Example #1
  protected CloseableIterator<String> createPagedCdxIterator(
      String[] startEndUrl, CDXQuery query, AuthToken authToken, CDXWriter responseWriter)
      throws IOException {
    if (zipnumSource == null) {
          "Sorry, this server is not configured to support paged query. Remove page= param and try again.");
      return null;

    boolean allAccess = authChecker.isAllUrlAccessAllowed(authToken);

    if ((query.pageSize <= 0) || ((query.pageSize > maxPageSize) && !allAccess)) {
      query.pageSize = maxPageSize;

    PageResult pageResult =
        zipnumSource.getNthPage(startEndUrl, query.page, query.pageSize, query.showNumPages);

    if (query.showNumPages) {
      responseWriter.printNumPages(pageResult.numPages, true);
      return null;
    } else {
      responseWriter.printNumPages(pageResult.numPages, false);

    CloseableIterator<String> iter = pageResult.iter;

    if (iter == null) {
      return null;

    if (query.isReverse()) {
      iter = new LineBufferingIterator(iter, query.pageSize, true);

    String zipnumClusterUri = zipnumSource.getLocRoot();

    if (query.showPagedIndex && allAccess) {
      responseWriter.setMaxLines(query.pageSize, zipnumClusterUri);
      writeIdxResponse(responseWriter, iter);
      return null;
    } else {
          query.pageSize * zipnumSource.getCdxLinesPerBlock(), zipnumClusterUri);

    iter = createBoundedCdxIterator(startEndUrl, query, pageResult, iter);

    return iter;
Example #2
   * Look up the latest (non-revisit) capture of {@code url} in the CDX database. If {@code digest}
   * is non-{@code null}, return only a capture with identical digest.
   * @param url URL (in regular form) to look for
   * @param digest content digest in the same format as CDX database, or {@code null} if any version
   *     qualifies.
   * @param ignoreRobots whether robots.txt-excluded captures qualify
   * @return CDXLine found
  public CDXLine findLastCapture(String url, String digest, boolean ignoreRobots) {
    final String WARC_REVISIT = "warc/revisit";
    final String REVISIT_FILTER = "!mimetype:" + WARC_REVISIT;

    CDXListWriter listWriter = new CDXListWriter();

    CDXQuery query = new CDXQuery(url);
    query.setFilter(new String[] {CDXFieldConstants.digest + ":" + digest, REVISIT_FILTER});

    AuthToken auth = new AuthToken();

    try {
      getCdx(query, auth, listWriter);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // No dedup info
      return null;
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
      // Keeping the original code as comment.
      // Cannot throw AccessControlException from CDXServer
      // because it is currently defined in wayback-core, on
      // which wayback-cdxserver cannot depend.
      // As AccessControlException is thrown when entire url
      // is excluded (by robots.txt exclusion or some other rules),
      // it should be okay to consider it as"non-existent".
      //			Throwable cause = re.getCause();
      //			// Propagate AccessControlException
      //			if (cause instanceof AccessControlException) {
      //				throw (AccessControlException)cause;
      //			}

      return null;

    if (!listWriter.getCDXLines().isEmpty()) {
      CDXLine line = listWriter.getCDXLines().get(0);
      // Just check the last line for the digest
      if (digest == null || line.getDigest().equals(digest)) {
        return line;

    return null;
Example #3
  protected CloseableIterator<String> createBoundedCdxIterator(
      String[] startEndUrl, CDXQuery query, PageResult pageResult, CloseableIterator<String> idx)
      throws IOException {
    String searchKey = null;

    ZipNumParams params = new ZipNumParams(defaultParams);

    // Opt: testing out sequential load!
    if (Math.abs(query.limit) == 1) {


    if (!query.resumeKey.isEmpty()) {
      searchKey = URLDecoder.decode(query.resumeKey, "UTF-8");
      startEndUrl[0] = searchKey;
      //            int lastSpace = startEndUrl[0].lastIndexOf(' ');
      //            if (lastSpace > 0) {
      //            	startEndUrl[0] = searchKey.substring(0, lastSpace);
      //            }
    } else if (!query.from.isEmpty()) {
      searchKey = startEndUrl[0] + " " + query.from;
    } else if (query.isReverse() && !query.closest.isEmpty()) {
      searchKey = startEndUrl[0];
      startEndUrl[1] = startEndUrl[0] + " " + query.closest;
    } else if (query.fastLatest) {
      String endkey = (query.closest.isEmpty() ? "!" : " " + query.closest);
      searchKey = startEndUrl[0] + endkey;
    } else {
      searchKey = startEndUrl[0];

