   * Categorize file.
   * <p>If {@code file} parameter contains a pipe character, the pipe character is followed by the
   * format of the file.
   * <p>TODO: Pass format as separate DITA class parameter.
   * @param file file path with optional format
  private void categorizeResultFile(String file) {
    // edited by william on 2009-08-06 for bug:2832696 start
    String lcasefn = null;
    String format = null;
    // has format attribute set
    if (file.contains(STICK)) {
      // get lower case file name
      lcasefn = file.substring(0, file.indexOf(STICK)).toLowerCase();
      // get format attribute
      format = file.substring(file.indexOf(STICK) + 1);
      file = file.substring(0, file.indexOf(STICK));
    } else {
      lcasefn = file.toLowerCase();

    // Added by William on 2010-03-04 for bug:2957938 start
    // avoid files referred by coderef being added into wait list
    if (subsidiarySet.contains(lcasefn)) {
    // Added by William on 2010-03-04 for bug:2957938 end

    if (FileUtils.isDITAFile(lcasefn)
        && (format == null
            || ATTR_FORMAT_VALUE_DITA.equalsIgnoreCase(format)
            || ATTR_FORMAT_VALUE_DITAMAP.equalsIgnoreCase(format))) {

    } else if (!FileUtils.isSupportedImageFile(lcasefn)) {
      // FIXME: Treating all non-image extensions as HTML/resource files is not correct if
      // HTML/resource files
      //        are defined by the file extension. Correct behaviour would be to remove this else
      // block.
    // edited by william on 2009-08-06 for bug:2832696 end
    if (FileUtils.isSupportedImageFile(lcasefn)) {
      try {
        final File image = new File(baseInputDir + File.separator + file).getCanonicalFile();
        if (!image.exists()) {
          final Properties prop = new Properties();
          prop.put("%1", image.getAbsolutePath());
          logger.logWarn(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTX008W", prop).toString());
      } catch (final IOException e) {

    if (FileUtils.isHTMLFile(lcasefn) || FileUtils.isResourceFile(lcasefn)) {
Example #2
  public void startElement(
      final String uri, final String localName, final String qName, final Attributes atts)
      throws SAXException {
    final int attsLen = atts.getLength();
    final String attrScope = atts.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_SCOPE);
    final String attrFormat = atts.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_FORMAT);

    if (qName.equals(firstMatchElement)) {
      final String hrefValue = atts.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_HREF);
      if (verifyIndexEntries(indexEntries) && topicPath != null) {
        String origin = (String) map.get(topicPath);
        map.put(topicPath, StringUtils.setOrAppend(origin, indexEntries.toString(), false));
        String t = topicPath;
        String frag = SHARP;
        if (t.contains(SHARP)) {
          frag = t.indexOf(SHARP) + 1 >= t.length() ? SHARP : t.substring(t.indexOf(SHARP) + 1);
          t = t.substring(0, t.indexOf(SHARP));
        Map<String, String> m = map.get(t);
        if (m != null) {
          final String orig = m.get(frag);
          m.put(frag, StringUtils.setOrAppend(orig, indexEntries.toString(), false));
        } else {
          m = new HashMap<String, String>(INT_16);
          m.put(frag, indexEntries.toString());
          map.put(t, m);
        indexEntries = new StringBuffer(INT_1024);
      topicPath = null;
      if (hrefValue != null
          && hrefValue.indexOf(INTERNET_LINK_MARK) == -1
          && (attrScope == null || ATTR_SCOPE_VALUE_LOCAL.equalsIgnoreCase(attrScope))
          && (attrFormat == null || ATTR_FORMAT_VALUE_DITA.equalsIgnoreCase(attrFormat))) {
        // If the href is internal dita topic file
        topicPath = FileUtils.resolveTopic(filePath, hrefValue);
        validHref = true;
      } else {
        // set up the boolean to prevent the invalid href's metadata inserted into indexEntries.
        topicPath = null;
        validHref = false;
    if (!match) {
      if (lastMatchElement.contains(qName) && checkMatch()) {

        match = true;
        level = 0;

    if (match) {
      if (validHref) {
        indexEntries.append(LESS_THAN + qName + STRING_BLANK);

        for (int i = 0; i < attsLen; i++) {
