Example #1
 public static PyObject float_new(
     PyNewWrapper new_, boolean init, PyType subtype, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) {
   ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("float", args, keywords, new String[] {"x"}, 0);
   PyObject x = ap.getPyObject(0, null);
   if (x == null) {
     if (new_.for_type == subtype) {
       return new PyFloat(0.0);
     } else {
       return new PyFloatDerived(subtype, 0.0);
   } else {
     PyFloat floatObject = null;
     try {
       floatObject = x.__float__();
     } catch (PyException e) {
       if (e.match(Py.AttributeError)) {
         // Translate AttributeError to TypeError
         // XXX: We are using the same message as CPython, even if
         //      it is not strictly correct (instances of types
         //      that implement the __float__ method are also
         //      valid arguments)
         throw Py.TypeError("float() argument must be a string or a number");
       throw e;
     if (new_.for_type == subtype) {
       return floatObject;
     } else {
       return new PyFloatDerived(subtype, floatObject.getValue());
Example #2
  public void dispatch(String[] args, FTPSession ftp) {

    CommandLine line = ArgParser.parse(args);

    if (args.length <= 0 || line == null || line.hasOption('h') || line.hasOption("help")) {
      // determine whether or not to print usage/help

      HelpFormatter help = new HelpFormatter();
      help.printHelp("FTPClient", ArgParser.options());
    } else {
      // otherwise handle all other options

      if (line.hasOption('C') || line.hasOption("connect")) {
        // handle server connection option
        commands.connect(ftp, line.getOptionValue('C'));

      if (line.hasOption("l") || line.hasOption("list")) {
        if (line.hasOption("L") || line.hasOption("local")) {
          // handle option to list local files
        } else {
          // handle option to list remote files

      if (line.hasOption('g') || line.hasOption("get")) {
        // handle getting a file on remote
        commands.getRemoteFile(ftp, line.getOptionValue('g'));

      if (line.hasOption('p') || line.hasOption("put")) {
        // handle putting a file on remote
        commands.putRemoteFile(ftp, line.getOptionValues('p'));

      if (line.hasOption('i') || line.hasOption("dir")) {
        // create directory on the ftp server
        commands.createRemoteDirectory(ftp, line.getOptionValue('i'));

      if (line.hasOption('m') || line.hasOption("modify")) {
        // modify remote file permissions
        commands.changeRemotePermissions(ftp, line.getOptionValues('m'));

      if (line.hasOption('d') || line.hasOption("delete")) {
        if (line.hasOption('R') || line.hasOption("recursive")) {
          // TODO: handle delete remote directory
        } else {
          // delete file on remote server
          commands.deleteRemoteFile(ftp, line.getOptionValue('d'));

  * Sort the items of the list in place. Items is compared with the normal relative comparison
  * operators.
 @ExposedMethod(doc = BuiltinDocs.list_sort_doc)
 final synchronized void list_sort(PyObject[] args, String[] kwds) {
   ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("list", args, kwds, new String[] {"cmp", "key", "reverse"}, 0);
   PyObject cmp = ap.getPyObject(0, Py.None);
   PyObject key = ap.getPyObject(1, Py.None);
   PyObject reverse = ap.getPyObject(2, Py.False);
   sort(cmp, key, reverse);
  final void file_init(PyObject[] args, String[] kwds) {

    ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("file", args, kwds, new String[] {"name", "mode", "bufsize"}, 1);
    String nameArg = ap.getString(0, null);
    String modeArg = ap.getString(1, "r");
    int buffArg = ap.getInt(2, 0);
    file_init(_setup(nameArg, modeArg, buffArg), nameArg, modeArg);
Example #5
 public static void UnicodeTranslateError__init__(
     PyObject self, PyObject[] args, String[] kwargs) {
   PyBaseException.TYPE.invoke("__init__", self, args, kwargs);
   ArgParser ap =
       new ArgParser(
           "__init__", args, kwargs, new String[] {"object", "start", "end", "reason"}, 4);
   self.__setattr__("object", ap.getPyObjectByType(0, PyUnicode.TYPE));
   self.__setattr__("start", ap.getPyObjectByType(1, PyInteger.TYPE));
   self.__setattr__("end", ap.getPyObjectByType(2, PyInteger.TYPE));
   self.__setattr__("reason", ap.getPyObjectByType(3, PyString.TYPE));
 @ExposedMethod(doc = BuiltinDocs.list___init___doc)
 final void list___init__(PyObject[] args, String[] kwds) {
   ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("list", args, kwds, new String[] {"sequence"}, 0);
   PyObject seq = ap.getPyObject(0, null);
   if (seq == null) {
   if (seq instanceof PyList) {
     list.addAll(((PyList) seq).list); // don't convert
   } else if (seq instanceof PyTuple) {
     list.addAll(((PyTuple) seq).getList());
   } else {
     for (PyObject item : seq.asIterable()) {
  private double doFunction(int beg, int end) {
    int argbeg;