    if (pageResult != null) {
      return zipnumSource.getCDXIterator(
          idx, searchKey, startEndUrl[1], query.page, pageResult.numPages, params);
    } else {
      return cdxSource.getCDXIterator(searchKey, startEndUrl[0], startEndUrl[1], params);
Example #4
  protected boolean determineGzip(HttpServletRequest request, CDXQuery query) {
    Boolean isGzip = query.isGzip();
    if (isGzip != null) {
      return isGzip;

    String encoding = request.getHeader("Accept-Encoding");
    if (encoding == null) {
      return false;

    return encoding.contains("gzip");
Example #5
  protected void writeCdxResponse(
      CDXWriter responseWriter,
      CloseableIterator<String> cdx,
      int readLimit,
      CDXQuery query,
      AuthToken authToken,
      CDXAccessFilter accessChecker) {

    BaseProcessor outputProcessor = responseWriter;

    if (query.limit < 0) {
      query.limit = Math.min(-query.limit, readLimit);
      outputProcessor = new LastNLineProcessor(outputProcessor, query.limit);
    } else if (query.limit == 0) {
      query.limit = readLimit;
    } else {
      query.limit = Math.min(query.limit, readLimit);

    if (!query.closest.isEmpty() && query.isSortClosest()) {
      outputProcessor = new ClosestTimestampSorted(outputProcessor, query.closest, query.limit);

    // Experimental
    if (query.resolveRevisits) {
      if (query.isReverse()) {
        outputProcessor = new ReverseRevisitResolver(outputProcessor, query.showDupeCount);
      } else {
        outputProcessor = new ForwardRevisitResolver(outputProcessor, query.showDupeCount);
    } else if (query.showDupeCount) {
      outputProcessor = new DupeCountProcessor(outputProcessor, true);

    if (query.showGroupCount || query.showUniqCount) {
      outputProcessor =
          new GroupCountProcessor(outputProcessor, query.lastSkipTimestamp, query.showUniqCount);

    if (query.collapseTime > 0) {
      if (collapseToLast) {
        outputProcessor =
            new DupeTimestampLastBestStatusFilter(
                outputProcessor, query.collapseTime, noCollapsePrefix);
      } else {
        outputProcessor =
            new DupeTimestampBestStatusFilter(
                outputProcessor, query.collapseTime, noCollapsePrefix);

    FieldSplitFormat parseFormat =

    FieldRegexFilter filterMatcher = null;

    if (query.filter != null && (query.filter.length > 0)) {
      filterMatcher = new FieldRegexFilter(query.filter, parseFormat);

    CollapseFieldFilter collapser = null;

    if (query.collapse != null && (query.collapse.length > 0)) {
      collapser = new CollapseFieldFilter(query.collapse, parseFormat);

    // CDXLine prev = null;
    CDXLine line = null;

    // boolean prevUrlAllowed = true;

    FieldSplitFormat outputFields = null;

    if (!authChecker.isAllCdxFieldAccessAllowed(authToken)) {
      outputFields = this.authChecker.getPublicCdxFormat();

    if (!query.fl.isEmpty()) {
      if (outputFields == null) {
        outputFields = parseFormat;
      try {
        outputFields = outputFields.createSubset(URLDecoder.decode(query.fl, "UTF-8"));
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    } else if (outputFields != null) {
      outputFields = parseFormat.createSubset(outputFields);


    int writeCount = 0;
    long allCount = 0;

    int writeLimit = query.limit;

    while (cdx.hasNext()
        && ((writeLimit == 0) || (writeCount < writeLimit))
        && (allCount < readLimit)
        && !responseWriter.isAborted()) {

      String rawLine = cdx.next();

      if (query.offset > 0) {

      // prev = line;

      // line = new CDXLine(rawLine, parseFormat);
      line = this.cdxLineFactory.createStandardCDXLine(rawLine, parseFormat);

      // TODO: better way to handle this special case?
      if (line.getMimeType().equals("alexa/dat")) {

      // Additional access check, per capture
      if (accessChecker != null) {
        if (!accessChecker.includeCapture(line)) {

