Example #1
  * Check if a player may climb upwards (isOnClimbable returned true, player does not move from/to
  * ground).<br>
  * Having checked the other stuff is prerequisite for calling this (!).
  * @param jumpHeigth Height the player is allowed to have jumped.
  * @return
 public boolean canClimbUp(double jumpHeigth) {
   // TODO: distinguish vines.
   if (BlockProperties.isAttachedClimbable(getTypeId())) {
     // Check if vine is attached to something solid
     if (BlockProperties.canClimbUp(blockCache, blockX, blockY, blockZ)) {
       return true;
     // Check the block at head height.
     final int headY = Location.locToBlock(y + eyeHeight);
     if (headY > blockY) {
       for (int cy = blockY + 1; cy <= headY; cy++) {
         if (BlockProperties.canClimbUp(blockCache, blockX, cy, blockZ)) {
           return true;
     // Finally check possible jump height.
     // TODO: This too is inaccurate.
     if (isOnGround(jumpHeigth)) {
       // Here ladders are ok.
       return true;
     return false;
   return true;
Example #2
  * Simple block-on-ground check for given margin (no entities). Meant for checking bigger margin
  * than the normal yOnGround.
  * @param yOnGround Margin below the player.
  * @param xzMargin
  * @param yMargin Extra margin added below and above.
  * @param ignoreFlags Flags to not regard as ground.
  * @return
 public boolean isOnGround(
     final double yOnGround, final double xzMargin, final double yMargin, final long ignoreFlags) {
   if (ignoreFlags == 0) {
     if (xzMargin >= 0 && onGroundMinY <= yOnGround) return true;
     if (xzMargin <= 0 && yMargin == 0) {
       if (notOnGroundMaxY >= yOnGround) return false;
   //      NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, "*** Fetch
   // on-ground: yOnGround=" + yOnGround + " xzM=" + xzMargin + " yM=" + yMargin + " ign=" +
   // ignoreFlags);
   final boolean onGround =
           minX - xzMargin,
           minY - yOnGround - yMargin,
           minZ - xzMargin,
           maxX + xzMargin,
           minY + yMargin,
           maxZ + xzMargin,
   if (ignoreFlags == 0) {
     if (onGround) {
       if (xzMargin <= 0 && yMargin == 0) {
         onGroundMinY = Math.min(onGroundMinY, yOnGround);
     } else {
       if (xzMargin >= 0) {
         notOnGroundMaxY = Math.max(notOnGroundMaxY, yOnGround);
   return onGround;
Example #3
  * Check if the location is on ground and if it is hitting the bounding box of a block with the
  * given id. Currently this is coarse (not checking if it is really possible to stand on such a
  * block).
  * @param id
  * @return
 public boolean standsOnBlock(final int id) {
   if (!isOnGround()) {
     return false;
   return BlockProperties.collidesBlock(
       this.blockCache, minX, minY - yOnGround, minZ, maxX, minY, maxZ, id);
Example #4
  * Test if the foot location is passable (not the bounding box). <br>
  * The result is cached.
  * @return
 public boolean isPassable() {
   if (passable == null) {
     passable = BlockProperties.isPassable(blockCache, x, y, z, getTypeId());
     //          passable = BlockProperties.isPassableExact(blockCache, x, y, z, getTypeId());
   return passable;
Example #5
  * Test if something solid/ground-like collides within the given margin above the height of the
  * player.
  * @param marginAboveHeight
  * @return
 public boolean isHeadObstructed(double marginAboveHeight) {
   return BlockProperties.collides(
       x - width,
       y + eyeHeight,
       z - width,
       x + width,
       y + eyeHeight + marginAboveHeight,
       z + width,
       BlockProperties.F_GROUND | BlockProperties.F_SOLID);
Example #6
  * Check if solid blocks hit the box.
  * @param xzMargin
  * @param yMargin
  * @return
 public boolean isNextToGround(final double xzMargin, final double yMargin) {
   // TODO: Adjust to check block flags ?
   return BlockProperties.collides(
       minX - xzMargin,
       minY - yMargin,
       minZ - xzMargin,
       maxX + xzMargin,
       maxY + yMargin,
       maxZ + xzMargin,
Example #7
  * Checks if the player is on a ladder or vine.
  * @return If so.
 public boolean isOnClimbable() {
   if (onClimbable == null) {
     // Climbable blocks.
     if (blockFlags != null && (blockFlags.longValue() & BlockProperties.F_CLIMBABLE) == 0) {
       onClimbable = false;
       return false;
     onClimbable = (BlockProperties.getBlockFlags(getTypeId()) & BlockProperties.F_CLIMBABLE) != 0;
     // TODO: maybe use specialized bounding box.
     //          final double d = 0.1d;
     //          onClimbable = BlockProperties.collides(getBlockAccess(), minX - d, minY - d, minZ
     // - d, maxX + d, minY + 1.0, maxZ + d, BlockProperties.F_CLIMBABLE);
   return onClimbable;
  * Checks if the player is on ground.