    for (argbeg = beg; argbeg <= end && expression.charAt(argbeg) != '('; argbeg++) {;

    String fncnam = expression.substring(beg, argbeg).trim();
    ArgParser fncargs = new ArgParser(argbeg, end);
    FunctionHandler fnchdl = null;

    try {
      if ((fnchdl = pureFunctions.get(fncnam)) != null) {
        return fnchdl.evaluateFunction(fncnam, fncargs);
      } else if ((fnchdl = impureFunctions.get(fncnam)) != null) {
        isConstant = false; // impure functions cannot be guaranteed to be constant
        return fnchdl.evaluateFunction(fncnam, fncargs);
      fncargs = null; // suppress check for too many fncargs
    } catch (ArithmeticException thr) {
      fncargs = null;
      throw thr;
    } catch (NoSuchMethodError thr) {
      fncargs = null;
      throw exception(beg, "Function not supported in this JVM: \"" + fncnam + "\"");
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException thr) {
      fncargs = null;
      throw exception(beg, thr.getMessage());
    } catch (Throwable thr) {
      fncargs = null;
      throw exception(beg, "Unexpected exception parsing function arguments", thr);
    } finally {
      if (fncargs != null) {
        if (fncargs.hasNext()) {
          throw exception(fncargs.getIndex(), "Function has too many arguments");
        offset = fncargs.getIndex();
    throw exception(beg, "Function \"" + fncnam + "\" not recognized");
Example #8
 public static void UnicodeError__init__(
     PyObject self, PyObject[] args, String[] kwargs, PyType objectType) {
   ArgParser ap =
       new ArgParser(
           new String[] {"encoding", "object", "start", "end", "reason"},
   self.__setattr__("encoding", ap.getPyObjectByType(0, PyString.TYPE));
   self.__setattr__("object", ap.getPyObjectByType(1, objectType));
   self.__setattr__("start", ap.getPyObjectByType(2, PyInteger.TYPE));
   self.__setattr__("end", ap.getPyObjectByType(3, PyInteger.TYPE));
   self.__setattr__("reason", ap.getPyObjectByType(4, PyString.TYPE));
Example #9
  static final PyObject function___new__(
      PyNewWrapper new_, boolean init, PyType subtype, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) {
    ArgParser ap =
        new ArgParser(
            new String[] {"code", "globals", "name", "argdefs", "closure"},
    PyObject code = ap.getPyObject(0);
    PyObject globals = ap.getPyObject(1);
    PyObject name = ap.getPyObject(2, Py.None);
    PyObject defaults = ap.getPyObject(3, Py.None);
    PyObject closure = ap.getPyObject(4, Py.None);

    if (!(code instanceof PyBaseCode)) {
      throw Py.TypeError("function() argument 1 must be code, not " + code.getType().fastGetName());
    if (name != Py.None && !Py.isInstance(name, PyString.TYPE)) {
      throw Py.TypeError("arg 3 (name) must be None or string");
    if (defaults != Py.None && !(defaults instanceof PyTuple)) {
      throw Py.TypeError("arg 4 (defaults) must be None or tuple");

    PyBaseCode tcode = (PyBaseCode) code;
    int nfree = tcode.co_freevars == null ? 0 : tcode.co_freevars.length;
    if (!(closure instanceof PyTuple)) {
      if (nfree > 0 && closure == Py.None) {
        throw Py.TypeError("arg 5 (closure) must be tuple");
      } else if (closure != Py.None) {
        throw Py.TypeError("arg 5 (closure) must be None or tuple");

    int nclosure = closure == Py.None ? 0 : closure.__len__();
    if (nfree != nclosure) {
      throw Py.ValueError(
              "%s requires closure of length %d, not %d", tcode.co_name, nfree, nclosure));
    if (nclosure > 0) {
      for (PyObject o : ((PyTuple) closure).asIterable()) {
        if (!(o instanceof PyCell)) {
          throw Py.TypeError(
              String.format("arg 5 (closure) expected cell, found %s", o.getType().fastGetName()));

