private void executeDimensionProc(
     String bm_tag, CompositeMap dimensionsRecords, CompositeMap context) throws Exception {
   if (dimensionsRecords == null || dimensionsRecords.getChilds() == null) return;
   IProcedureManager procedureManager =
       (IProcedureManager) objectRegistry.getInstanceOfType(IProcedureManager.class);
   if (procedureManager == null)
     throw BuiltinExceptionFactory.createInstanceNotFoundException(this, IProcedureManager.class);
   for (Iterator it = dimensionsRecords.getChildIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     CompositeMap dimension = (CompositeMap);
     String dimension_init_proc = dimension.getString(KEY_DIMENSION_INIT_PROC);
     String tag = dimension.getString("dimension_tag");
     if (tag == null) continue;
     boolean is_tag_match = bm_tag.contains(tag);
     if (dimension_init_proc != null && is_tag_match) {
       Procedure proc = null;
       try {
         proc = procedureManager.loadProcedure(dimension_init_proc);
       } catch (Exception ex) {
         throw BuiltinExceptionFactory.createResourceLoadException(
             context.asLocatable(), dimension_init_proc, ex);
       ServiceInstance svc = ServiceInstance.getInstance(context);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void addConsumer(CompositeMap processor) {
   List childs = processor.getChilds();
   if (childs == null) ;
   if (childs.size() != 1) ;
   CompositeMap child = (CompositeMap) childs.get(0);
   Object inst = mOCManager.createObject(child);
   if (inst == null || !(inst instanceof IResultSetConsumer)) ;
   rsConsummer = (IResultSetConsumer) inst;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void setData(CompositeMap data) throws ApplicationException { = data;
   if (tableViewer != null) {
     if (tableViewer.getColumnProperties() == null) createTableColumns();
     if (data != null && data.getChilds() != null) {
       if (isAllChecked()) setAllChecked(tableViewer.getTable(), true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void getKeyNodeMap(CompositeMap source, Object key, Map result) {
   if (source == null || key == null) return;
   Object value = source.get(key);
   if (value != null) {
     result.put(value, source);
   if (source.getChilds() != null) {
     for (Iterator it = source.getChildIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
       getKeyNodeMap((CompositeMap), key, result);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void refresh(boolean dirty) {
   if (dirty && parent != null) parent.refresh(true);
   else {
     if (tableViewer != null && !tableViewer.getTable().isDisposed()) {
       if (data != null && data.getChilds() != null) {
       } else {
Ejemplo n.º 6
  private void init(BuildSession session, ViewContext view_context) throws Exception {
    CompositeMap context = ServiceThreadLocal.getCurrentThreadContext();
    if (context == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException("No service context set in ThreadLocal yet");
    CompositeMap view = view_context.getView();
    CompositeMap base_model = view_context.getModel();
    HTMLIncludeConfig hic = HTMLIncludeConfig.getInstance(view);
    String path = TextParser.parse(hic.getPath(), base_model);
    version = TextParser.parse(hic.getVersion(), base_model);
    if (null != path && !path.isEmpty()) {
      int begin = path.indexOf("/release");
      if (begin < 0) return;
      path = path.substring(begin, path.length());
      articlePath = "../.." + path;
      sourcePath =
          session.getContextPath() + path.replaceAll("\\\\", "/").replaceAll("(.*/)[^/]*$", "$1");
    String pathField = hic.getPathField();
    String model = hic.getModel();
    CompositeMap params = hic.getParams();
    Map map = new HashMap();
    if (null != params) {
      Iterator pit = params.getChildIterator();
      while (pit.hasNext()) {
        CompositeMap param = (CompositeMap);
            TextParser.parse((String) param.get("value"), view_context.getModel()));
    BusinessModelService service = factory.getModelService(model, context);

