public static String saxElementToDebugString(String uri, String qName, Attributes attributes) { // Open start tag final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<"); sb.append(qName); final Set<String> declaredPrefixes = new HashSet<String>(); mapPrefixIfNeeded(declaredPrefixes, uri, qName, sb); // Attributes if any for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { mapPrefixIfNeeded(declaredPrefixes, attributes.getURI(i), attributes.getQName(i), sb); sb.append(' '); sb.append(attributes.getQName(i)); sb.append("=\""); sb.append(attributes.getValue(i)); sb.append('\"'); } // Close start tag sb.append('>'); // Content sb.append("[...]"); // Close element with end tag sb.append("</"); sb.append(qName); sb.append('>'); return sb.toString(); }
/** * @param attributes source attributes * @return new AttributesImpl containing all attributes that were in src attributes and that were * in the default name space. */ public static AttributesImpl getAttributesFromDefaultNamespace(final Attributes attributes) { final AttributesImpl ret = new AttributesImpl(); final int size = attributes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final String ns = attributes.getURI(i); if (!"".equals(ns)) continue; final String lnam = attributes.getLocalName(i); final String qnam = attributes.getQName(i); final String typ = attributes.getType(i); final String val = attributes.getValue(i); ret.addAttribute(ns, lnam, qnam, typ, val); } return ret; }
protected void collectExtensionAttributes(Attributes attributes) { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String key = attributes.getURI(i); if (key.length() == 0 || key.startsWith("")) // $NON-NLS-1$ continue; Map<String, String> value = extensionAttributes.get(key); if (value == null) { value = new HashMap<String, String>(); extensionAttributes.put(key, value); } value.put( getName(attributes.getLocalName(i), attributes.getQName(i)), attributes.getValue(i)); } }
public static AttributesImpl removeAttribute( Attributes attributes, String uri, String localname) { final AttributesImpl newAttributes = new AttributesImpl(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { final String attributeURI = attributes.getURI(i); final String attributeValue = attributes.getValue(i); final String attributeType = attributes.getType(i); final String attributeQName = attributes.getQName(i); final String attributeLocalname = attributes.getLocalName(i); if (!uri.equals(attributeURI) || !localname.equals(attributeLocalname)) { // Not a matched attribute newAttributes.addAttribute( attributeURI, attributeLocalname, attributeQName, attributeType, attributeValue); } } return newAttributes; }
public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { digest.update((byte) ((ELEMENT_CODE >> 24) & 0xff)); digest.update((byte) ((ELEMENT_CODE >> 16) & 0xff)); digest.update((byte) ((ELEMENT_CODE >> 8) & 0xff)); digest.update((byte) (ELEMENT_CODE & 0xff)); addToCharBuff('{'); addToCharBuff(namespaceURI); addToCharBuff('}'); addToCharBuff(localName); updateWithCharBuf(); digest.update((byte) 0); digest.update((byte) 0); int attCount = atts.getLength(); digest.update((byte) ((attCount >> 24) & 0xff)); digest.update((byte) ((attCount >> 16) & 0xff)); digest.update((byte) ((attCount >> 8) & 0xff)); digest.update((byte) (attCount & 0xff)); for (int i = 0; i < attCount; i++) { digest.update((byte) ((ATTRIBUTE_CODE >> 24) & 0xff)); digest.update((byte) ((ATTRIBUTE_CODE >> 16) & 0xff)); digest.update((byte) ((ATTRIBUTE_CODE >> 8) & 0xff)); digest.update((byte) (ATTRIBUTE_CODE & 0xff)); final String attURI = atts.getURI(i); final String attNam = atts.getLocalName(i); addToCharBuff('{'); addToCharBuff(attURI); addToCharBuff('}'); addToCharBuff(attNam); updateWithCharBuf(); digest.update((byte) 0); digest.update((byte) 0); final String val = atts.getValue(i); updateWith(val); } }
public static AttributesImpl addOrReplaceAttribute( Attributes attributes, String uri, String prefix, String localname, String value) { final AttributesImpl newAttributes = new AttributesImpl(); boolean replaced = false; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { final String attributeURI = attributes.getURI(i); final String attributeValue = attributes.getValue(i); final String attributeType = attributes.getType(i); final String attributeQName = attributes.getQName(i); final String attributeLocalname = attributes.getLocalName(i); if (uri.equals(attributeURI) && localname.equals(attributeLocalname)) { // Found existing attribute replaced = true; newAttributes.addAttribute( uri, localname, XMLUtils.buildQName(prefix, localname), ContentHandlerHelper.CDATA, value); } else { // Not a matched attribute newAttributes.addAttribute( attributeURI, attributeLocalname, attributeQName, attributeType, attributeValue); } } if (!replaced) { // Attribute did not exist already so add it newAttributes.addAttribute( uri, localname, XMLUtils.buildQName(prefix, localname), ContentHandlerHelper.CDATA, value); } return newAttributes; }