    PyFunction function =
        new PyFunction(
            defaults == Py.None ? null : ((PyTuple) defaults).getArray(),
            closure == Py.None ? null : ((PyTuple) closure).getArray());
    if (name != Py.None) {
      function.__name__ = name.toString();
    return function;
Example #10
  public void run(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // args = new String[]{"-L", "baseline", "-A", "data/iris.arff", "-E", "cross", "10", "-N"};

    // Random rand = new Random(1234); // Use a seed for deterministic results (makes debugging
    // easier)
    Random rand = new Random(); // No seed for non-deterministic results

    // Parse the command line arguments
    ArgParser parser = new ArgParser(args);
    String fileName = parser.getARFF(); // File specified by the user
    String learnerName = parser.getLearner(); // Learning algorithm specified by the user
    String evalMethod = parser.getEvaluation(); // Evaluation method specified by the user
    String evalParameter = parser.getEvalParameter(); // Evaluation parameters specified by the user
    boolean printConfusionMatrix = parser.getVerbose();
    boolean normalize = parser.getNormalize();

    // Load the model
    SupervisedLearner learner = getLearner(learnerName, rand);

    // Load the ARFF file
    Matrix data = new Matrix();
    double[] max = new double[data.cols()];
    double[] min = new double[data.cols()];
    for (int col = 0; col < max.length; col++) {
      max[col] = data.columnMax(col);
      min[col] = data.columnMin(col);

    if (normalize) {
      System.out.println("Using normalized data\n");

    // Print some stats
    System.out.println("Dataset name: " + fileName);
    System.out.println("Number of instances: " + data.rows());
    System.out.println("Number of attributes: " + data.cols());
    System.out.println("Learning algorithm: " + learnerName);
    System.out.println("Evaluation method: " + evalMethod);

    if (evalMethod.equals("training")) {
      System.out.println("Calculating accuracy on training set...");
      System.out.println("# cols: " + data.cols());
      Matrix features = new Matrix(data, 0, 0, data.rows(), data.cols() - 1);
      Matrix labels = new Matrix(data, 0, data.cols() - 1, data.rows(), 1);
      Matrix confusion = new Matrix();
      double startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      learner.train(features, labels);
      double elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
      System.out.println("Time to train (in seconds): " + elapsedTime / 1000.0);
      double accuracy = learner.measureAccuracy(features, labels, confusion);
      System.out.println("Training set accuracy: " + accuracy);
      if (printConfusionMatrix) {
        System.out.println("\nConfusion matrix: (Row=target value, Col=predicted value)");
    } else if (evalMethod.equals("static")) {
      Matrix testData = new Matrix();
      if (normalize)
            .normalize(); // BUG! This may normalize differently from the training data. It should
      // use the same ranges for normalization!