  * @return true, if the player is on ground
 public boolean isOnGround() {
   if (onGround == null) {
     final double d0 = 0.01D;
     onGround =
             minX - d0,
             minY - yOnGround,
             minZ - d0,
             maxX + d0,
             minY + 0.25,
             maxZ + d0);
     if (!onGround) {
       // TODO: Probably check other ids too before doing this ?
       final double d1 = 0.25D;
       final AxisAlignedBB box =
               minX - d1,
               minY - getyOnGround() - d1,
               minZ - d1,
               maxX + d1,
               minY + 0.25 + d1,
               maxZ + d1);
       final List list = worldServer.getEntities(entityPlayer, box);
       Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
       while (iterator.hasNext()) {
         final Entity entity = (Entity) iterator.next();
         final EntityType type = entity.getBukkitEntity().getType();
         if (type != EntityType.BOAT && type != EntityType.MINECART) continue;
         final AxisAlignedBB otherBox = entity.boundingBox;
         if (box.a > otherBox.d
             || box.d < otherBox.a
             || box.b > otherBox.e
             || box.e < otherBox.b
             || box.c > otherBox.f
             || box.f < otherBox.c) continue;
         else {
           onGround = true;
   return onGround;
Example #9
  * Check the maximally used bounds for the block checking, to have flags ready for faster denial.
  * @param maxYonGround
 public void collectBlockFlags(double maxYonGround) {
   maxYonGround = Math.max(yOnGround, maxYonGround);
   // TODO: Clearly refine this for 1.5 high blocks.
   // TODO: Check which checks need blocks below.
   final double yExtra = 0.6; // y - blockY - maxYonGround > 0.5 ? 0.5 : 1.0;
   // TODO: xz margin still needed ?
   final double xzM = 0; // 0.001;
   blockFlags =
           minX - xzM,
           minY - yExtra - maxYonGround,
           minZ - xzM,
           maxX + xzM,
           Math.max(maxY, minY + 1.5),
           maxZ + xzM);
Example #10
  * Checks if the player is in web.
  * @return true, if the player is in web
 public boolean isInWeb() {
   if (inWeb == null) {
     // TODO: inset still needed ?
     final double inset = 0.001d;
     inWeb =
             minX + inset,
             minY + inset,
             minZ + inset,
             maxX - inset,
             maxY - inset,
             maxZ - inset,
   return inWeb;
  * Checks if the player is in water.
  * @return true, if the player is in water
 public boolean isInWater() {
   if (inWater == null) {
     final double dX = -0.001D;
     final double dY = -0.40000000596046448D - 0.001D;
     final double dZ = -0.001D;
     inWater =
             minX - dX,
             minY - dY,
             minZ - dZ,
             maxX + dX,
             maxY + dY,
             maxZ + dZ,
   return inWater;
Example #12
  * Checks if the player is in lava.
  * @return true, if the player is in lava
 public boolean isInLava() {
   if (inLava == null) {
     if (blockFlags != null && (blockFlags.longValue() & BlockProperties.F_LAVA) == 0) {
       inLava = false;
       return false;
     // TODO: ...
     //          final double dX = -0.10000000149011612D;
     //          final double dY = -0.40000000596046448D;
     //          final double dZ = dX;
     //          inLava = BlockProperties.collides(blockCache, minX - dX, minY - dY, minZ - dZ,
     // maxX + dX, maxY + dY, maxZ + dZ, BlockProperties.F_LAVA);
     inLava =
             blockCache, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, BlockProperties.F_LAVA);
   return inLava;
Example #13
  * Checks if the player is in water.
  * @return true, if the player is in water
 public boolean isInWater() {
   if (inWater == null) {
     if (blockFlags != null && (blockFlags.longValue() & BlockProperties.F_WATER) == 0) {
       inWater = false;
       return false;
     // TODO: ...
     //          final double dX = -0.001D;
     //          final double dY = -0.40000000596046448D - 0.001D;
     //          final double dZ = dX;
     //          inWater = BlockProperties.collides(blockCache, minX - dX, minY - dY, minZ - dZ,
     // maxX + dX, maxY + dY, maxZ + dZ, BlockProperties.F_WATER);
     inWater =
             blockCache, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, BlockProperties.F_WATER);
   return inWater;
  * Checks if the player is in lava.
  * @return true, if the player is in lava
 public boolean isInLava() {
   if (inLava == null) {
     final double dX = -0.10000000149011612D;
     final double dY = -0.40000000596046448D;
     final double dZ = dX;
     inLava =
             minX - dX,
             minY - dY,
             minZ - dZ,
             maxX + dX,
             maxY + dY,
             maxZ + dZ,
   return inLava;
  * Checks if the player is above stairs.
  * @return true, if the player above on stairs
 public boolean isAboveStairs() {
   if (aboveStairs == null) {
     // aboveStairs =
     // BlockProperties.isStairs(getTypeIdBelow().intValue());
     // TODO: maybe distinguish upside down stairs and normal stairs !
     final double diff = getWidth() + 0.001;
     aboveStairs =
             x - diff,
             y + 0.25,
             z - diff,
             x + diff,
             y - 1.0,
             z + diff,
   return aboveStairs;
Example #16
  * Checks if the player is on ice.