    CompositeMap resultMap = service.queryAsMap(map);
    if (null == resultMap || null == resultMap.getChilds()) {
      throw new ClassNotFoundException("文章未找到,输入的路径不正确。");
    Iterator it = resultMap.getChildIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      path = ((CompositeMap);
      if (null != path) {
        articlePath = "../.." + path;
        sourcePath =
            session.getContextPath() + path.replaceAll("\\\\", "/").replaceAll("(.*/)[^/]*$", "$1");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static CompositeMap searchNodeById(CompositeMap source, String targetId) {
   if (source == null || targetId == null) return null;
   CompositeMap targetNode = null;
   String nodeId = source.getString("id");
   if (nodeId != null && targetId.equals(nodeId)) {
     return source;
   List<CompositeMap> childList = source.getChilds();
   if (childList != null) {
     for (CompositeMap child : childList) {
       targetNode = searchNodeById(child, targetId);
       if (targetNode != null) break;
   return targetNode;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void addFields() {
   String pkName = null;
   if (primaryKeys != null && primaryKeys.getChildsNotNull().size() == 1) {
     pkName = ((CompositeMap) primaryKeys.getChilds().get(0)).getString("name");
   if (pkName != null) {
   List<CompositeMap> list = selection.getChildsNotNull();
   for (CompositeMap m : list) {
     String column_name = m.getString("name");
     if (pkName != null && pkName.equalsIgnoreCase(column_name)) continue;
     Record r = model.getRecordByName(column_name);
     if (r == null) {
       r = DesignerUtil.createRecord(m);
   ((BMDesignPage) designer.getActivePageInstance()).refreshRecordViewer();
Ejemplo n.º 9
  public void run(ProcedureRunner runner) throws Exception {
    runner.getContext().putObject(PATH_NAME, this, true);;

    ServiceInstance svc = ServiceInstance.getInstance(runner.getContext());
    CompositeMap root = svc.getServiceConfigData().getRoot();
    Map holders = (Map) root.get(PlaceHolder.PLACEHOLDER);
    if (holders != null) {
      CompositeMap holder = (CompositeMap) holders.get(targetId);
      if (holder != null) {
        CompositeMap parent = holder.getParent();
        Iterator it = getResultList().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          CompositeMap cm = (CompositeMap);
        List children = parent.getChilds();
        children.addAll(children.indexOf(holder), getResultList());
  public CompositeMap getCustomizationData(
      BusinessModel model, String function_code, CompositeMap context) {
    if (custDimensionsRecords == null || custDimensionsRecords.getChilds() == null) return null;
    String bm_name = model.getName();
    SqlServiceContext ssc = null;
    ResultSet rs_exists = null;
    ResultSet rs_details = null;
    CompositeMap result = new CompositeMap("result");
    try {
      ssc = databaseServiceFactory.createContextWithConnection();
      String exits_sql =
          "select 1   from dual  where exists  (select 1 from sys_bm_config_customization t "
              + " where t.bm_code='"
              + bm_name
              + "' and t.function_code = '"
              + function_code
              + "' and t.enable_flag='Y')";
      ParsedSql exits_stmt = createStatement(exits_sql);
      SqlRunner exits_runner = new SqlRunner(ssc, exits_stmt);
      rs_exists = exits_runner.query(null);
      if (! {
        return null;

      String bm_tag = model.getTag();
      if (bm_tag != null) {
        executeDimensionProc(bm_tag, custDimensionsRecords, context);
      String dimenson_sql_template =
          "select d.order_num,record_id,head_id,function_id,function_code,bm_code,dimension_type,dimension_value,"
              + " bm_select_value,bm_data_source,bm_where_clause,bm_order_by,bm_query_condition"
              + " from sys_bm_config_customization t,sys_bm_config_dimension d "
              + " where t.dimension_type=d.dimension_code and t.enable_flag = 'Y'"
              + " and t.bm_code='"
              + bm_name
              + "' and t.function_code = '"
              + function_code
              + "' and t.dimension_type=";
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
      boolean firstRecord = true;
      for (Iterator it = custDimensionsRecords.getChildIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        CompositeMap record = (CompositeMap);
        String dimensionCode = record.getString("dimension_code");
        String data_query_sql = record.getString("data_query_sql");
        String dimension_tag = record.getString("dimension_tag");
        if (dimension_tag != null) {
          if (bm_tag == null) continue;
          boolean is_tag_match = bm_tag.contains(dimension_tag);
          if (!is_tag_match) continue;
        if (firstRecord) firstRecord = false;
        else sb.append(" union all ");
        if (data_query_sql != null) sb.append(" and ").append(data_query_sql);
      if (!firstRecord) sb.append(" order by 1 ");
      if ("".equals(sb.toString())) return null;
      String custDetailRecordsSql = sb.toString();
      LoggingContext.getLogger(context, this.getClass().getCanonicalName())
          .config("custDetailRecordsSql:" + custDetailRecordsSql);
      ParsedSql stmt = createStatement(custDetailRecordsSql);
      SqlRunner runner = new SqlRunner(ssc, stmt);
      rs_details = runner.query(context);
      ResultSetLoader mRsLoader = new ResultSetLoader();
      FetchDescriptor desc = FetchDescriptor.fetchAll();
      CompositeMapCreator compositeCreator = new CompositeMapCreator(result);
      mRsLoader.loadByResultSet(rs_details, desc, compositeCreator);
      if (result.getChilds() == null) return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
      if (ssc != null)
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
    context.putObject(DEFAULT_CUSTOM_DATA, result);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  public void run(ProcedureRunner runner) throws Exception {
    CompositeMap context = runner.getContext();
    logger = LoggingContext.getLogger(context, LOGGING_TOPIC);
    logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "config:{0}", new Object[] {this});

