Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns a parameter giving expressions for the error values associated with a given coordinate
  * axis, indexed by a table-identifying label. The value taken by this parameter is a string which
  * is either a single (symmetric) numeric error expression or two comma-separated error
  * expressions.
  * @param axName axis label
  * @param tlabel table identifier
  * @return error pair parameter
 private Parameter createErrorParameter(String axName, String tlabel) {
   Parameter param = new Parameter(axName.toLowerCase() + "error" + tlabel);
   param.setPrompt("Error bound(s) in " + axName + " for table " + tlabel);
       new String[] {
         "<p>Gives expressions for the errors on " + axName,
         "coordinates for table " + tlabel + ".",
         "The following forms are permitted:",
         "<li><code>&lt;expr&gt;</code>: symmetric error value</li>",
             + "distinct lower and upper error values</li>",
         "<li><code>&lt;lo-expr&gt;,</code>: lower error value only</li>",
         "<li><code>,&lt;hi-expr&gt;</code>: upper error value only</li>",
         "<li><code>null</code>: no errors</li>",
         "The expression in each case is a numeric algebraic expression",
         "based on column names",
         "as described in <ref id='jel'/>.",
   return param;
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * Constructor.
     * @param axName axis name
    public AxisParameterSet(String axName) {
      axName_ = axName.toLowerCase();
      loParam_ = new DoubleParameter(axName_ + "lo");
      loParam_.setPrompt("Lower bound for " + axName_ + " axis");
          new String[] {
            "<p>The lower limit for the plotted " + axName_ + " axis.",
            "If not set, a value will be chosen which is low enough",
            "to accommodate all the data.",

      hiParam_ = new DoubleParameter(axName_ + "hi");
      hiParam_.setPrompt("Upper bound for " + axName_ + " axis");
          new String[] {
            "<p>The upper limit for the plotted " + axName_ + " axis.",
            "If not set, a value will be chosen which is high enough",
            "to accommodate all the data.",

      logParam_ = new BooleanParameter(axName_ + "log");
      logParam_.setPrompt("Logarithmic scale on " + axName_ + " axis?");
          new String[] {
            "<p>If false (the default), the scale on the " + axName_,
            "axis is linear; if true it is logarithmic.",

      flipParam_ = new BooleanParameter(axName_ + "flip");
      flipParam_.setPrompt("Reversed direction on " + axName_ + "axis?");
          new String[] {
            "<p>If set true, the scale on the " + axName_ + " axis",
            "will increase in the opposite sense from usual",
            "(e.g. right to left rather than left to right).",

