   * Split function. Find the middle element 'mid'. And split the NodeArray using 'mid'. Copy the
   * split array into a new Node 'newNode' of type 'Btree'. Insert corresponding child elements with
   * it Update keycount and childcount
   * @param i
  private void split(int i) {
    if ((childArray[i].keycount) % 2 != 0) {
      int x1 = childArray[i].keycount / 2;
      int x2 = childArray[i].childcount / 2;
      int mid = childArray[i].keyArray[childArray[i].keycount / 2]; // Split the node at mid
      int midv = childArray[i].valueArray[childArray[i].keycount / 2];

      BTree splitNode = new BTree(max); // New node created to store split data
      for (int j = x1 + 1; j <= 2 * x1; j++)
        splitNode.keyArray[j - x1 - 1] = childArray[i].keyArray[j];
      for (int j = x1 + 1; j <= 2 * x1; j++)
        splitNode.valueArray[j - x1 - 1] = childArray[i].valueArray[j];
      for (int j = x2; j < 2 * x2; j++)
        splitNode.childArray[j - x2] =
            childArray[i].childArray[j]; // Copy it's respective childArray

      childArray[i].keycount = x1; // Update Values' count of original child
      childArray[i].childcount = x2; // Update it's child count
      splitNode.keycount = x1; // Set new node's value count
      splitNode.childcount = x2; // Set new node's child count

      int temp = scanKeyArray(mid); // Insert the 'mid' node into it's parent
      insertKey(temp, mid, midv);
      insertChild(i + 1, splitNode);
  * Add the new key 'n' directly in the node without caring about the maximum limit. First scan the
  * NodeArray to find the position of the new node, then add the node in that place If the
  * NodeArray has children, then scan the child array to insert the new Node.
  * @param n
 public void preInsert(int n, int v) {
   int in = scanKeyArray(n); // Scan array to find position to insert 'n' using scanArray function
   if (childcount > 0) // If node has a child, then insert in it's child node
     childArray[in].preInsert(n, v);
     if (childArray[in].keycount > max) // Child is full so split
   } else insertKey(in, n, v); // No children so insert in node itself