public ImageIcon getDisplayIcon() { if (displayIcon == null) { String filename; if (singleCharCode == '?') { filename = "jobstate_questionmark.gif"; } else { filename = "jobstate_" + singleCharCode + ".gif"; } displayIcon = Utils.loadCustomIcon(filename); } return displayIcon; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == btnOK) { dispose(); } else if (source == btnDetails) { detailState = !detailState; if (detailState) { contentPane.add(strutStacktrace, "1, 4, 3, 4"); contentPane.add(scrollStacktrace, "1, 5, 3, 5"); } else { contentPane.remove(strutStacktrace); contentPane.remove(scrollStacktrace); } btnDetails.setText(Utils._("Details") + (detailState ? " <<" : " >>")); this.setResizable(detailState); this.pack(); } else if (source == btnCopy) { StringSelection contents = new StringSelection(fullMessage); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(contents, contents); } }
/** * @author jonas * */ public enum JobState implements IconMap { UNDEFINED('?', -1, Utils._("Undefined")), FAILED('F', 8, Utils._("Failed")), SUSPENDED('T', 1, Utils._("Suspended"), Utils._("Suspended (not being scheduled)")), PENDING('P', 2, Utils._("Pending"), Utils._("Pending (waiting for the time to send to arrive)")), SLEEPING('S', 3, Utils._("Sleeping"), Utils._("Sleeping (waiting for a scheduled timeout such as a delay between attempts to send)")), BLOCKED('B', 4, Utils._("Blocked"), Utils._("Blocked (by concurrent activity to the same destination)")), WAITING('W', 5, Utils._("Waiting"), Utils._("Waiting (for resources such as a free modem)")), RUNNING('R', 6, Utils._("Running")), DONE('D', 7, Utils._("Done")) ; private final char singleCharCode; private final int queueCode; private final String label; private final String description; private transient ImageIcon displayIcon = null; private JobState(char singleCharCode, int queueCode, String label) { this(singleCharCode, queueCode, label, label); } private JobState(char singleCharCode, int queueCode, String label, String description) { this.singleCharCode = singleCharCode; this.queueCode = queueCode; this.label = label; this.description = description; } public char getSingleCharCode() { return singleCharCode; } public int getQueueCode() { return queueCode; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public ImageIcon getDisplayIcon() { if (displayIcon == null) { String filename; if (singleCharCode == '?') { filename = "jobstate_questionmark.gif"; } else { filename = "jobstate_" + singleCharCode + ".gif"; } displayIcon = Utils.loadCustomIcon(filename); } return displayIcon; } public String getText() { return label; } @Override public String toString() { return label; } //From man doneq: // state: The job scheduling state. Recognized values are: // 1 (suspended, not being scheduled), public static final int QUEUESTATE_SUSPENDED = 1; // 2 (pending, waiting for the time to send), public static final int QUEUESTATE_PENDING = 2; // 3 (sleeping, waiting for a scheduled timeout), public static final int QUEUESTATE_SLEEPING = 3; // 4 (blocked, waiting for concurrent activity to the same destination to complete), public static final int QUEUESTATE_BLOCKED = 4; // 5 (ready, ready to be processed except for available resources), public static final int QUEUESTATE_READY = 5; // 6 (active, actively being processed by HylaFAX), public static final int QUEUESTATE_ACTIVE = 6; // 7 (done, processing completed with success). public static final int QUEUESTATE_DONE = 7; // 8 (failed, processing completed with a failure). public static final int QUEUESTATE_FAILED = 8; // Unknown public static final int QUEUESTATE_UNKNOWN = -1; /** * Returns the job state corresponding to the given queue code * @param intState * @return */ public static JobState getJobStateFromQueueCode(int intState) { switch (intState) { // Map to sent job one character code case QUEUESTATE_ACTIVE: return RUNNING; case QUEUESTATE_BLOCKED: return BLOCKED; case QUEUESTATE_DONE: return DONE; case QUEUESTATE_FAILED: return FAILED; case QUEUESTATE_PENDING: return PENDING; case QUEUESTATE_READY: return WAITING; case QUEUESTATE_SLEEPING: return SLEEPING; case QUEUESTATE_SUSPENDED: return SUSPENDED; default: return UNDEFINED; } } public static final char JOBSTATE_UNDEFINED = '?'; public static final char JOBSTATE_FAILED = 'F'; public static final char JOBSTATE_SUSPENDED = 'T'; public static final char JOBSTATE_PENDING = 'P'; public static final char JOBSTATE_SLEEPING = 'S'; public static final char JOBSTATE_BLOCKED = 'B'; public static final char JOBSTATE_WAITING = 'W'; public static final char JOBSTATE_RUNNING = 'R'; public static final char JOBSTATE_DONE = 'D'; /** * Returns the job state for the given single character code * @param state * @return the job state */ public static JobState getJobStateFromCharCode(char state) { switch (state) { case JOBSTATE_BLOCKED: return BLOCKED; case JOBSTATE_DONE: return DONE; case JOBSTATE_FAILED: return FAILED; case JOBSTATE_PENDING: return PENDING; case JOBSTATE_RUNNING: return RUNNING; case JOBSTATE_SLEEPING: return SLEEPING; case JOBSTATE_SUSPENDED: return SUSPENDED; case JOBSTATE_UNDEFINED: default: return UNDEFINED; case JOBSTATE_WAITING: return WAITING; } } }