      labelParam_ = new Parameter(axName_ + "label");
      labelParam_.setPrompt("Label for axis " + axName_);
          new String[] {
            "<p>Specifies a label to be used for annotating axis " + axName_ + ".",
            "A default values based on the plotted data will be used",
            "if no value is supplied for this parameter.",
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Constructs a new subset name parameter.
  * @param stlabel table/subset parameter label
  * @return new subset name parameter
 private Parameter createSubsetNameParameter(String stlabel) {
   Parameter nameParam = new Parameter(STYLE_PREFIX + "name" + stlabel);
   nameParam.setPrompt("Label for subset " + stlabel);
       new String[] {
         "<p>Provides a name to use for a subset with the symbolic label",
         stlabel + ".",
         "This name will be used for display in the legend,",
         "if one is displayed.",
   return nameParam;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Constructs a new text label expression parameter.
  * @param tlabel table parameter label
  * @return new text label expression parameter
 private Parameter createLabelParameter(String tlabel) {
   Parameter labelParam = new Parameter("txtlabel" + tlabel);
   labelParam.setPrompt("Label annotating each plotted point");
       new String[] {
         "<p>Gives an expression which will label each plotted point.",
         "If given, the text (or number) resulting from evaluating",
         "the expression will be written near each point which is",
   return labelParam;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Returns a parameter giving an expression for the coordinate values used by this axis. It is
  * indexed by a table-identifying label.
  * @param tlabel table identifier
  * @return parameter giving JEL expression for coordinate data
 public Parameter createCoordParameter(String tlabel) {
   Parameter param = new Parameter(axName_ + "data" + tlabel);
   param.setPrompt("Value to plot on " + axName_ + " axis" + " for table " + tlabel);
       new String[] {
         "<p>Gives a column name or expression for the " + axName_,
         "axis data for table " + tlabel + ".",
         "The expression is a numeric algebraic expression",
         "based on column names",
         "as described in <ref id=\"jel\"/>",
   return param;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Constructs a new subset inclusion expression parameter.
  * @param stlabel table/subset parameter label
  * @return new subset expression parameter
 private Parameter createSubsetExpressionParameter(String stlabel) {
   Parameter param = new Parameter(SUBSET_PREFIX + stlabel);
   param.setPrompt("Selection criterion for subset " + stlabel);
       new String[] {
         "<p>Gives the selection criterion for the subset labelled",
         "\"<code>" + stlabel + "</code>\".",
         "This is a boolean expression which may be the name of",
         "a boolean-valued column or any other boolean-valued expression.",
         "Rows for which the expression evaluates true will be included",
         "in the subset, and those for which it evaluates false will not.",
   return param;
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * Obtains the subset definition object from the environment for a given table.
   * @param env execution environment
   * @param tlabel table parameter label
   * @param styleFactory factory which can examine the environment for plotting style information
  private SubsetDef[] getSubsetDefinitions(
      Environment env, String tlabel, StyleFactory styleFactory) throws TaskException {

    /* Work out which parameter suffixes are being used to identify
     * different subsets for the table with parameter suffix tlabel.
     * This is done by finding all the parameters which start
     * "subset"+tlabel and pulling off their suffixes.  These suffixes
     * are then applied to other parameter stems for obtaining other
     * per-subset parameter values. */
    String[] paramNames = env.getNames();
    String stPrefix = SUBSET_PREFIX + tlabel;
    String[] subLabels = getSuffixes(paramNames, stPrefix);
    int nset = subLabels.length;

    /* If there are no subsets for this table, consider it the same as
     * a single subset with inclusion of all points. */
    if (nset == 0) {
      Parameter nameParam = createSubsetNameParameter(tlabel);
      String name = nameParam.stringValue(env);
      return new SubsetDef[] {
        new SubsetDef(tlabel, "true", name, styleFactory.getStyle(env, tlabel)),

    /* If there is at least one subset, gather the information required
     * to construct a SubsetDef object describing its characteristics. */
    else {
      SubsetDef[] sdefs = new SubsetDef[nset];
      for (int is = 0; is < nset; is++) {
        String stLabel = tlabel + subLabels[is];
        String expr = createSubsetExpressionParameter(stLabel).stringValue(env);
        Parameter nameParam = createSubsetNameParameter(stLabel);
        String name = nameParam.stringValue(env);
        sdefs[is] = new SubsetDef(stLabel, expr, name, styleFactory.getStyle(env, stLabel));
      return sdefs;
Ejemplo n.º 8
   * Configures a PlotState object by examining parameter values in a given execution environment.
   * Such an object was presumably previously created by a call to {@link #createPlotState}.
   * @param state plot state to configure
   * @param env execution environment
  protected void configurePlotState(PlotState state, Environment env) throws TaskException {
    int mainNdim = mainDimNames_.length;
    String[] paramNames = env.getNames();

    /* Work out which parameter suffixes are being used to identify
     * different tables.  This is done by finding all the parameters
     * which start "table" and pulling off their suffixes.
     * These suffixes are then applied to other parameter stems
     * for obtaining other per-table parameter values. */
    String tPrefix = TABLE_PREFIX;
    String[] tableLabels = getSuffixes(paramNames, tPrefix);
    if (tableLabels.length == 0) {
      tableLabels = new String[] {""};
    int nTable = tableLabels.length;

