Example #1
  public static <T> BatchingVisitableView<T> skip(
      final BatchingVisitable<T> visitable, final long toSkip) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(toSkip >= 0);
    if (toSkip == 0) {
      return BatchingVisitableView.of(visitable);
    return BatchingVisitableView.of(
        new AbstractBatchingVisitable<T>() {
          protected <K extends Exception> void batchAcceptSizeHint(
              int batchSizeHint, final ConsistentVisitor<T, K> v) throws K {
                new AbortingVisitor<List<T>, K>() {
                  long visited = 0;

                  public boolean visit(List<T> batch) throws K {
                    for (T item : batch) {
                      if (visited < toSkip) {

                      if (!v.visitOne(item)) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
Example #2
  * @return Visitable containing elements from the start of the visitable for which the predicate
  *     holds true. Once boundingPredicate returns false for an element of visitable, no more
  *     elements will be included in the returned visitable.
 public static <T> BatchingVisitableView<T> visitWhile(
     final BatchingVisitable<T> visitable, final Predicate<T> condition) {
   return BatchingVisitableView.of(
       new AbstractBatchingVisitable<T>() {
         protected <K extends Exception> void batchAcceptSizeHint(
             int batchSizeHint, final ConsistentVisitor<T, K> v) throws K {
               new AbortingVisitor<List<T>, K>() {
                 public boolean visit(List<T> batch) throws K {
                   for (T t : batch) {
                     if (!condition.apply(t)) {
                       return false;
                     boolean keepGoing = v.visitOne(t);
                     if (!keepGoing) {
                       return false;
                   return true;
Example #3
  public static <T> BatchingVisitableView<T> flatten(
      final int outerBatchHint,
      final BatchingVisitable<? extends BatchingVisitable<? extends T>> inputs) {
    return BatchingVisitableView.of(
        new AbstractBatchingVisitable<T>() {
          protected <K extends Exception> void batchAcceptSizeHint(
              final int batchSizeHint, final ConsistentVisitor<T, K> v) throws K {
                new AbortingVisitor<List<? extends BatchingVisitable<? extends T>>, K>() {
                  public boolean visit(List<? extends BatchingVisitable<? extends T>> bvs)
                      throws K {
                    for (BatchingVisitable<? extends T> bv : bvs) {
                      // This is safe because cast is never passed to anything and it's function
                      // batchAccept is covariant
                      BatchingVisitable<T> cast = (BatchingVisitable<T>) bv;

                      if (!cast.batchAccept(batchSizeHint, v)) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
Example #4
   * This is similar to the unix uniq command.
   * <p>If there is a sequence of identical values, it will be replaced by one value.
   * <p>For example "AAABABBB" will become "ABAB"
   * <p>If the list passed in is sorted, then it will actually result in a list of unique elements
   * <p>This uses {@link Objects#equal(Object, Object)} to do comparisons.
   * <p>null is supported bug discouraged
  public static <T> BatchingVisitableView<T> unique(final BatchingVisitable<T> visitable) {
    return BatchingVisitableView.of(
        new AbstractBatchingVisitable<T>() {
          protected <K extends Exception> void batchAcceptSizeHint(
              int batchSizeHint, final ConsistentVisitor<T, K> v) throws K {
                new AbortingVisitor<List<T>, K>() {
                  boolean hasVisitedFirst = false;
                  T lastVisited = null;

