Ejemplo n.º 1
  public void testTypeCheckingRobustQueryLogFixed() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "proto \"querylog.proto\"\n	static MINUTE: float = 0.0; static RESOLUTION: int = 5;  # minutes; must be divisor of 60\n	log_record: QueryLogProto = input;\n	queries_per_degree: table sum[t: time][lat: int][lon: int] of int;\n	loc: Location = locationinfo(log_record.ip);\n	if (def(loc)) {\n	    t: time = log_record.time_usec;\n	    m: int = minuteof(t); # within the hour\n	    m = m - m % RESOLUTION;\n	    t = trunctohour(t) + time(m * int(MINUTE));\n	    emit queries_per_degree[t][int(loc.lat)][int(loc.lon)] <- 1;\n	}";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable(new SizzleBytes());

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "queries_per_degree is not an unweighted table of ints indexed by various",
        new SizzleTable(
            new SizzleInt(),
            Arrays.asList(new SizzleTime(), new SizzleInt(), new SizzleInt()),

    // assertEquals("t is not an time", new SizzleTime(), st.get("t"));
    // assertEquals("m is not an int", new SizzleInt(), st.get("m"));
    Assert.assertEquals("RESOLUTION is not an int", new SizzleInt(), st.get("RESOLUTION"));

    final List<SizzleType> lmembers =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleFloat(), new SizzleFloat()));

    Assert.assertEquals("loc is not a Location", new SizzleTuple(lmembers), st.get("loc"));

    final List<SizzleType> qlpmembers =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleString(), new SizzleInt()));

        "log_record is not a QueryLogProto", new SizzleTuple(qlpmembers), st.get("log_record"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorTypeDeclaration() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "type my_bool = bool;\ntype Coordinates = { x: float, y: float };\ntype CityMap = map [city_name: string] of Coordinates;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "my_bool is not an alias for bool",
        new SizzleName(new SizzleBool()),
    final ArrayList<SizzleType> members =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleFloat(), new SizzleFloat()));
        "Coordinates is not is not an alias for a tuple of x: float, y: float",
        new SizzleName(new SizzleTuple(members)),
        "CityMap is not an alias for a mapping from string to tuple of x: float, y: float",
        new SizzleName(new SizzleMap(new SizzleString(), new SizzleName(new SizzleTuple(members)))),
Ejemplo n.º 3
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorWordCountMissingEmitIndex()
      throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "out: table sum[key: string][month: int][day: int] of int;\nstatic keywords: array of string = { \"hitchhiker\", \"benedict\", \"vytorin\", \"itanium\", \"aardvark\" };\nquerywords: array of string = words_from_query();\nmonth: int = month_of_query();\nday: int = day_of_query();\nwhen (i: each int; j: some int; querywords[i] == keywords[j])\n    emit out <- 1;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    // fake functions for this unit test
        new SizzleFunction(new SizzleInt(), new SizzleType[] {}, "Nonexistant.day_of_query()"));
        new SizzleFunction(new SizzleInt(), new SizzleType[] {}, "Nonexistant.month_of_query()"));
        new SizzleFunction(
            new SizzleArray(new SizzleString()),
            new SizzleType[] {},

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorQueryLog() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "proto \"querylog.proto\"\n\nqueries_per_degree: table sum[lat: int][lon: int] of int;\n\nlog_record: QueryLogProto = input;\nloc: Location = locationinfo(log_record.ip);\nemit queries_per_degree[int(loc.lat)][int(loc.lon)] <- 1;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable(new SizzleBytes());

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "queries_per_degree is not an unweighted table of ints indexed by ints",
        new SizzleTable(
            new SizzleInt(),
            Arrays.asList(new SizzleScalar[] {new SizzleInt(), new SizzleInt()}),

    final List<SizzleType> lmembers =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleFloat(), new SizzleFloat()));

    Assert.assertEquals("loc is not a Location", new SizzleTuple(lmembers), st.get("loc"));

    final List<SizzleType> qlpmembers =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleString(), new SizzleInt()));