    /* Get a list of all the axis names being used.  This includes the
     * main axes and any auxiliary ones. */
    List axNameList = new ArrayList();
    String[] auxLabels;
    if (useAux_) {
      auxLabels = AxisParameterSet.getAuxAxisNames(paramNames);
      for (int ia = 0; ia < auxLabels.length; ia++) {
        axNameList.add("aux" + auxLabels[ia]);
    } else {
      auxLabels = new String[0];
    String[] allAxNames = (String[]) axNameList.toArray(new String[0]);
    int allNdim = allAxNames.length;

    /* Assemble parameter groups corresponding to each axis. */
    AxisParameterSet[] axParamSets = new AxisParameterSet[allNdim];
    for (int idim = 0; idim < allNdim; idim++) {
      axParamSets[idim] = new AxisParameterSet(allAxNames[idim]);

    /* Construct a PlotData object for the data obtained from each table. */
    PlotData[] datas = new PlotData[nTable];
    String[] coordExprs0 = null;
    StyleFactory styleFactory = createStyleFactory(STYLE_PREFIX);
    List setLabelList = new ArrayList();
    for (int itab = 0; itab < nTable; itab++) {
      String tlabel = tableLabels[itab];
      StarTable table = getInputTable(env, tlabel);
      String[] coordExprs = new String[allNdim];
      for (int idim = 0; idim < allNdim; idim++) {
        Parameter coordParam = axParamSets[idim].createCoordParameter(tlabel);
        if (idim >= mainNdim) {
        coordExprs[idim] = coordParam.stringValue(env);
      String[] errExprs = new String[errNdim_];
      for (int idim = 0; idim < errNdim_; idim++) {
        errExprs[idim] = createErrorParameter(mainDimNames_[idim], tlabel).stringValue(env);
      String labelExpr = useLabel_ ? createLabelParameter(tlabel).stringValue(env) : null;
      SubsetDef[] subsetDefs = getSubsetDefinitions(env, tlabel, styleFactory);
      int nset = subsetDefs.length;
      String[] setExprs = new String[nset];
      String[] setNames = new String[nset];
      Style[] setStyles = new Style[nset];
      for (int is = 0; is < nset; is++) {
        SubsetDef sdef = subsetDefs[is];
        setExprs[is] = sdef.expression_;
        setNames[is] = sdef.name_;
        setStyles[is] = sdef.style_;
      try {
        TablePlotData plotData =
                env, tlabel, table, setExprs, setNames, setStyles, labelExpr, coordExprs, errExprs);
        datas[itab] = plotData;
      } catch (CompilationException e) {
        throw new TaskException(e.getMessage(), e);
      if (itab == 0) {
        coordExprs0 = coordExprs;

    /* Set up a plot data object which is an aggregation of the data
     * objects from all the input tables. */
    PlotData plotData = new MultiPlotData(datas);

    /* Rearrange the set plot order if required. */
    StringBuffer seqbuf = new StringBuffer();
    for (Iterator it = setLabelList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      if (it.hasNext()) {
    String seqDefault = seqbuf.toString();
    String seqString = seqParam_.stringValue(env);
    if (seqString != null && !seqString.equals(seqDefault)) {
      String[] setLabels =
          seqParam_.stringValue(env).split("\\Q" + seqParam_.getValueSeparator() + "\\E");
      int nset = setLabels.length;
      for (int is = 0; is < nset; is++) {
        setLabels[is] = setLabels[is].trim();
      int[] isets = new int[nset];
      for (int is = 0; is < nset; is++) {
        String label = setLabels[is];
        isets[is] = setLabelList.indexOf(label);
        if (isets[is] < 0) {
          String msg =
              "Unknown set identifier \"" + label + "\"; " + "known labels are " + setLabelList;
          throw new ParameterValueException(seqParam_, msg);
      plotData = new SubsetSelectionPlotData(plotData, isets);