    ServiceInstance service = (ServiceInstance) ServiceInstance.getInstance(context.getRoot());

    //		HttpServiceInstance service = (HttpServiceInstance) HttpServiceInstance
    //				.getInstance(context.getRoot());
    CompositeMap target = null;
    CompositeMap model = null;
    if (service != null) model = service.getServiceContext().getModel();
    else model = context.getRoot().getChild("model");
    if (model == null) model = context.getRoot().createChild("model");
    if (return_target != null) {
      String t = TextParser.parse(return_target, context);
      target = (CompositeMap) model.getObject(t);
      if (target == null) target = model.createChildByTag(t);
    JCoDestination destination = sapConfig.getJCoDestination(sid);
    String functionName = function;

    JCoFunctionTemplate ftemplate = destination.getRepository().getFunctionTemplate(functionName);"function template:" + functionName);
    if (ftemplate == null) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Function '" + function + "' not found in SAP system.");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Function '" + function + "' not found in SAP system.");
    // Create a function from the template
    JCoFunction function = ftemplate.getFunction();
    JCoParameterList input = function.getImportParameterList();
    JCoParameterList output = function.getExportParameterList();
    if (parameters != null)
      for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
        Parameter param = parameters[i];
        if (param.Return_field == null) {
          Object o =
              param.Source_field == null ? param.Value : context.getObject(param.Source_field);
          String value = o == null ? "" : o.toString();
          input.setValue(param.Name, value);
          logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "parameter {0} -> {1}", new Object[] {param.Name, value});
    if (structures != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
        Structure structure = structures[i];
        if (structure.isImport()) {
          JCoStructure stc = structure.getJCOStructure(input);
          structure.fillJCOStructure(stc, context);
          input.setValue(structure.Name, stc);
    // Set import table
    if (tables != null) {
      JCoParameterList list = function.getTableParameterList();
      for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
        Table table = tables[i];
        if (table.isImport()) {
          JCoTable tbl = table.getJCOTable(list);
          Object o = context.getObject(table.Source_field);
              "transfer import table " + table.Name + " from '" + table.Source_field + "':" + o);
          if (o instanceof CompositeMap) table.fillJCOTable(tbl, (CompositeMap) context);

    // Call the remote system and retrieve return value
    logger.config("call function " + function);
    if (parameters != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
        Parameter param = parameters[i];
        if (param.Return_field != null) {
          if (target == null)
            throw new ConfigurationError(
                "<jco-invoke>:must set 'return_target' attribute if there is return field");
          String vl = output.getString(param.Name);
          if (vl == null && !param.Nullable)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "jco-invoke: return field " + param.Name + " is null");
          String f = TextParser.parse(param.Return_field, context);
          target.putObject(f, vl);
          logger.config("return: " + param.Name + "=" + vl + " -> " + f);
    if (structures != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
        Structure structure = structures[i];
        if (structure.isImport()) continue;
        if (structure.Target == null)
          throw new ConfigurationError(
              "Must set 'target' attribute for Structures " + structure.Name);
        JCoStructure stc = structure.getJCOStructure(output);
        CompositeMap result = (CompositeMap) context.getObject(structure.Target);
        if (result == null) result = context.createChildByTag(structure.Target);
        structure.fillCompositeMap(stc, result);
    // Get export tables
    if (tables != null) {
      JCoParameterList list = function.getTableParameterList();
      if (list == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Function '" + function + "' doesn't return tables");
      for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
        Table table = tables[i];
        if (table.isImport()) continue;
        if (table.Target == null)
          throw new ConfigurationError("Must set 'target' attribute for table " + table.Name);
        JCoTable records = table.getJCOTable(list);
        // Fetch as CompositeMap

        CompositeMap result = (CompositeMap) context.getObject(table.Target);
        if (result == null) result = context.createChildByTag(table.Target);
        table.fillCompositeMap(records, result);
        int rc = 0;
        if (result.getChilds() != null) rc = result.getChilds().size();
            "loading export table "
                + table.Name
                + " into path '"
                + table.Target
                + "', total "
                + rc
                + " record(s)");
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void addTransformList(CompositeMap tlist) {
   transform_list = tlist.getChilds();