      System.out.println("Calculating accuracy on separate test set...");
      System.out.println("Test set name: " + evalParameter);
      System.out.println("Number of test instances: " + testData.rows());
      Matrix features = new Matrix(data, 0, 0, data.rows(), data.cols() - 1);
      Matrix labels = new Matrix(data, 0, data.cols() - 1, data.rows(), 1);
      double startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      learner.train(features, labels);
      double elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
      System.out.println("Time to train (in seconds): " + elapsedTime / 1000.0);
      double trainAccuracy = learner.measureAccuracy(features, labels, null);
      System.out.println("Training set accuracy: " + trainAccuracy);
      Matrix testFeatures = new Matrix(testData, 0, 0, testData.rows(), testData.cols() - 1);
      Matrix testLabels = new Matrix(testData, 0, testData.cols() - 1, testData.rows(), 1);
      Matrix confusion = new Matrix();
      double testAccuracy = learner.measureAccuracy(testFeatures, testLabels, confusion);
      System.out.println("Test set accuracy: " + testAccuracy);
      if (printConfusionMatrix) {
        System.out.println("\nConfusion matrix: (Row=target value, Col=predicted value)");
    } else if (evalMethod.equals("random")) {
      System.out.println("Calculating accuracy on a random hold-out set...");
      double trainPercent = 1 - Double.parseDouble(evalParameter);
      if (trainPercent < 0 || trainPercent > 1)
        throw new Exception("Percentage for random evaluation must be between 0 and 1");
      System.out.println("Percentage used for training: " + trainPercent);
      System.out.println("Percentage used for testing: " + Double.parseDouble(evalParameter));
      int trainSize = (int) (trainPercent * data.rows());
      Matrix trainFeatures = new Matrix(data, 0, 0, trainSize, data.cols() - 1);
      Matrix trainLabels = new Matrix(data, 0, data.cols() - 1, trainSize, 1);
      Matrix testFeatures =
          new Matrix(data, trainSize, 0, data.rows() - trainSize, data.cols() - 1);
      Matrix testLabels = new Matrix(data, trainSize, data.cols() - 1, data.rows() - trainSize, 1);
      double startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      learner.train(trainFeatures, trainLabels);
      double elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
      System.out.println("Time to train (in seconds): " + elapsedTime / 1000.0);
      double trainAccuracy = learner.measureAccuracy(trainFeatures, trainLabels, null);
      System.out.println("Training set accuracy: " + trainAccuracy);
      Matrix confusion = new Matrix();
      double testAccuracy = learner.measureAccuracy(testFeatures, testLabels, confusion);
      System.out.println("Test set accuracy: " + testAccuracy);
      if (printConfusionMatrix) {
        System.out.println("\nConfusion matrix: (Row=target value, Col=predicted value)");
    } else if (evalMethod.equals("cross")) {
      System.out.println("Calculating accuracy using cross-validation...");
      int folds = Integer.parseInt(evalParameter);
      if (folds <= 0) throw new Exception("Number of folds must be greater than 0");
      System.out.println("Number of folds: " + folds);
      int reps = 1;
      double sumAccuracy = 0.0;
      double elapsedTime = 0.0;
      for (int j = 0; j < reps; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < folds; i++) {
          int begin = i * data.rows() / folds;
          int end = (i + 1) * data.rows() / folds;
          Matrix trainFeatures = new Matrix(data, 0, 0, begin, data.cols() - 1);
          Matrix trainLabels = new Matrix(data, 0, data.cols() - 1, begin, 1);
          Matrix testFeatures = new Matrix(data, begin, 0, end - begin, data.cols() - 1);
          Matrix testLabels = new Matrix(data, begin, data.cols() - 1, end - begin, 1);
          trainFeatures.add(data, end, 0, data.rows() - end);
          trainLabels.add(data, end, data.cols() - 1, data.rows() - end);
          double startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          learner.train(trainFeatures, trainLabels);
          elapsedTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
          double accuracy = learner.measureAccuracy(testFeatures, testLabels, null);
          sumAccuracy += accuracy;
          System.out.println("Rep=" + j + ", Fold=" + i + ", Accuracy=" + accuracy);
      elapsedTime /= (reps * folds);
      System.out.println("Average time to train (in seconds): " + elapsedTime / 1000.0);
      System.out.println("Mean accuracy=" + (sumAccuracy / (reps * folds)));
Example #11
  public static PyObject complex_new(
      PyNewWrapper new_, boolean init, PyType subtype, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) {
    ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("complex", args, keywords, "real", "imag");
    PyObject real = ap.getPyObject(0, Py.Zero);
    PyObject imag = ap.getPyObject(1, null);

    // Special-case for single argument that is already complex
    if (real.getType() == TYPE && new_.for_type == subtype && imag == null) {
      return real;
    if (real instanceof PyString) {
      if (imag != null) {
        throw Py.TypeError("complex() can't take second arg if first is a string");
      return real.__complex__();
    if (imag != null && imag instanceof PyString) {
      throw Py.TypeError("complex() second arg can't be a string");

    try {
      real = real.__complex__();
    } catch (PyException pye) {
      if (!Py.matchException(pye, Py.AttributeError)) {
        // __complex__ not supported
        throw pye;
      // otherwise try other means