  * @return true, if the player is on ice
 public boolean isOnIce() {
   if (onIce == null) {
     // TODO: Use a box here too ?
     // TODO: check if player is really sneaking (refactor from survivalfly to static access in
     // Combined ?)!
     if (blockFlags != null && (blockFlags.longValue() & BlockProperties.F_ICE) == 0) {
       // TODO: check onGroundMinY !?
       onIce = false;
     } else {
       final int id;
       if (player.isSneaking() || player.isBlocking()) {
         id = getTypeId(blockX, Location.locToBlock(minY - 0.1D), blockZ);
       } else {
         id = getTypeIdBelow().intValue();
       onIce = BlockProperties.isIce(id);
   return onIce;
Example #17
  * Checks if the player is above stairs.
  * @return true, if the player above on stairs
 public boolean isAboveStairs() {
   if (aboveStairs == null) {
     if (blockFlags != null && (blockFlags.longValue() & BlockProperties.F_STAIRS) == 0) {
       aboveStairs = false;
       return false;
     // TODO: Distinguish based on actual height off .0 ?
     // TODO: diff still needed ?
     final double diff = 0; // 0.001;
     aboveStairs =
             minX - diff,
             minY - 1.0,
             minZ - diff,
             maxX + diff,
             minY + 0.25,
             maxZ + diff,
   return aboveStairs;
Example #18
  * Convenience method: delegate to BlockProperties.isDoppwnStream .
  * @param xDistance
  * @param zDistance
  * @return
 public boolean isDownStream(final double xDistance, final double zDistance) {
   return BlockProperties.isDownStream(
       blockCache, blockX, blockY, blockZ, getData(), xDistance, zDistance);
  * Simple at the spot passability test, no bounding boxes.
  * @return
 public boolean isPassable() {
   if (passable == null)
     passable = BlockProperties.isPassable(getBlockAccess(), x, y, z, getTypeId());
   return passable;
Example #20
  * Checks if the player is on ground, including entities such as Minecart, Boat.
  * @return true, if the player is on ground
 public boolean isOnGround() {
   if (onGround != null) {
     return onGround;
   // Check cached values and simplifications.
   if (notOnGroundMaxY >= yOnGround) onGround = false;
   else if (onGroundMinY <= yOnGround) onGround = true;
   else {
     // Shortcut check (currently needed for being stuck + sf).
     if (blockFlags == null || (blockFlags.longValue() & BlockProperties.F_GROUND) != 0) {
       // TODO: Consider dropping this shortcut.
       final int bY = Location.locToBlock(y - yOnGround);
       final int id =
           bY == blockY
               ? getTypeId()
               : (bY == blockY - 1 ? getTypeIdBelow() : blockCache.getTypeId(blockX, bY, blockZ));
       final long flags = BlockProperties.getBlockFlags(id);
       // TODO: Might remove check for variable ?
       if ((flags & BlockProperties.F_GROUND) != 0 && (flags & BlockProperties.F_VARIABLE) == 0) {
         final double[] bounds = blockCache.getBounds(blockX, bY, blockZ);
         // Check collision if not inside of the block. [Might be a problem for cauldron or similar
         // + something solid above.]
         // TODO: Might need more refinement.
         if (bounds != null
             && y - bY >= bounds[4]
             && BlockProperties.collidesBlock(
                 minY - yOnGround,
                 flags)) {
           // TODO: BlockHeight is needed for fences, use right away (above)?
           if (!BlockProperties.isPassableWorkaround(
                   minX - blockX,
                   minY - yOnGround - bY,
                   minZ - blockZ,
                   maxX - minX,
                   maxZ - minZ,
               || (flags & BlockProperties.F_GROUND_HEIGHT) != 0
                   && BlockProperties.getGroundMinHeight(
                           blockCache, blockX, bY, blockZ, id, bounds, flags)
                       <= y - bY) {
             // NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, "***
             // onground SHORTCUT");
             onGround = true;
       if (onGround == null) {
         // NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, "*** fetch
         // onground std");
         // Full on-ground check (blocks).
         // Note: Might check for half-block height too (getTypeId), but that is much more seldom.
         onGround =
                 blockCache, minX, minY - yOnGround, minZ, maxX, minY, maxZ, 0L);
     } else onGround = false;
   if (onGround) onGroundMinY = Math.min(onGroundMinY, yOnGround);
   else {
     //          NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, "***
     // onground check entities");
     // TODO: further confine this ?
     notOnGroundMaxY = Math.max(notOnGroundMaxY, yOnGround);
     final double d1 = 0.25D;
     onGround =
             minX - d1,
             minY - yOnGround - d1,
             minZ - d1,
             maxX + d1,
             minY + 0.25 + d1,
             maxZ + d1);
   return onGround;
Example #21
  * Checks if the player is above a ladder or vine.<br>
  * Does not save back value to field.
  * @return If so.
 public boolean isAboveLadder() {
   if (blockFlags != null && (blockFlags.longValue() & BlockProperties.F_CLIMBABLE) == 0)
     return false;
   // TODO: bounding box ?
   return (BlockProperties.getBlockFlags(getTypeIdBelow()) & BlockProperties.F_CLIMBABLE) != 0;