Example #1
   * Updates tick label for date axis.
   * @param length the length of axis
  private void updateTickLabelForDateAxis(int length) {
    double min = axis.getRange().lower;
    double max = axis.getRange().upper;

    double gridStepHint = Math.abs(max - min) / length * axis.getTick().getTickMarkStepHint();

    timeUnit = getTimeUnit(gridStepHint);

    if (timeUnit == Calendar.MILLISECOND
        || timeUnit == Calendar.SECOND
        || timeUnit == Calendar.MINUTE
        || timeUnit == Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY
        || timeUnit == Calendar.DATE) {

      Integer[] steps = possibleTickSteps.get(timeUnit);
      for (int i = 0; i < steps.length - 1; i++) {
        if (gridStepHint
            < (getPeriodInMillis(timeUnit, steps[i]) + getPeriodInMillis(timeUnit, steps[i + 1]))
                / 2d) {
          BigDecimal gridStep =
              new BigDecimal(Long.valueOf(getPeriodInMillis(timeUnit, steps[i])).toString());
          updateTickLabelForLinearScale(length, gridStep);
    } else if (timeUnit == Calendar.MONTH || timeUnit == Calendar.YEAR) {

      updateTickLabelForMonthOrYear(length, gridStepHint, timeUnit);
Example #2
  * Return the axis values for the given pixel location on this graph.
  * @param x The x pixel location on the graph.
  * @param y The y pixel location on the graph.
  * @return the x and y values for the given pixel location.
 public double[] getValueAt(int x, int y) {
   Insets insets = getInsets();
   double v[] = new double[2];
   v[0] = xAxis != null ? xAxis.getValue(x - insets.left) : 0.;
   v[1] = yAxis != null ? yAxis.getValue(getHeight() - y - insets.bottom) : 0.;
   return v;
Example #3
  * Sets the bins to the x and y axes and creates the buffer of the histogram
  * @param bx number of bins on the x axis
  * @param xmin the minimum value on the x axis
  * @param xmax the maximum value on the x axis
  * @param by number of bins on the y axis
  * @param ymin the minimum value on the y axis
  * @param ymax the maximum value on the y axis
 public final void set(int bx, double xmin, double xmax, int by, double ymin, double ymax) {
   xAxis.set(bx, xmin, xmax);
   yAxis.set(by, ymin, ymax);
   offset = new MultiIndex(bx, by);
   int buff = offset.getArraySize();
   hBuffer = new double[buff];
 public Axis createXAxis() {
   Axis newAxis = new Axis("X-Axis", false);
   return newAxis;
Example #5
   * Returns the state indicating if there is a space to draw tick label.
   * @param previousPosition the previously drawn tick label position.
   * @param tickLabelPosition the tick label position.
   * @param tickLabel the tick label text
   * @return true if there is a space to draw tick label
  private boolean hasSpaceToDraw(int previousPosition, int tickLabelPosition, String tickLabel) {
    Point p = Util.getExtentInGC(axis.getTick().getFont(), tickLabel);
    int interval = tickLabelPosition - previousPosition;
    int textLength = axis.isHorizontalAxis() ? p.x : p.y;

    return interval > textLength;
Example #6
 public H2D() {
   offset = new MultiIndex(xAxis.getNBins(), yAxis.getNBins());
   hBuffer = new double[offset.getArraySize()];
   this.attr.getProperties().setProperty("title", "");
   this.attr.getProperties().setProperty("xtitle", "");
   this.attr.getProperties().setProperty("ytitle", "");
Example #7
  /** Calculate the rectangle occupied by the data */
  protected Rectangle getDataRectangle(Graphics g, Rectangle r) {
    Axis a;
    int waxis;
    int x = r.x;
    int y = r.y;
    int width = r.width;
    int height = r.height;

    for (int i = 0; i < axis.size(); i++) {
      a = ((Axis) axis.elementAt(i));

      waxis = a.getAxisWidth(g);

      switch (a.getAxisPos()) {
        case Axis.LEFT:
          x += waxis;
          width -= waxis;
        case Axis.RIGHT:
          width -= waxis;
        case Axis.TOP:
          y += waxis;
          height -= waxis;
        case Axis.BOTTOM:
          height -= waxis;