private void initialize(String message, Exception exc) { double[][] dLay = { { border, TableLayout.PREFERRED, border, TableLayout.FILL, border }, { border, TableLayout.PREFERRED, border, TableLayout.PREFERRED, TableLayout.PREFERRED, TableLayout.FILL, border, TableLayout.PREFERRED, border } }; contentPane = new JPanel(new TableLayout(dLay)); boxButtons = Box.createHorizontalBox(); btnOK = new JButton(Utils._("OK")); btnOK.addActionListener(this); btnDetails = new JButton(Utils._("Details") + " >>"); btnDetails.addActionListener(this); btnCopy = new JButton(Utils._("Copy"), Utils.loadIcon("general/Copy")); btnCopy.addActionListener(this); boxButtons.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); boxButtons.add(btnOK); boxButtons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(border)); boxButtons.add(btnDetails); boxButtons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(border)); boxButtons.add(btnCopy); boxButtons.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); JLabel lblIcon = new JLabel(UIManager.getIcon("OptionPane.errorIcon")); lblText = new JLabel("<html>" + message + "</html>"); adjustTextLabelSize(lblText); String localizedMessage = exc.getLocalizedMessage(); if (localizedMessage == null) { localizedMessage = exc.getMessage(); } if (localizedMessage != null) { lblExceptionText = new JLabel("<html>" + localizedMessage + "</html>"); lblExceptionText.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.TOP); adjustTextLabelSize(lblExceptionText); } else { lblExceptionText = null; } strutStacktrace = Box.createVerticalStrut(20); StringWriter stringBuf = new StringWriter(); exc.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringBuf)); //Append some system info: stringBuf.append("\n\n"); stringBuf.append(Utils.AppShortName).append(' ').append(Utils.AppVersion).append('\n'); stringBuf.append("Java ") .append(System.getProperty("java.version")).append(" (") .append(System.getProperty("java.vendor")).append(")\n") .append(System.getProperty("")).append(' ') .append(System.getProperty("java.runtime.version")).append('\n') .append(System.getProperty("")).append('\n'); stringBuf .append(System.getProperty("")).append(' ') .append(System.getProperty("os.version")).append(" (") .append(System.getProperty("os.arch")).append(")\n"); String stacktrace = stringBuf.toString(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(message).append('\n'); if (localizedMessage != null) sb.append(localizedMessage).append('\n'); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(stacktrace); fullMessage = sb.toString(); textStacktrace = new JTextArea(stacktrace); textStacktrace.setFont(new Font("DialogInput", Font.PLAIN, 12)); textStacktrace.setEditable(false); textStacktrace.addMouseListener(ClipboardPopup.DEFAULT_POPUP); textStacktrace.setRows(8); //textStacktrace.setColumns(40); scrollStacktrace = new JScrollPane(textStacktrace, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); /* boxLabels = Box.createVerticalBox(); boxLabels.add(lblText); boxLabels.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(border)); if (lblExceptionText != null) { boxLabels.add(lblExceptionText); boxLabels.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(border)); } boxLabels.add(scrollStacktrace); boxLabels.add(strutStacktrace); boxLabels.add(boxButtons); contentPane.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(border), BorderLayout.NORTH); contentPane.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(border), BorderLayout.SOUTH); contentPane.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(border), BorderLayout.WEST); contentPane.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(border), BorderLayout.EAST); contentPane.add(boxLabels, BorderLayout.CENTER); */ contentPane.add(lblIcon, "1, 1, 1, 3"); contentPane.add(lblText, "3, 1"); if (lblExceptionText != null) contentPane.add(lblExceptionText, "3, 3"); contentPane.add(boxButtons, "1, 7, 3, 7"); this.setResizable(false); this.getRootPane().getRootPane().setDefaultButton(btnOK); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); this.setContentPane(contentPane); //this.setLocationByPlatform(true); this.pack(); // lblText.addComponentListener(this); // if (lblExceptionText != null) // lblExceptionText.addComponentListener(this); if (Utils.debugMode) { // Utils.debugOut.println("EXCEPTION occured: " + message); // exc.printStackTrace(Utils.debugOut); log.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception occurred: " + message, exc); } }
public static void showExceptionDialog(Component owner, String title, String message, Exception exc) { if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { ExceptionDialog eDlg; if (!(owner instanceof Window)) { if (owner != null) { owner = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(owner); } if (owner == null) { owner = Launcher2.application.getFrame(); } } if (owner instanceof Dialog) { eDlg = new ExceptionDialog((Dialog)owner, title, message, exc); } else if (owner instanceof Frame) { eDlg = new ExceptionDialog((Frame)owner, title, message, exc); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(owner, message + "\n" + exc.getMessage(), Utils._("Error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } eDlg.setVisible(true); } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new DisplayRunnable(owner, title, message, exc)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error showing exception dialog.", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error showing exception dialog.", e); } } }
public static void showExceptionDialog(Component owner, String message, Exception exc) { showExceptionDialog(owner, Utils._("Error"), message, exc); }