        "log_record is not a QueryLogProto", new SizzleTuple(qlpmembers), st.get("log_record"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorCompoundSwitched() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "out: table sum of { count: int, value: float };\nline: string = input;\ntuple: array of string = split(line, \"\\t\");\nemit out <- { float(tuple[8]), 1 };\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorMaxPagerankMissingProto() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "proto \"document.proto\"\nmax_pagerank_url:\n     table maximum(1) [domain: string] of url: string\n           weight pagerank: int;\ndoc: Document = input;\nemit max_pagerank_url[domain(doc.url)] <- doc.url\n     weight doc.pagerank;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorCompoundBadType() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "s: table sum of { count: int, total: float, sum_of_squares: string };\nx: float = input;\nemit s <- { 1, x, \"x\" };";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorTypeDeclaredAsVariable() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "times: table collection[timezone: string] of time: string;\ntime: string = input;\nemit times[\"PST8PDT\"] <- string(trunctoday(time(time)));emit times[\"America/New_York\"] <- string(trunctoday(time(time), \"America/New_York\"));\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorUnexpectedWeightInEmit() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "allez: table collection of entry: string;\nline: string = input;\nemit allez <- line weight 1.2;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorMissingWeightInEmit() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "logger: table log of entry: string weight level: int;\nline: string = input;\nemit logger <- line;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingRobustQueryLogBad() throws IOException, ParseException {
    // this is an example from the Sawzall paper, doesn't define MINUTE
    final String source =
        "proto \"querylog.proto\"\n	static RESOLUTION: int = 5;  # minutes; must be divisor of 60\n	log_record: QueryLogProto = input;\n	queries_per_degree: table sum[t: time][lat: int][lon: int] of int;\n	loc: Location = locationinfo(log_record.ip);\n	if (def(loc)) {\n	    t: time = log_record.time_usec;\n	    m: int = minuteof(t); # within the hour\n	    m = m - m % RESOLUTION;\n	    t = trunctohour(t) + time(m * int(MINUTE));\n	    emit queries_per_degree[t][int(loc.lat)][int(loc.lon)] <- 1;\n	}";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorWordCountMissingFunctions()
      throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "out: table sum[key: string][month: int][day: int] of int;\nstatic keywords: array of string = { \"hitchhiker\", \"benedict\", \"vytorin\", \"itanium\", \"aardvark\" };\nquerywords: array of string = words_from_query();\nmonth: int = month_of_query();\nday: int = day_of_query();\nwhen (i: each int; j: some int; querywords[i] == keywords[j])\n    emit out[keywords[j]][month][day] <- 1;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorRealWordCountUnsupportedParameter()
      throws IOException, ParseException {
    // sum doesn't take a parameter
    final String source =
        "out: table sum(10) of { count: int, value: float };\nline: string = input;\ntuple: array of string = sawzall(line, \"[^\\t]+\");\nemit out <- { 1, float(tuple[8]) };\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorWordCount() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "out: table sum[key: string][month: int][day: int] of int;\nstatic keywords: array of string = { \"hitchhiker\", \"benedict\", \"vytorin\", \"itanium\", \"aardvark\" };\nquerywords: array of string = words_from_query();\nmonth: int = month_of_query();\nday: int = day_of_query();\nwhen (i: each int; j: some int; querywords[i] == keywords[j])\n    emit out[keywords[j]][month][day] <- 1;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    // fake functions for this unit test
        new SizzleFunction(new SizzleInt(), new SizzleType[] {}, "Nonexistant.day_of_query()"));
        new SizzleFunction(new SizzleInt(), new SizzleType[] {}, "Nonexistant.month_of_query()"));
        new SizzleFunction(
            new SizzleArray(new SizzleString()),
            new SizzleType[] {},

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "out is not an unweighted table of ints indexed by various",
        new SizzleTable(
            new SizzleInt(),
            Arrays.asList(new SizzleString(), new SizzleInt(), new SizzleInt()),

        "keywords is not an array of strings",
        new SizzleArray(new SizzleString()),
        "querywords is not an array of strings",
        new SizzleArray(new SizzleString()),