    return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
Example #8
 public String getDomainCode() {
   if (xAxis.getDomain() != null) domainCode = "x.domain(" + xAxis.getDomain() + ");\n";
   else domainCode = "x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d.x; }));\n";
   if (yAxis.getDomain() != null) domainCode += "y.domain(" + yAxis.getDomain() + ");\n";
   else domainCode += "y.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d.y; }));\n";
   return domainCode;
Example #9
 /** Return a list of active dimensions on the slicer */
 public static Set getActiveSlicerHierarchies(OlapModel model) throws OlapException {
   Set active = new HashSet();
   Axis slicer = model.getResult().getSlicer();
   Hierarchy[] hiers = slicer.getHierarchies();
   for (int j = 0; j < hiers.length; j++) active.add(hiers[j]);
   return active;
Example #10
  * Finds which bin has that value.
  * @param x The x value to search for
  * @param y The y value to search for
  * @return The bin, in array indexing format, which holds that x-y value
 public int findBin(double x, double y) {
   int bx = xAxis.getBin(x);
   int by = yAxis.getBin(y);
   if (this.isValidBins(bx, by)) {
     return (offset.getArrayIndex(bx, by));
   return -1;
 public Axis createYAxis() {
   Axis newAxis = new Axis("Y-Axis", true);
   return newAxis;
Example #12
   * Detach a previously attached Axis.
   * @param the Axis to dettach.
  public void detachAxis(Axis a) {

    if (a != null) {
      a.g2d = null;
Example #13
 public String toString() {
   return new StringBuffer()
Example #14
  * Creates an error buffer with each element being 0.0
  * @return a double 2D array with a size of xAxis * yAxis with each element being 0.0
 public double[][] getErrorBuffer() {
   double[][] buff = new double[xAxis.getNBins()][yAxis.getNBins()];
   for (int xloop = 0; xloop < xAxis.getNBins(); xloop++) {
     for (int yloop = 0; yloop < yAxis.getNBins(); yloop++) {
       buff[xloop][yloop] = 0.0;
   return buff;
Example #15
  * Generates a 2D array with the content in the histogram
  * @return a 2D array with each bin in its array index
 public double[][] getContentBuffer() {
   double[][] buff = new double[xAxis.getNBins()][yAxis.getNBins()];
   for (int xloop = 0; xloop < xAxis.getNBins(); xloop++) {
     for (int yloop = 0; yloop < yAxis.getNBins(); yloop++) {
       buff[xloop][yloop] = this.getBinContent(xloop, yloop);
   return buff;
Example #16
   * Check the value of an axis, by name
   * @param name
   * @return The value of the axis form -1 to 1
  public static float checkAxis(String name) {
    if (axes.get(name) != null) {
      for (Axis a : axes.get(name)) {
        if (Math.abs(a.check()) > 0.2) return a.check();

    return 0;
Example #17
  * メジャーを求める。 メジャーを持たない場合は、nullを戻す。
  * @return メジャーオブジェクト
 public Measure getMeasure() {
   Iterator<Axis> it = this.axisList.iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     Axis axis = it.next();
     if (axis.isMeasure()) {
       return (Measure) axis;
   return null;
Example #18
   * Returns the nth point in this graph (coordinates measured in pixels with respect to the canvas
   * provided).
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the graph does not have an nth point.
  public Point getPoint(Component canvas, int n) {
    // subtract 1 so that everything actually fits *within* the canvas
    int width = canvas.getSize().width - 1;
    int height = canvas.getSize().height - 1;

    int x = xAxis.rescaleDataValue(this.getXValue(n), 0, width);
    int y = yAxis.rescaleDataValue(this.getYValue(n), height, 0);

    return new Point(x, y);
   * Checks if the design is inside the filters for a given Axis.
   * @param axis the axis
   * @return true, if is inside filters
  private boolean isInsideBounds(Axis axis) {
    double lower = axis.getLowerFilter().getValue();
    double upper = axis.getUpperFilter().getValue();
    double value = this.getDoubleValue(axis.getParameter());

    if (lower <= value && value <= upper) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
 private double[][] ticks(double start, double end) {
   LinearTickMarkCalculator c = new LinearTickMarkCalculator();
   Axis axis =
       new Axis() {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
   double[][] data = c.calculateTickMarks(axis);
   return data;
Example #21
  // returns the number of points in this graph (equal to the
  // *maximum* length of an axis, or zero if at least one axis is
  // completely empty)
  private int getNumberOfPoints() {
    int xSize = xAxis.getData().length;
    int ySize = yAxis.getData().length;

    if (xSize == 0 || ySize == 0) {
      return 0;
    } else if (xSize > ySize) {
      return xSize;
    } else {
      return ySize;
Example #22
   * Creates a 1-D Histogram slice of the specified y Bin
   * @param xBin the bin on the y axis to create a slice of
   * @return a slice of the x bins on the specified y bin as a 1-D Histogram
  public H1D sliceX(int xBin) {
    String name = "Slice of " + xBin + " X Bin";
    double xMin = yAxis.min();
    double xMax = yAxis.max();
    int xNum = yAxis.getNBins();
    H1D sliceX = new H1D(name, name, xNum, xMin, xMax);