      //			if (!authChecker.isAllUrlAccessAllowed(authToken)) {
      //				if ((query.matchType != MatchType.exact) && ((prev == null) ||
      // !line.getUrlKey().equals(prev.getUrlKey()))) {
      //					prevUrlAllowed = authChecker.isUrlAllowed(line.getOriginalUrl(), authToken);
      //				}
      //				if (!prevUrlAllowed) {
      //					continue;
      //				}
      //			}
      //			if (!authChecker.isCaptureAllowed(line, authToken)) {
      //				continue;
      //			}

      // Timestamp Range Filtering
      String timestamp = line.getTimestamp();

      if (!query.from.isEmpty() && (timestamp.compareTo(query.from) < 0)) {

      if (!query.to.isEmpty()
          && (timestamp.compareTo(query.to) > 0)
          && !timestamp.startsWith(query.to)) {
        if (query.matchType == MatchType.exact) {
        } else {

      // Check regex matcher if it exists
      if ((filterMatcher != null) && !filterMatcher.include(line)) {

      // Check collapser
      if ((collapser != null) && !collapser.include(line)) {

      // Filter to only include output fields
      if (outputFields != null) {
        line = new CDXLine(line, outputFields);

      writeCount += outputProcessor.writeLine(line);

      if (Thread.interrupted()) {

    if (query.showResumeKey && (line != null) && (writeLimit > 0) && (writeCount >= writeLimit)) {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      sb.append(' ');
      String resumeKey;
      try {
        resumeKey = URLEncoder.encode(sb.toString(), "UTF-8");
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {


Example #6
  public void getCdx(CDXQuery query, AuthToken authToken, CDXWriter responseWriter)
      throws IOException {
    CloseableIterator<String> iter = null;

    try {
      // Check for wildcards as shortcuts for matchType
      if (query.matchType == null) {
        if (query.url.startsWith("*.")) {
          query.matchType = MatchType.domain;
          query.url = query.url.substring(2);
        } else if (query.url.endsWith("*")) {
          query.matchType = MatchType.prefix;
          query.url = query.url.substring(0, query.url.length() - 1);
        } else {
          query.matchType = MatchType.exact;

      CDXAccessFilter accessChecker = null;

      if (!authChecker.isAllUrlAccessAllowed(authToken)) {
        accessChecker = authChecker.createAccessFilter(authToken);

      //			// For now, don't support domain or host output w/o key as access check is too slow
      //			if (query.matchType == MatchType.domain || query.matchType == MatchType.host) {
      //				if (!authChecker.isAllUrlAccessAllowed(authToken)) {
      //					return;
      //				}
      //			}

      String startEndUrl[] =
          urlSurtRangeComputer.determineRange(query.url, query.matchType, "", "");

      if (startEndUrl == null) {
            "Sorry, matchType=" + query.matchType.name() + " is not supported by this server");

      if ((accessChecker != null) && !accessChecker.includeUrl(startEndUrl[0], query.url)) {
        if (query.showNumPages) {
          // Default to 1 page even if no results
          responseWriter.printNumPages(1, false);

      if (query.last || query.limit == -1) {
        query.limit = 1;

      int maxLimit;

      if (query.fastLatest == null) {
        // Optimize: default fastLatest to true for last line or closest
        // sorted results
        if ((query.limit == -1) || (!query.closest.isEmpty() && (query.limit > 0))) {
          query.fastLatest = true;
        } else {
          query.fastLatest = false;

      // Paged query
      if (query.page >= 0 || query.showNumPages) {
        iter = createPagedCdxIterator(startEndUrl, query, authToken, responseWriter);

        if (iter == null) {

        // Page size determines the max limit here
        maxLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

      } else {
        // Non-Paged Merged query
        iter = createBoundedCdxIterator(startEndUrl, query, null, null);

        // TODO: apply collection-view filtering here. It should happen separately
        // from exclusion check. We'd need to parse CDX lines into CDXLine object
        // before passing it to writeCdxResponse(). Pass CDXFilter to getCdx()?
        // Pass CDX source object that escapsulates collection-view filtering?

        maxLimit = this.queryMaxLimit;

      writeCdxResponse(responseWriter, iter, maxLimit, query, authToken, accessChecker);

    } catch (URIException e) {
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
    } finally {
      if (iter != null) {