public void processMethodMapping( String className, int firstLineNumber, int lastLineNumber, String methodReturnType, String methodName, String methodArguments, String newMethodName) { // Original class name -> obfuscated method names. Map methodMap = (Map) classMethodMap.get(className); if (methodMap == null) { methodMap = new HashMap(); classMethodMap.put(className, methodMap); } // Obfuscated method name -> methods. Set methodSet = (Set) methodMap.get(newMethodName); if (methodSet == null) { methodSet = new LinkedHashSet(); methodMap.put(newMethodName, methodSet); } // Add the method information. methodSet.add( new MethodInfo( firstLineNumber, lastLineNumber, methodReturnType, methodArguments, methodName)); }
public void processFieldMapping( String className, String fieldType, String fieldName, String newFieldName) { // Original class name -> obfuscated field names. Map fieldMap = (Map) classFieldMap.get(className); if (fieldMap == null) { fieldMap = new HashMap(); classFieldMap.put(className, fieldMap); } // Obfuscated field name -> fields. Set fieldSet = (Set) fieldMap.get(newFieldName); if (fieldSet == null) { fieldSet = new LinkedHashSet(); fieldMap.put(newFieldName, fieldSet); } // Add the field information. fieldSet.add(new FieldInfo(fieldType, fieldName)); }