protected boolean configureURL(ApacheBinaryInfo binary, ConfigResponse config) {
    String port = null, address = null;
    if (binary.conf != null) {
      // XXX config parsing not complete
      Map cfg = ApacheBinaryInfo.parseConfig(binary.conf);
      String listen = (String) cfg.get("Listen");
      if (listen != null) {
        int ix = listen.lastIndexOf(':');
        if (ix == -1) {
          port = listen;
          address = (String) cfg.get("ServerName");
          if (address != null) {
            ix = address.indexOf(':');
            if (ix != -1) {
              address = address.substring(0, ix);
        } else {
          address = listen.substring(0, ix);
          port = listen.substring(ix + 1);
      setConfigTrack(config, binary.conf);
      String root = (String) cfg.get("ServerRoot");
      if (root != null) {
        binary.root = root;
      String log = (String) cfg.get("ErrorLog");
      if (binary.serverRootRelative(log).exists()) {
        setLogTrack(config, log);
      String pid = (String) cfg.get("PidFile");
      if (pid != null) {
        File pidFile = binary.serverRootRelative(pid);
        if (pidFile.exists()) {
          setPidFile(config, pidFile.getPath());
    if (port == null) {
      port = getConfigProperty(Collector.PROP_PORT, "80");
    if (address == null) {
      address = getListenAddress(port, this.defaultIp);

    config.setValue(Collector.PROP_PROTOCOL, getConnectionProtocol(port));
    config.setValue(Collector.PROP_SSL, isSSL(port));
    config.setValue(Collector.PROP_HOSTNAME, address);
    config.setValue(Collector.PROP_PORT, port);
    config.setValue(Collector.PROP_PATH, getConfigProperty(Collector.PROP_PATH, "/server-status"));
    return true;
  private void getServerInfo(ApacheBinaryInfo info, String[] args) {
    final String nameProp = "";
    String root = null;
    for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
      String arg = args[i];
      if (arg.startsWith("-d")) {
        root = arg.substring(2, arg.length());
        if (root.length() == 0) {
          root = args[i + 1];
      } else if (arg.startsWith("-f")) {
        info.conf = arg.substring(2, arg.length());
        if (info.conf.length() == 0) {
          info.conf = args[i + 1];
      } else if (arg.startsWith(nameProp)) { = arg.substring(nameProp.length(), arg.length());

    if (root != null) {
      // -d overrides compiled in HTTPD_ROOT
      info.root = root;

    if (info.conf != null) {
      // check that httpd.conf exists and is absolute
      File conf = new File(info.conf);
      if (!conf.isAbsolute() && (info.root != null)) {
        conf = new File(info.root, info.conf);
      if (!conf.exists()) {
        info.conf = null; // use the defaults
    } else {
      for (String conf : defaultConfs) {
        File cf = new File(info.root, conf);
        if (cf.exists() && cf.isFile()) {
          info.conf = cf.getAbsolutePath();
        "[getServerInfo] info.conf="
            + info.conf
            + ", info.root="
            + info.root
            + ","