public void handleEvent(Event event) {
          MUIElement changedElement = (MUIElement) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);
          MUIElement parent = changedElement.getParent();
          if (parent == null) {
            parent = (MUIElement) ((EObject) changedElement).eContainer();
            if (parent == null) {

          AbstractPartRenderer renderer = (AbstractPartRenderer) parent.getRenderer();
          if (renderer == null || parent instanceof MToolBar) return;

          // Re-parent the control based on the visible state
          if (changedElement.isVisible()) {
            if (changedElement.isToBeRendered()) {
              if (changedElement.getWidget() instanceof Control) {
                // Ensure that the control is under its 'real' parent if
                // it's visible
                Composite realComp = (Composite) renderer.getUIContainer(changedElement);
                Control ctrl = (Control) changedElement.getWidget();

              if (parent instanceof MElementContainer<?>) {
                renderer.childRendered((MElementContainer<MUIElement>) parent, changedElement);
          } else {
            // Put the control under the 'limbo' shell
            if (changedElement.getWidget() instanceof Control) {
              Control ctrl = (Control) changedElement.getWidget();

              if (!(ctrl instanceof Shell)) {
                ctrl.getShell().layout(new Control[] {ctrl}, SWT.DEFER);


            if (parent instanceof MElementContainer<?>) {
              renderer.hideChild((MElementContainer<MUIElement>) parent, changedElement);
  private void safeRemoveGui(MUIElement element) {
    if (removeRoot == null) removeRoot = element;

    // We call 'hideChild' *before* checking if the actual element
    // has been rendered in order to pick up cases of 'lazy loading'
    MUIElement parent = element.getParent();
    AbstractPartRenderer parentRenderer = parent != null ? getRendererFor(parent) : null;
    if (parentRenderer != null) {
      parentRenderer.hideChild(element.getParent(), element);

    AbstractPartRenderer renderer = getRendererFor(element);

    // If the element hasn't been rendered then this is a NO-OP
    if (renderer != null) {

      if (element instanceof MElementContainer<?>) {
        MElementContainer<MUIElement> container = (MElementContainer<MUIElement>) element;
        MUIElement selectedElement = container.getSelectedElement();
        List<MUIElement> children = container.getChildren();
        for (MUIElement child : children) {
          // remove stuff in the "back" first
          if (child != selectedElement) {

        if (selectedElement != null && children.contains(selectedElement)) {
          // now remove the selected element

      if (element instanceof MPerspective) {
        MPerspective perspective = (MPerspective) element;
        for (MWindow subWindow : perspective.getWindows()) {
      } else if (element instanceof MWindow) {
        MWindow window = (MWindow) element;
        for (MWindow subWindow : window.getWindows()) {

        if (window instanceof MTrimmedWindow) {
          MTrimmedWindow trimmedWindow = (MTrimmedWindow) window;
          for (MUIElement trimBar : trimmedWindow.getTrimBars()) {

      if (element instanceof MContribution) {
        MContribution contribution = (MContribution) element;
        Object client = contribution.getObject();
        IEclipseContext parentContext = renderer.getContext(element);
        if (parentContext != null && client != null) {
          try {
            ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(client, PersistState.class, parentContext, null);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            if (logger != null) {


      // unset the client object
      if (element instanceof MContribution) {
        MContribution contribution = (MContribution) element;
        Object client = contribution.getObject();
        IEclipseContext parentContext = renderer.getContext(element);
        if (parentContext != null && client != null) {
          try {
            ContextInjectionFactory.uninject(client, parentContext);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            if (logger != null) {

      // dispose the context
      if (element instanceof MContext) {
        clearContext((MContext) element);

    if (removeRoot == element) removeRoot = null;
        public void handleEvent(Event event) {

          Object changedObj = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT);
          if (!(changedObj instanceof MElementContainer<?>)) return;

          MElementContainer<MUIElement> changedElement = (MElementContainer<MUIElement>) changedObj;
          boolean isApplication = changedObj instanceof MApplication;

          boolean menuChild = changedObj instanceof MMenu;
          // If the parent isn't in the UI then who cares?
          AbstractPartRenderer renderer = getRendererFor(changedElement);
          if ((!isApplication && renderer == null) || menuChild) return;

          String eventType = (String) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.TYPE);
          if (UIEvents.EventTypes.ADD.equals(eventType)) {
            Activator.trace(Policy.DEBUG_RENDERER, "Child Added", null); // $NON-NLS-1$
            MUIElement added = (MUIElement) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE);

            // OK, we have a new -visible- part we either have to create
            // it or host it under the correct parent. Note that we
            // explicitly do *not* render non-selected elements in
            // stacks (to support lazy loading).
            boolean isStack = changedObj instanceof MGenericStack<?>;
            boolean hasWidget = added.getWidget() != null;
            boolean isSelected = added == changedElement.getSelectedElement();
            boolean renderIt = !isStack || hasWidget || isSelected;
            if (renderIt) {
              // NOTE: createGui will call 'childAdded' if successful
              Object w = createGui(added);
              if (w instanceof Control && !(w instanceof Shell)) {
                final Control ctrl = (Control) w;
                if (!ctrl.isDisposed()) {
                  ctrl.getShell().layout(new Control[] {ctrl}, SWT.DEFER);
            } else {
              if (renderer != null && added.isToBeRendered())
                renderer.childRendered(changedElement, added);

            // If the element being added is a placeholder, check to see if
            // it's 'globally visible' and, if so, remove all other
            // 'local' placeholders referencing the same element.
            int newLocation = modelService.getElementLocation(added);
            if (newLocation == EModelService.IN_SHARED_AREA
                || newLocation == EModelService.OUTSIDE_PERSPECTIVE) {
              MWindow topWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(added);
              modelService.hideLocalPlaceholders(topWin, null);
          } else if (UIEvents.EventTypes.REMOVE.equals(eventType)) {
            Activator.trace(Policy.DEBUG_RENDERER, "Child Removed", null); // $NON-NLS-1$
            MUIElement removed = (MUIElement) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.OLD_VALUE);
            // Removing invisible elements is a NO-OP as far as the
            // renderer is concerned
            if (!removed.isToBeRendered()) return;

            if (removed.getWidget() instanceof Control) {
              Control ctrl = (Control) removed.getWidget();
              ctrl.getParent().layout(new Control[] {ctrl}, SWT.CHANGED | SWT.DEFER);

            // Ensure that the element about to be removed is not the
            // selected element
            if (changedElement.getSelectedElement() == removed)

            if (renderer != null) renderer.hideChild(changedElement, removed);