/** * This reports the occurrence of an actual element. It will include the element's attributes, * with the exception of XML vocabulary specific attributes, such as <code> * xmlns:[namespace prefix]</code> and <code>xsi:schemaLocation</code>. * * @param namespaceURI <code>String</code> namespace URI this element is associated with, or an * empty <code>String</code> * @param localName <code>String</code> name of element (with no namespace prefix, if one is * present) * @param qName <code>String</code> XML 1.0 version of element name: [namespace * prefix]:[localName] * @param atts <code>Attributes</code> list for this element * @throws SAXException when things go wrong */ public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { if (suppress) return; Element element = null; if ((namespaceURI != null) && (!namespaceURI.equals(""))) { String prefix = ""; // Determine any prefix on the Element if (!qName.equals(localName)) { int split = qName.indexOf(":"); prefix = qName.substring(0, split); } Namespace elementNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace(prefix, namespaceURI); element = factory.element(localName, elementNamespace); } else { element = factory.element(localName); } // Take leftover declared namespaces and add them to this element's // map of namespaces if (declaredNamespaces.size() > 0) { transferNamespaces(element); } // Handle attributes for (int i = 0, len = atts.getLength(); i < len; i++) { Attribute attribute = null; String attLocalName = atts.getLocalName(i); String attQName = atts.getQName(i); int attType = getAttributeType(atts.getType(i)); // Bypass any xmlns attributes which might appear, as we got // them already in startPrefixMapping(). // This is sometimes necessary when SAXHandler is used with // another source than SAXBuilder, as with JDOMResult. if (attQName.startsWith("xmlns:") || attQName.equals("xmlns")) { continue; } // First clause per // patch from Mattias Jiderhamn if ("".equals(attLocalName) && attQName.indexOf(":") == -1) { attribute = factory.attribute(attQName, atts.getValue(i), attType); } else if (!attQName.equals(attLocalName)) { String attPrefix = attQName.substring(0, attQName.indexOf(":")); Namespace attNs = Namespace.getNamespace(attPrefix, atts.getURI(i)); attribute = factory.attribute(attLocalName, atts.getValue(i), attType, attNs); } else { attribute = factory.attribute(attLocalName, atts.getValue(i), attType); } factory.setAttribute(element, attribute); } flushCharacters(); if (atRoot) { document.setRootElement(element); // XXX should we use a factory call? atRoot = false; } else { factory.addContent(getCurrentElement(), element); } currentElement = element; }
/** Receive notification of the start of an element. */ @Override public void startElement(String uri, String l, String q, Attributes a) { /* * 1. Load a class that matches the element name. * 2. If no class found, assume the element maps to a String. * 3. Otherwise, construct a new object of the class with element attributes. */ _logger.fine( S.fine(_logger) ? "Consider element " + l + "\n uri " + uri + "\n q " + q : null); ElementInfo info = new ElementInfo(); // Record java packages defined on this element as xmlns for (int i = 0; i < a.getLength(); ++i) { _logger.fine( S.fine(_logger) ? " attr " + a.getQName(i) + "=" + a.getValue(i) + "\n " + a.getQName(i) + ":" + a.getURI(i) : null); if (a.getQName(i).startsWith("xmlns:") && a.getValue(i).startsWith("java://")) { info.pkgs.put(a.getQName(i).substring(6), a.getValue(i).substring(7)); } } // Resolve the package name of this element, which could be empty (default package) int colon = q.indexOf(':'); if (colon > 0) { String xmlns = q.substring(0, colon); // is it defined right here? info.jpkg = info.pkgs.get(xmlns); // find a matching namespace from ancesters if (info.jpkg == null && !_stack.isEmpty()) { for (int i = _stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { info.jpkg = _stack.get(i).pkgs.get(xmlns); if (info.jpkg != null) { break; } } } } else if (isPrimitiveType(q)) { info.jpkg = "java.lang"; } else if (!_stack.isEmpty()) { info.jpkg = _stack.get(_stack.size() - 1).jpkg; } else { info.jpkg = _jpkg; } _logger.fine("to create element with package = " + info.jpkg); try { = (info.jpkg != null) ? info.jpkg + '.' + Strings.toCamelCase(l) : Strings.toCamelCase(l); try { if ("...")) { // Array construction info.type = Class.forName(, - 3)); = new ArrayList<Object>(); } else { // Non-array construction int size = a.getLength(); TypedValueGroup arguments = new TypedValueGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (!a.getQName(i).startsWith("xmlns:") && !a.getQName(i).equals("xmlns")) { arguments.add(guessUntypedValue(a.getQName(i), a.getValue(i))); } } arguments.complete(); _logger.fine(S.fine(_logger) ? "arguments=" + arguments : null); if (arguments.size() > 0) { if (arguments.size() == 1 && "java.lang".equals(info.jpkg)) { info.inst.put( "@as", Strings.toCamelCase( arguments.get(0).name, '-', false)); // respect original spelling = arguments.get(0).get(0).data; info.type = arguments.get(0).get(0).type; } else { Exception last = null; Object[] args = new Object[arguments.size()]; while (arguments.load(args, 0)) { try { _logger.fine( S.fine(_logger) ? "to create " + + " with args: " + args.length + args(args) : null); = _factory.create(, args); info.type =; break; } catch (InvocationTargetException x) { throw x; } catch (Exception x) { last = x; _logger.fine( "failure in creating " + + ": probing for other constructors"); } } if ( == null) { throw last; } } } else { _logger.fine("Create " + + " with the default constructor"); = _factory.create(; info.type =; } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) { // no class by the element name is found, assumed String if (!_lenient) { throw new BeanAssemblyException("No class associated with element " + q); } else { _logger.log(Level.WARNING, "can't find class " +, x); } } _stack.add(info); // _logger.fine(">>ElementInfo: " + info.type.getName() + " in " + info); // all other exceptions indicate mismatches between the beans and the XML schema } catch (Exception x) { if (!_lenient) { throw new BeanAssemblyException("Failed to assemble bean from element " + q, x); } else { _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "can't create object for this element", x); } } }