public void testReadWrite() throws Exception {
    FileInformationBlock fib = _hWPFDocFixture._fib;
    byte[] mainStream = _hWPFDocFixture._mainStream;
    byte[] tableStream = _hWPFDocFixture._tableStream;
    int fcMin = fib.getFibBase().getFcMin();

    _cHPBinTable =
        new CHPBinTable(
            mainStream, tableStream, fib.getFcPlcfbteChpx(), fib.getLcbPlcfbteChpx(), fakeTPT);

    HWPFFileSystem fileSys = new HWPFFileSystem();

    _cHPBinTable.writeTo(fileSys, 0, fakeTPT);
    ByteArrayOutputStream tableOut = fileSys.getStream("1Table");
    ByteArrayOutputStream mainOut = fileSys.getStream("WordDocument");

    byte[] newTableStream = tableOut.toByteArray();
    byte[] newMainStream = mainOut.toByteArray();

    CHPBinTable newBinTable =
        new CHPBinTable(newMainStream, newTableStream, 0, newTableStream.length, fakeTPT);

    List<CHPX> oldTextRuns = _cHPBinTable._textRuns;
    List<CHPX> newTextRuns = newBinTable._textRuns;

    assertEquals(oldTextRuns.size(), newTextRuns.size());

    int size = oldTextRuns.size();
    for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
      CHPX oldNode = oldTextRuns.get(x);
      CHPX newNode = newTextRuns.get(x);
  protected byte[] toByteArray(int fcMin) {
    byte[] buf = new byte[512];
    int size = _chpxList.size();
    int grpprlOffset = 511;
    int offsetOffset = 0;
    int fcOffset = 0;

    // total size is currently the size of one FC
    int totalSize = FC_SIZE + 2;

    int index = 0;
    for (; index < size; index++) {
      int grpprlLength = (_chpxList.get(index)).getGrpprl().length;

      // check to see if we have enough room for an FC, the grpprl offset,
      // the grpprl size byte and the grpprl.
      totalSize += (FC_SIZE + 2 + grpprlLength);
      // if size is uneven we will have to add one so the first grpprl falls
      // on a word boundary
      if (totalSize > 511 + (index % 2)) {
        totalSize -= (FC_SIZE + 2 + grpprlLength);

      // grpprls must fall on word boundaries
      if ((1 + grpprlLength) % 2 > 0) {
        totalSize += 1;

    // see if we couldn't fit some
    if (index != size) {
      _overFlow = new ArrayList<CHPX>();
      _overFlow.addAll(_chpxList.subList(index, size));

    // index should equal number of CHPXs that will be in this fkp now.
    buf[511] = (byte) index;

    offsetOffset = (FC_SIZE * index) + FC_SIZE;
    // grpprlOffset =  offsetOffset + index + (grpprlOffset % 2);

    CHPX chpx = null;
    for (int x = 0; x < index; x++) {
      chpx = (CHPX) _chpxList.get(x);
      byte[] grpprl = chpx.getGrpprl();

      LittleEndian.putInt(buf, fcOffset, chpx.getStartBytes() + fcMin);
      grpprlOffset -= (1 + grpprl.length);
      grpprlOffset -= (grpprlOffset % 2);
      buf[offsetOffset] = (byte) (grpprlOffset / 2);
      buf[grpprlOffset] = (byte) grpprl.length;
      System.arraycopy(grpprl, 0, buf, grpprlOffset + 1, grpprl.length);

      offsetOffset += 1;
      fcOffset += FC_SIZE;
    // put the last chpx's end in
    LittleEndian.putInt(buf, fcOffset, chpx.getEndBytes() + fcMin);
    return buf;