  public AtmosphereResource suspend(long timeout) {

    if (event.isSuspended() || disableSuspend) return this;

    if (config.isSupportSession()
        && req.getSession(false) != null
        && req.getSession().getMaxInactiveInterval() != -1
        && req.getSession().getMaxInactiveInterval() * 1000 < timeout) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Cannot suspend a "
              + "response longer than the session timeout. Increase the value of session-timeout in web.xml");

    if (transport().equals(TRANSPORT.JSONP) || transport().equals(TRANSPORT.LONG_POLLING)) {


    // Recheck based on preSuspend
    if (event.isSuspended() || disableSuspend) return this;

    if (!event.isResumedOnTimeout()) {

      Enumeration<String> connection = req.getHeaders("Connection");
      if (connection == null) {
        connection = req.getHeaders("connection");

      if (connection != null && connection.hasMoreElements()) {
        String[] e = connection.nextElement().toString().split(",");
        for (String upgrade : e) {
          if (upgrade.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE)) {
            if (!asyncSupport.supportWebSocket()) {
              response.addHeader(X_ATMOSPHERE_ERROR, "Websocket protocol not supported");
            } else {
              req.setAttribute(FrameworkConfig.TRANSPORT_IN_USE, HeaderConfig.WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT);

      if (req.getHeader(X_ATMOSPHERE_TRANSPORT) == null) {
        req.setAttribute(FrameworkConfig.TRANSPORT_IN_USE, HeaderConfig.LONG_POLLING_TRANSPORT);

      req.setAttribute(PRE_SUSPEND, "true");

      // TODO: We can possibly optimize that call by avoiding creating a Broadcaster if we are sure
      // the Broadcaster
      // is unique.
      boolean isJersey = req.getAttribute(FrameworkConfig.CONTAINER_RESPONSE) != null;

      boolean skipCreation = false;
      if (req.getAttribute(SKIP_BROADCASTER_CREATION) != null) {
        skipCreation = true;

      // Null means SCOPE=REQUEST set by a Meteor
      if (!skipCreation
          && (broadcaster == null || broadcaster.getScope() == Broadcaster.SCOPE.REQUEST)
          && !isJersey) {
        String id = broadcaster != null ? broadcaster.getID() : getClass().getName();
        Class<? extends Broadcaster> clazz =
            broadcaster != null ? broadcaster.getClass() : DefaultBroadcaster.class;

        broadcaster = config.getBroadcasterFactory().lookup(clazz, id, false);
        if (broadcaster == null || broadcaster.getAtmosphereResources().size() > 0) {
          broadcaster =
              config.getBroadcasterFactory().lookup(clazz, id + "/" + UUID.randomUUID(), true);

      if (req.getAttribute(DefaultBroadcaster.CACHED) != null
          && transport() != null
          && (transport().equals(TRANSPORT.LONG_POLLING) || transport().equals(TRANSPORT.JSONP))) {
        // Do nothing because we have found cached message which was written already, and the
        // handler resumed.
        logger.debug("Cached message found, not suspending {}", uuid());
        return this;
    return this;