                  public boolean visit(List<T> batch) throws K {
                    for (T item : batch) {
                      if (!hasVisitedFirst || !Objects.equal(item, lastVisited)) {
                        if (!v.visitOne(item)) {
                          return false;
                        hasVisitedFirst = true;
                        lastVisited = item;
                    return true;
Example #5
 public static <T> List<T> take(
     BatchingVisitable<T> v, final int howMany, final boolean includeFirst) {
   BatchingVisitableView<T> visitable = BatchingVisitableView.of(v);
   if (!includeFirst) {
     visitable = visitable.skip(1);
   return visitable.limit(howMany).immutableCopy();
Example #6
 public static <T> BatchingVisitableView<T> singleton(final T t) {
   return BatchingVisitableView.of(
       new BatchingVisitable<T>() {
         public <K extends Exception> boolean batchAccept(
             int batchSize, AbortingVisitor<? super List<T>, K> v) throws K {
           return v.visit(ImmutableList.of(t));
Example #7
 public static <T> BatchingVisitableView<T> emptyBatchingVisitable() {
   return BatchingVisitableView.of(
       new BatchingVisitable<T>() {
         public <K extends Exception> boolean batchAccept(
             int batchSize, AbortingVisitor<? super List<T>, K> v) throws K {
           return true;
Example #8
  * This method will wrap the passed visitable so it is called with the passed pageSize when it is
  * called.
  * <p>This can be used to make the performance of batching visitables better. One example of where
  * this is useful is if I just visit the results one at a time, but I know that I will visit 100
  * results, then I can save a lot of potential round trips my hinting a page size of 100.
 public static <T> BatchingVisitableView<T> hintPageSize(
     final BatchingVisitable<T> bv, final int pageSize) {
   Preconditions.checkArgument(pageSize > 0);
   return BatchingVisitableView.of(
       new AbstractBatchingVisitable<T>() {
         protected <K extends Exception> void batchAcceptSizeHint(
             int batchSizeHint, ConsistentVisitor<T, K> v) throws K {
           bv.batchAccept(pageSize, v);
Example #9
 public static <F, T> BatchingVisitableView<T> transformBatch(
     final BatchingVisitable<F> visitable, final Function<? super List<F>, ? extends List<T>> f) {
   return BatchingVisitableView.of(
       new AbstractBatchingVisitable<T>() {
         protected <K extends Exception> void batchAcceptSizeHint(
             int batchSizeHint, final ConsistentVisitor<T, K> v) throws K {
               new AbortingVisitor<List<F>, K>() {
                 public boolean visit(List<F> batch) throws K {
                   return v.visit(f.apply(batch));
Example #10
  public static <T> BatchingVisitableView<T> concat(
      final Iterable<? extends BatchingVisitable<? extends T>> inputs) {
    return BatchingVisitableView.of(
        new AbstractBatchingVisitable<T>() {
          protected <K extends Exception> void batchAcceptSizeHint(
              int batchSizeHint, ConsistentVisitor<T, K> v) throws K {
            for (BatchingVisitable<? extends T> bv : inputs) {
              // This is safe because cast is never passed to anything and it's function
              // batchAccept is covariant
              BatchingVisitable<T> cast = (BatchingVisitable<T>) bv;

              if (!cast.batchAccept(batchSizeHint, v)) {
Example #11
  public static <T> BatchingVisitableView<T> limit(
      final BatchingVisitable<T> visitable, final long limit) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(limit >= 0);
    if (limit == 0) {
      return emptyBatchingVisitable();
    return BatchingVisitableView.of(
        new AbstractBatchingVisitable<T>() {
          protected <K extends Exception> void batchAcceptSizeHint(
              int batchSizeHint, final ConsistentVisitor<T, K> v) throws K {
            if (batchSizeHint > limit) {
              batchSizeHint = (int) limit;
                new AbortingVisitor<List<T>, K>() {
                  long visited = 0;

                  public boolean visit(List<T> batch) throws K {
                    for (T item : batch) {
                      if (!v.visitOne(item)) {
                        return false;
                      if (visited >= limit) {
                        // Stop visiting early by returning false.
                        // The underlying ConsistentVisitor will still cause #batchAccept
                        // to return true.
                        return false;
                    return true;
Example #12
  public static <T, TOKEN> TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<T, TOKEN> getFirstPage(
      BatchingVisitable<T> v, int numToVisitArg, Function<T, TOKEN> tokenExtractor) {
        numToVisitArg >= 0, "numToVisit cannot be negative.  Value was: " + numToVisitArg);

    if (numToVisitArg == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
      // prevent issue with overflow

    final int numToVisit = numToVisitArg + 1;
    ImmutableList<T> list = BatchingVisitableView.of(v).limit(numToVisit).immutableCopy();

    Preconditions.checkState(list.size() <= numToVisit);
    if (list.size() >= numToVisit) {
      TOKEN token = tokenExtractor.apply(list.get(list.size() - 1));
      list = list.subList(0, numToVisit - 1);
      return new SimpleTokenBackedResultsPage<T, TOKEN>(token, list, true);

    return new SimpleTokenBackedResultsPage<T, TOKEN>(null, list, false);
Example #13
 public static <T> List<T> copyToList(BatchingVisitable<T> v) {
   return BatchingVisitableView.of(v).immutableCopy();