  public void apply(final Project project) {
    // This plugin uses buildversion tasks
        new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {
            put("plugin", GradleCMPlugin.BUILD_VERSION_PLUGIN);

    // Create the actual tasks that will be executed
    final BuildReleaseInitTask buildInitTask =
        project.getTasks().create(INIT_TASK_NAME, BuildReleaseInitTask.class);
        "Create a release branch structure supporting release code promotion and publication");
    final BuildReleaseMergeTask buildMergeTask =
        project.getTasks().create(MERGE_TASK_NAME, BuildReleaseMergeTask.class);
        "Update the release branch with changes made to the mainline branch");
    final BuildReleaseTask buildReleaseTask =
        project.getTasks().create(RELEASE_TASK_NAME, BuildReleaseTask.class);
    buildReleaseTask.setDescription("Run the " + MERGE_TASK_NAME + " and upload targets");

    // The magic happens in a doFirst installed at task graph completion.
    // We are assuming the build is a dependency on the upload task and
    // adding our tag and branch push to occur just prior to publication.
            new TaskExecutionGraphListener() {
              public void graphPopulated(final TaskExecutionGraph graph) {
                final AbstractTask uploadTask =
                        new GradleInfoSource(project).getTask(buildInitTask.getUploadtask());

                if ((null == uploadTask)) {
                          "The upload task '"
                              + buildInitTask.getUploadtask()
                              + "' specified for buildreleaseupdate does not exist.  This task may be dynamic.");
                } else {
                          new TaskExecutionListener() {
                            public void afterExecute(final Task task, final TaskState taskState) {
                              // Nothing after execution

                            public void beforeExecute(final Task task) {
                              // If we have the right task, ensure we run the tag and push
                              if (task.equals(uploadTask)) {
                                tagAndPush(project, buildInitTask, false);
  protected void tagAndPush(
      final Project project, final BuildReleaseInitTask currentTask, final boolean forceOnBranch) {
    try {
      final BuildVCSTask vcsTask =
          (BuildVCSTask) new GradleInfoSource(project).getTask(BuildVCSPlugin.VCS_TASK_NAME);

      // We cannot tag and push when we have no VCS. Silently fail...
      if (!VCSAccess.Type.NONE.toString().toLowerCase().equals(vcsTask.getType().toLowerCase())) {
        final VCSTaskUtil vcsUtil = new VCSTaskUtil(project);

        // Get the current release init task to obtain the branch and origin
        // variables
        final BuildReleaseInitTask initTask =
                new GradleInfoSource(project).getTask(BuildReleasePlugin.INIT_TASK_NAME);

        if (forceOnBranch) {
          // Verify we are on the right branch to perform this task.

        if (vcsTask.getBranchName().equals(initTask.getReleasebranch())) {
          // Verify the current workspace is clean
          if (currentTask.isOnlyifclean()) {

          // Get the tag task to tag the repository
          final String tagName = project.getVersion().toString();
          vcsTask.createTag(tagName, "Tag created by task " + initTask.getUploadtask());

          // Push the new created tag back to origin
          if (!initTask.isIgnoreorigin()) {
            vcsUtil.getVCS().push(tagName, initTask.getRemoteorigin(), true);
        } else {
                  "Workspace is not on branch '"
                      + initTask.getReleasebranch()
                      + "'.  Build release tagging deactivated this execution of "
                      + currentTask.getUploadtask());
    } catch (final VCSException e) {
      throw new TaskExecutionException(currentTask, e);