Example #1
  * Shows a dialog message to the user and returns the pressed button.
  * @param message text to display to the user
  * @return {@link Button} that was pressed by the user
  * @throws IOException when communication fails
 public Button dialog(String message) throws IOException, UserCancelExcption {
   Map<String, Object> m = JSONProtocol.cmd("dialog");
   m.put("text", message);
   Map<String, Object> r = pipe.recv();
   if (!JSONProtocol.check(m, r) || !r.containsKey("button")) {
     throw new IOException("Unknown button pressed");
   return Button.valueOf(((String) r.get("button")).toUpperCase());
Example #2
  * Shows the response of the APDU to the user.
  * <p>Normally this requires the verification of a PIN code beforehand.
  * @param message text to display to the user
  * @param apdu APDU to send to the terminal
  * @return {@link Button} that was pressed by the user
  * @throws IOException when communication fails
 public Button decrypt(String message, byte[] apdu) throws IOException, UserCancelExcption {
   Map<String, Object> m = JSONProtocol.cmd("decrypt");
   m.put("text", message);
   m.put("bytes", HexUtils.bin2hex(apdu));
   Map<String, Object> r = pipe.recv();
   if (JSONProtocol.check(m, r)) {
     return Button.valueOf(((String) r.get("button")).toUpperCase());
   } else {
     throw new IOException("Unknown button pressed");