiKey, params);
   DomElement element = result.getContentElement();
   return albumFromElement(element);
Example #5
  * Get the metadata for an album on Last.fm using the album name or a musicbrainz id. See
  * playlist.fetch on how to get the album playlist.
  * @param artist Artist's name
  * @param albumOrMbid Album name or MBID
  * @param username The username for the context of the request. If supplied, the user's playcount
  *     for this album is included in the response.
  * @param apiKey The API key
  * @return Album metadata
 public static final Album getInfo(
     final Context context,
     final String artist,
     final String albumOrMbid,
     final String username,
     final String apiKey) {
   final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
   params.put("artist", artist);
   params.put("album", albumOrMbid);
   MapUtilities.nullSafePut(params, "username", username);
   final Result result = Caller.getInstance(context).call("album.getInfo", apiKey, params);
   return ResponseBuilder.buildItem(result, Album.class);
Example #6
 public static PaginatedResult<User> getMembers(String group, int page, String apiKey) {
   Result result =
           .call("group.getMembers", apiKey, "group", group, "page", String.valueOf(page));
   if (!result.isSuccessful())
     return new PaginatedResult<User>(0, 0, Collections.<User>emptyList());
   DomElement root = result.getContentElement();
   Collection<DomElement> children = root.getChildren("user");
   List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(children.size());
   for (DomElement child : children) {
   page = Integer.parseInt(root.getAttribute("page"));
   int total = Integer.parseInt(root.getAttribute("totalPages"));
   return new PaginatedResult<User>(page, total, users);
Example #7
  * Use the last.fm corrections data to check whether the supplied artist has a correction to a
  * canonical artist. This method returns a new {@link Artist} object containing the corrected
  * data, or <code>null</code> if the supplied Artist was not found.
  * @param artist The artist name to correct
  * @return a new {@link Artist}, or <code>null</code>
 public static final Artist getCorrection(final Context context, final String artist) {
   Result result = null;
   try {
     result = Caller.getInstance(context).call("artist.getCorrection", "<key>", "artist", artist);
     if (!result.isSuccessful()) {
       return null;
     final DomElement correctionElement = result.getContentElement().getChild("correction");
     if (correctionElement == null) {
       return new Artist(artist, null);
     final DomElement artistElem = correctionElement.getChild("artist");
     return FACTORY.createItemFromElement(artistElem);
   } catch (final Exception ignored) {
     return null;
Example #8
 /** @see hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.Logger#fatal(java.lang.Object) */
 public void fatal(Object msg) {
   (logger == null ? Logger.getLogger(Caller.getName()) : logger).fatal(msg);
Example #9
 /** @see hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.Logger#error(java.lang.Object) */
 public void error(Object msg) {
   (logger == null ? Logger.getLogger(Caller.getName()) : logger).error(msg);
Example #10
 /** @see hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.Logger#debug(java.lang.Object) */
 public void debug(Object msg) {
   (logger == null ? Logger.getLogger(Caller.getName()) : logger).debug(msg);
Example #11
  * Tag an album using a list of user supplied tags.<br>
  * @param artist The artist name in question
  * @param album The album name in question
  * @param tags A comma delimited list of user supplied tags to apply to this album. Accepts a
  *     maximum of 10 tags.
  * @param session The Session instance
  * @return the Result of the operation
  * @see Authenticator
 public static Result addTags(String artist, String album, String tags, Session session) {
   return Caller.getInstance()
       .call("album.addTags", session, "artist", artist, "album", album, "tags", tags);
Example #12
 public void logStackTrace(Throwable throwable) {
   (logger == null ? Logger.getLogger(Caller.getName()) : logger).fatal(throwable);
Example #13
 /** @see hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.Logger#info(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Throwable) */
 public void info(Object msg, Throwable throwable) {
   (logger == null ? Logger.getLogger(Caller.getName()) : logger).info(msg, throwable);
 public void setPhoneNumber(IPhonenumber phonenumber) {
Example #15
 /** @see hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.Logger#warn(java.lang.Object) */
 public void warn(Object msg) {
   (logger == null ? Logger.getLogger(Caller.getName()) : logger).warn(msg);
Example #16
 /** @see hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.Logger#info(java.lang.Object) */
 public void info(Object msg) {
   (logger == null ? Logger.getLogger(Caller.getName()) : logger).info(msg);
Example #17
  * Remove a user's tag from an album.
  * @param artist The artist name in question
  * @param album The album name in question
  * @param tag A single user tag to remove from this album.
  * @param session The Session instance
  * @return the Result of the operation
  * @see Authenticator
 public static Result removeTag(String artist, String album, String tag, Session session) {
   return Caller.getInstance()
       .call("album.removeTag", session, "artist", artist, "album", album, "tag", tag);
Example #18
  * Checks if the logger itself is in debug mode.
  * @return true if the logger itself is in debug mode.
 public boolean isDebugEnabled() {
   return (logger == null ? Logger.getLogger(Caller.getName()) : logger).isDebugEnabled();
Example #19
  * Sets the state of one of the components in the progress window. This method doesn't need to be
  * invoked from the <cite>Swing</cite> thread.
  * @param task The value to change as one of the {@link Caller#TITLE} or {@link Caller#LABEL}
  *     constants.
  * @param value The new value.
 private void set(final int task, final Object value) {
   final Caller caller = new Caller(task);
   caller.value = value;