    /* Store the calculated plot data object in the plot state. */

    /* Configure other per-axis properties. */
    boolean[] logFlags = new boolean[allNdim];
    boolean[] flipFlags = new boolean[allNdim];
    double[][] ranges = new double[allNdim][];
    String[] labels = new String[allNdim];
    for (int idim = 0; idim < allNdim; idim++) {
      AxisParameterSet axParamSet = axParamSets[idim];
      logFlags[idim] = axParamSet.logParam_.booleanValue(env);
      flipFlags[idim] = axParamSet.flipParam_.booleanValue(env);
      ranges[idim] =
          new double[] {
            axParamSet.loParam_.doubleValue(env), axParamSet.hiParam_.doubleValue(env),
      String labelDefault = coordExprs0[idim];
      if (labelDefault == null || labelDefault.trim().length() == 0) {
        labelDefault = idim < mainNdim ? mainDimNames_[idim] : "Aux " + (idim - mainNdim + 1);
      labels[idim] = axParamSet.labelParam_.stringValue(env);

    /* Configure per-auxiliary axis properties. */
    Shader[] shaders = new Shader[auxLabels.length];
    ShaderParameter[] shaderParams = createShaderParameters(auxLabels);
    for (int ia = 0; ia < auxLabels.length; ia++) {
      shaders[ia] = shaderParams[ia].shaderValue(env);

    /* Configure other properties. */
Ejemplo n.º 9
   * Returns the parameters associated with this object. The returned list is intended for external
   * use in documentation; the parameter objects returned may or may not be those used for obtaining
   * values from a particular execution environment. For this reason they may have names which are
   * symbolic, that is, represent possible parameter names. Since actual parameter names are
   * dynamically determined from other parameter names, it is not possible to return an exhaustive
   * list.
   * @return array of parameters to be used for documentation
  public Parameter[] getParameters() {

    /* Create and return a list of parameters some of which have
     * "example" suffixes.  In some cases the parameters which
     * supply actual values to this factory are constructed as
     * required elsewhere in this class. */
    String tSuffix = TABLE_VARIABLE;
    String auxAxName = AUX_PREFIX + AUX_VARIABLE;

    /* Per-table input parameters. */
    InputTableParameter inParam = createTableParameter(tSuffix);
    FilterParameter filterParam = createFilterParameter(tSuffix);
    List paramList = new ArrayList();

    /* Per-axis parameters. */
    List axParamSetList = new ArrayList();
    for (int idim = 0; idim < mainDimNames_.length; idim++) {
      axParamSetList.add(new AxisParameterSet(mainDimNames_[idim]));
    if (useAux_) {
      axParamSetList.add(new AxisParameterSet(auxAxName));
    AxisParameterSet[] axParamSets =
        (AxisParameterSet[]) axParamSetList.toArray(new AxisParameterSet[0]);
    int allNdim = axParamSets.length;
    Parameter[][] axScalarParams = new Parameter[allNdim][];
    for (int idim = 0; idim < allNdim; idim++) {
      AxisParameterSet axParamSet = axParamSets[idim];
      axScalarParams[idim] = axParamSet.getScalarParameters();
    int nScalarParam = axScalarParams[0].length; // same for all elements
    for (int ip = 0; ip < nScalarParam; ip++) {
      for (int idim = 0; idim < allNdim; idim++) {
    for (int idim = 0; idim < errNdim_; idim++) {
      paramList.add(createErrorParameter(mainDimNames_[idim], tSuffix));
    if (useAux_) {
      Parameter shaderParam = createShaderParameters(new String[] {AUX_VARIABLE})[0];
      assert shaderParam.getDefault() != null;

    /* Other parameters. */
    if (useLabel_) {
    return (Parameter[]) paramList.toArray(new Parameter[0]);