    Assert.assertEquals("month is not an int", new SizzleInt(), st.get("month"));
    Assert.assertEquals("day is not an int", new SizzleInt(), st.get("day"));
Ejemplo n.º 15
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorP4Stat() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "proto \"p4stat.proto\"\nsubmitsthroughweek: table sum[minute: int] of count: int;\nlog: P4ChangelistStats = input;\nt: time = log.time; # microseconds\nminute: int = minuteof(t)+60*(hourof(t)+24*(dayofweek(t)-1));\nemit submitsthroughweek[minute] <- 1;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable(new SizzleBytes());

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "submitsthroughweek is not an unweighted table of ints indexed by int",
        new SizzleTable(new SizzleInt(), Arrays.asList(new SizzleScalar[] {new SizzleInt()}), null),
    final List<SizzleType> members = new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleInt()));
    Assert.assertEquals("log is not a P4ChangelistStats", new SizzleTuple(members), st.get("log"));
    Assert.assertEquals("t is not a time", new SizzleTime(), st.get("t"));
    Assert.assertEquals("minute is not an int", new SizzleInt(), st.get("minute"));
Ejemplo n.º 16
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorSimpleCompound() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "s: table sum of { count: int, total: float, sum_of_squares: float };\nx: float = input;\nemit s <- { 1, x, x * x };";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

    final List<SizzleType> members =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(
            Arrays.asList(new SizzleInt(), new SizzleFloat(), new SizzleFloat()));

        "s is not an unweighted, unindexed table of tuple of int, float and float",
        new SizzleTable(new SizzleTuple(members)),

    Assert.assertEquals("x is not a float", new SizzleFloat(), st.get("x"));
Ejemplo n.º 17
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorMap() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "xlated: table collection of lang: string;\nstatic CJK: map[string] of string = {\n\t\"zh\": \"Chinese\",\n\t\"ja\": \"Japanese\",\n\"ko\": \"Korean\"\n};\nabbr: string = input;\nemit xlated <- CJK[abbr];\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "xlated is not an unindexed, unweighted table of string",
        new SizzleTable(new SizzleString(), null),

    Assert.assertEquals("abbr is not a string", new SizzleString(), st.get("abbr"));
        "CJK is not a mapping from string to string",
        new SizzleMap(new SizzleString(), new SizzleString()),
Ejemplo n.º 18
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorMaxPagerank() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "proto \"sizzle_document.proto\"\nmax_pagerank_url:\n     table maximum(1) [domain: string] of url: string\n           weight pagerank: float;\ndoc: Document = input;\nemit max_pagerank_url[domain(doc.url)] <- doc.url\n     weight doc.pagerank;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable(new SizzleBytes());

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "max_pagerank_url is not table of strings indexed by string weighted by int",
        new SizzleTable(
            new SizzleString(),
            Arrays.asList(new SizzleScalar[] {new SizzleString()}),
            new SizzleFloat()),
    final List<SizzleType> members =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleString(), new SizzleInt()));
    Assert.assertEquals("doc is not a Document", new SizzleTuple(members), st.get("doc"));
Ejemplo n.º 19
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorCompoundImplicitCast() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "out: table sum of { count: int, value: float };\nline: string = input;\ntuple: array of string = sawzall(line, \"[^\\t]+\");\nvalue: float = tuple[8];\nemit out <- { 1, value };\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

    final List<SizzleType> members =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleInt(), new SizzleFloat()));

        "out is not an unindexed, unweighted table of int and float",
        new SizzleTable(new SizzleTuple(members)),

    Assert.assertEquals("line is not a string", new SizzleString(), st.get("line"));
        "tuple is not an array of strings", new SizzleArray(new SizzleString()), st.get("tuple"));
Ejemplo n.º 20
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorSimple() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "count: table sum of int;\ntotal: table sum of float;\nsum_of_squares: table sum of float;\nx: float = input;\nemit count <- 1;\nemit total <- x;\nemit sum_of_squares <- x * x;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "count is not an unweighted, unindexed table of ints",
        new SizzleTable(new SizzleInt()),
        "total is not an unweighted, unindexed stable of floats",
        new SizzleTable(new SizzleFloat()),
        "sum_of_squares is not an unweighted, unindexed table of floats",
        new SizzleTable(new SizzleFloat()),
    Assert.assertEquals("x is not a float", new SizzleFloat(), st.get("x"));