    PyComplex complexReal;
    PyComplex complexImag;
    PyFloat toFloat = null;
    if (real instanceof PyComplex) {
      complexReal = (PyComplex) real;
    } else {
      try {
        toFloat = real.__float__();
      } catch (PyException pye) {
        if (Py.matchException(pye, Py.AttributeError)) {
          // __float__ not supported
          throw Py.TypeError("complex() argument must be a string or a number");
        throw pye;
      complexReal = new PyComplex(toFloat.getValue());

    if (imag == null) {
      complexImag = new PyComplex(0.0);
    } else if (imag instanceof PyComplex) {
      complexImag = (PyComplex) imag;
    } else {
      toFloat = null;
      try {
        toFloat = imag.__float__();
      } catch (PyException pye) {
        if (Py.matchException(pye, Py.AttributeError)) {
          // __float__ not supported
          throw Py.TypeError("complex() argument must be a string or a number");
        throw pye;
      complexImag = new PyComplex(toFloat.getValue());

    complexReal.real -= complexImag.imag;
    complexReal.imag += complexImag.real;
    if (new_.for_type != subtype) {
      complexReal = new PyComplexDerived(subtype, complexReal.real, complexReal.imag);
    return complexReal;
Example #12
   * Starts the program
   * @param args the standard arguments. If "competition" is one of them, then the SmartDashboard
   *     will be in competition mode
   * @see main#inCompetition() inCompetition()
  public static void main(final String[] args) {
    // Present a loading bar (it will only show up if this is going slowly)
    final ProgressMonitor monitor =
        new ProgressMonitor(
            null, "Loading SmartDashboard", "Initializing internal code...", 0, 1000);

    // Search the filesystem for extensions (49%)
    FileSniffer.findExtensions(monitor, 0, 490);

    ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser(args, true, true, new String[] {"ip"});
    inCompetition = argParser.hasFlag("competition");
    boolean customIP = false;
    if (argParser.hasValue("ip")) {
      customIP = true;

    final boolean useTeamNumber = !customIP;
    try {
          new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
              try {

                monitor.setNote("Setting Theme");
                try {
                  for (UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info : UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) {
                    if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) {
                } catch (Exception e) {

                // Initialize GUI
                DashboardFrame frame = new DashboardFrame(inCompetition);

                monitor.setNote("Getting Team Number");
                IntegerProperty team = frame.getPrefs().team;
                while (team.getValue() <= 0) {
                  team.setValue(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Input Team Number"));
                if (useTeamNumber) {


                monitor.setNote("Loading From Save");

                // Load
                File file = new File(frame.getPrefs().saveFile.getValue());
                if (file.exists()) {


              } catch (Exception e) {

    } catch (Exception ex) {
 // To add/remove functions change evaluateOperator() and registration
 public double evaluateFunction(String fncnam, ArgParser fncargs) throws ArithmeticException {
   switch (Character.toLowerCase(fncnam.charAt(0))) {
     case 'a':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("abs")) {
           return Math.abs(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("acos")) {
           return Math.acos(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("asin")) {
           return Math.asin(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("atan")) {
           return Math.atan(fncargs.next());
     case 'c':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("cbrt")) {
           return Math.cbrt(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("ceil")) {
           return Math.ceil(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("cos")) {
           return Math.cos(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("cosh")) {
           return Math.cosh(fncargs.next());
     case 'e':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("exp")) {
           return Math.exp(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("expm1")) {
           return Math.expm1(fncargs.next());
     case 'f':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("floor")) {
           return Math.floor(fncargs.next());
     case 'g':
         //              if(fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("getExponent"   )) { return
         // Math.getExponent(fncargs.next());                } needs Java 6
     case 'l':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("log")) {
           return Math.log(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("log10")) {
           return Math.log10(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("log1p")) {
           return Math.log1p(fncargs.next());
     case 'm':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("max")) {
           return Math.max(fncargs.next(), fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("min")) {
           return Math.min(fncargs.next(), fncargs.next());
     case 'n':
         //              if(fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("nextUp"        )) { return Math.nextUp
         // (fncargs.next());                } needs Java 6
     case 'r':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("random")) {
           return Math.random();
         } // impure
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("round")) {
           return Math.round(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("roundHE")) {
           return Math.rint(fncargs.next());
         } // round half-even
     case 's':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("signum")) {
           return Math.signum(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("sin")) {
           return Math.sin(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("sinh")) {
           return Math.sinh(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("sqrt")) {
           return Math.sqrt(fncargs.next());
     case 't':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("tan")) {
           return Math.tan(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("tanh")) {
           return Math.tanh(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("toDegrees")) {
           return Math.toDegrees(fncargs.next());
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("toRadians")) {
           return Math.toRadians(fncargs.next());
     case 'u':
         if (fncnam.equalsIgnoreCase("ulp")) {
           return Math.ulp(fncargs.next());
       // no default
   throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
       "MathEval internal function setup is incorrect - internal function \""
           + fncnam
           + "\" not handled");