public void addData(ModuleData data) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException { if (data == null) throw new NotEmptyException("data cannot be empty"); if (Tools.hasRight("ADD_DATA_TO_MODULE")) { data.setModule(this); moduleDatas.add(data); } else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't add data to module"); }
public void setModuleController(String controller) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException { if (controller == null || controller.length() == 0) throw new NotEmptyException("controller cannot be empty"); if (Tools.hasRight("SET_MODULE_CONTROLLER")) this.class1 = controller; else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't edit a module controller as: " + controller); }
public void addAction(ModuleAction action) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException { if (action == null) throw new NotEmptyException("action cannot be empty"); if (Tools.hasRight("ADD_ACTION_TO_MODULE")) { action.setModule(this); action.persist(); moduleActions.add(action); } else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't add action to module"); }
public void removeData(ModuleData data) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException { if (data == null) throw new NotEmptyException("data cannot be empty"); if (Tools.hasRight("REMOVE_DATA_FROM_MODULE")) { for (ModuleData gp : moduleDatas) if (gp.equals(data)) { gp.remove(); break; } } else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't remove data from module"); }
public void disallowAccess(AppGroup group) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException { if (group == null) throw new NotEmptyException("group cannot be empty"); if (Tools.hasRight("REMOVE_MODULE_FROM_GROUP")) { for (ModuleGroup gp : moduleGroups) if (gp.getGroup().equals(group)) { gp.remove(); break; } } else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't remove group from module"); }
public void allowAccess(AppGroup group) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException { if (group == null) throw new NotEmptyException("group cannot be empty"); if (Tools.hasRight("ADD_MODULE_TO_GROUP")) { ModuleGroup groupuser = new ModuleGroup(); groupuser.setGroup(group); groupuser.setModule(this); groupuser.persist(); moduleGroups.add(groupuser); } else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't add group to module"); }
public void disallowAccess(AppRight right) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException { if (right == null) throw new NotEmptyException("right cannot be empty"); if (Tools.hasRight("REMOVE_RIGHT_FROM_MODULE")) { for (ModuleRight gp : moduleRights) if (gp.getRight().equals(right)) { gp.remove(); break; } } else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't remove right from module"); }
public void allowAccess(AppRight right) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException { if (right == null) throw new NotEmptyException("right cannot be empty"); if (Tools.hasRight("ADD_RIGHT_TO_MODULE")) { ModuleRight element = new ModuleRight(); element.setModule(this); element.setRight(right); element.persist(); moduleRights.add(element); } else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't add right to module"); }
public void removeAction(ModuleAction action) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException { if (action == null) throw new NotEmptyException("action cannot be empty"); if (Tools.hasRight("REMOVE_ACTION_FROM_MODULE")) { for (ModuleAction gp : moduleActions) if (gp.equals(action)) { gp.remove(); break; } } else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't remove action from module"); }
@Override public String toString() { return "Num: " + Tools.getValue(qs) + " Verb: " + verb + " Unit: " + unit + " NPs: " + Arrays.asList(connectedNPs) + " Rate : " + rateUnit; }
public void setName(String name) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException, DataLengthException, DataFormatException, NotUniqueException { if (name == null || name.length() == 0) throw new NotEmptyException("name cannot be empty"); if (name.length() > 100) throw new DataLengthException("ident parameter is too long (max: 100 carac)"); if (isNameExist(name)) throw new NotUniqueException("name has to be unique"); if (Tools.hasRight("SET_MODULE_NAME")) = name; else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't edit a module name as: " + name); }
public Constituent getDependentVerb(Problem prob, QuantSpan qs) { Constituent result = getDependencyConstituentCoveringTokenId( prob, prob.ta.getTokenIdFromCharacterOffset(qs.start)); if (result == null) { System.out.println( "Text : " + prob.question + " Token : " + prob.ta.getTokenIdFromCharacterOffset(qs.start)); Tools.printCons(prob.dependency); } while (result != null) { if (result.getIncomingRelations().size() == 0) break; // System.out.println(result.getIncomingRelations().get(0).getSource()+" --> "+result); result = result.getIncomingRelations().get(0).getSource(); if (prob.posTags.get(result.getStartSpan()).getLabel().startsWith("VB")) { return result; } } return result; }
public static AppModule create(String name, String description, String controller) throws AccessNotAllowedException, NotEmptyException, DataLengthException, NotUniqueException, DataFormatException { if (name == null || name.length() == 0) throw new NotEmptyException("name cannot be empty"); if (name.length() > 100) throw new DataLengthException("ident parameter is too long (max: 100 carac)"); if (controller == null || controller.length() == 0) throw new NotEmptyException("controller cannot be empty"); if (isNameExist(name)) throw new NotUniqueException("name has to be unique"); if (Tools.hasRight("ADD_MODULE")) { AppModule module = new AppModule(); module.setName(name); module.setDescription(description); module.setModuleController(controller); module.persist(); return module; } else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't add a module entry"); }
public void update() throws AccessNotAllowedException { if (Tools.hasRight("UPDATE_MODULE")) this.merge(); else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't edit a filter entry"); }
public void delete() throws AccessNotAllowedException { if (Tools.hasRight("REMOVE_MODULE")) this.remove(); else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't delete a filter entry"); }
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) throws AccessNotAllowedException { if (Tools.hasRight("SET_MODULE_ENABLED")) this.enabled = enabled; else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't edit a module enabled as: " + enabled); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Date date = Tools.getDateTime(new Date(), -7); System.out.println(date.toGMTString() + " == " + date.getTime()); String str = "唐淑敏"; byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(UTF8); }
public void setDescription(String description) throws AccessNotAllowedException { if (Tools.hasRight("SET_MODULE_DESCRIPTION")) this.description = description; else throw new AccessNotAllowedException("You can't edit a module description"); }