    for (int x = 0; x < xNum; x++) {
      sliceX.setBinContent(x, this.getBinContent(xBin, x));
    return sliceX;
Example #23
  * 時間軸を持つ場合true、持たない場合falseを戻す。
  * @return 時間軸を持つか
 public boolean investigateTimeDimension() {
   Iterator<Axis> it = this.axisList.iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     Axis axis = it.next();
     if (!axis.isMeasure()) {
       Dimension dim = (Dimension) axis;
       if (dim.isTimeDimension()) {
         return true;
   return false;
Example #24
  * 与えられた軸を持つ場合true、持たない場合falseを戻す。
  * @param oAxis 軸をあらわすオブジェクト
  * @return 軸を持つかどうか
 public boolean hasThisAxis(Axis oAxis) {
   if (oAxis == null) {
     return false;
   Iterator<Axis> it = this.getAxisList().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     Axis axis = it.next();
     if (axis.getId().equals(oAxis.getId())) {
       return true;
   return false;
Example #25
   * @see PaintListener#paintControl(PaintEvent)
  public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) {
    if (!axis.getTick().isVisible()) {

    if (axis.isHorizontalAxis()) {
    } else {
Example #26
   * Creates a 1-D Histogram slice of the specified x Bin
   * @param yBin the bin on the x axis to create a slice of
   * @return a slice of the y bins on the specified x bin as a 1-D Histogram
  public H1D sliceY(int yBin) {
    String name = "Slice of " + yBin + " Y Bin";
    double xMin = xAxis.min();
    double xMax = xAxis.max();
    int xNum = xAxis.getNBins();
    H1D sliceY = new H1D(name, name, xNum, xMin, xMax);

    for (int y = 0; y < xNum; y++) {
      sliceY.setBinContent(y, this.getBinContent(y, yBin));

    return sliceY;
Example #27
 public String convertData(int s[]) {
   dataCode = "";
   if (xAxis.getDataLen() != s.length) return "";
   //	dataCode += "var "+varName+"=[";
   dataCode += "[";
   for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
     if (xAxis.getDateLen() > -1)
       dataCode += "{x:parseDate(\"" + xAxis.getData(i) + "\"),y:" + s[i] + "},";
     else dataCode += "{x:" + xAxis.getData(i) + ",y:" + s[i] + "},";
   dataCode += "]\n";
   return dataCode;
Example #28
  /** Updates the visibility of tick labels. */
  private void updateTickVisibility() {

    // initialize the array of tick label visibility state
    for (int i = 0; i < tickLabelPositions.size(); i++) {

    if (tickLabelPositions.size() == 0 || axis.getTick().getTickLabelAngle() != 0) {

    // set the tick label visibility
    int previousPosition = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < tickLabelPositions.size(); i++) {

      // check if there is enough space to draw tick label
      boolean hasSpaceToDraw = true;
      if (i != 0) {
        hasSpaceToDraw =
            hasSpaceToDraw(previousPosition, tickLabelPositions.get(i), tickLabels.get(i));

      // check if the tick label value is major
      boolean isMajorTick = true;
      if (!axis.isValidCategoryAxis()) {
        if (axis.isLogScaleEnabled()) {
          isMajorTick = isMajorTick(tickLabelValues.get(i));

        // check if the same tick label is repeated
        String currentLabel = tickLabels.get(i);
        try {
          double value = Double.parseDouble(currentLabel);
          if (value != tickLabelValues.get(i)) {
            isMajorTick = false;
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          // label is not decimal value but string

      if (hasSpaceToDraw && isMajorTick) {
        previousPosition = tickLabelPositions.get(i);
      } else {
        tickVisibilities.set(i, Boolean.FALSE);
Example #29
  * 与えられた軸のエッジにおけるインデックスを求める。 与えられた軸がエッジにない場合は、-1を戻す。
  * @param axisId 軸ID
  * @return 軸のエッジにおけるインデックス
 public int getAxisIndexInEdge(String axisId) {
   if (axisId == null) {
     return -1;
   Iterator<Axis> it = this.getAxisList().iterator();
   int i = 0;
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     Axis axis = it.next();
     if (axis.getId().equals(axisId)) {
       return i;
   return -1;
Example #30
   * Create and attach an Axis to the graph. The position of the axis is one of Axis.TOP,
   * Axis.BOTTOM, Axis.LEFT or Axis.RIGHT.
   * @param position Position of the axis in the drawing window.
  public Axis createAxis(int position) {
    Axis a;

    try {
      a = new Axis(position);
      a.g2d = this;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Failed to create Axis");
      return null;

    return a;