Ejemplo n.º 1
  public Graph toGraph() {
    Table edgeTable = new Table();
    Table nodeTable = new Table();
    HashMap<String, Integer> unique = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    edgeTable.addColumn("Node1", int.class);
    edgeTable.addColumn("Node2", int.class);
    nodeTable.addColumn("key", int.class);
    nodeTable.addColumn("name", String.class);
    nodeTable.addColumn("type", String.class);
    nodeTable.addColumn("indeterminate", int.class);

    int idx = 0;
    for (Protein prot : minProteins.values()) {
      int row = nodeTable.addRow();
      unique.put(prot.getName(), idx);
      nodeTable.setInt(row, "key", idx++);
      nodeTable.setString(row, "name", prot.getName());
      nodeTable.setString(row, "type", "protein");
      nodeTable.setInt(row, "indeterminate", 0);

    for (Peptide pep : minPeptides.values()) {
      int row = nodeTable.addRow();
      unique.put(pep.getSequence(), idx);
      nodeTable.setInt(row, "key", idx++);
      nodeTable.setString(row, "name", pep.getSequence());
      nodeTable.setString(row, "type", "peptide");
      if (pep.getIndeterminateType() == PeptideIndeterminacyType.NONE) {
        nodeTable.setInt(row, "indeterminate", 0);
      } else {
        nodeTable.setInt(row, "indeterminate", 1);

    for (Protein prot : minProteins.values()) {
      int id1 = unique.get(prot.getName());
      for (String pep : prot.getPeptides()) {
        int id2 = unique.get(pep);
        int row = edgeTable.addRow();
        edgeTable.setInt(row, "Node1", id1);
        edgeTable.setInt(row, "Node2", id2);
    Graph g = new Graph(nodeTable, edgeTable, false, "key", "Node1", "Node2");
    // System.err.println(g.getEdgeCount());
    return g;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  private Table processJournalName(Table table) throws IOException {

    ScimapsJournalMatcher scimapsJournalMatcher = new ScimapsJournalMatcher();

    // Create new output table
    Table outputTable = TableUtilities.copyTable(table);
    outputTable.addColumn(STANDARDIZED_JOURNAL_NAME_COLUMN, String.class);
    int standardizedJournalNameColumnIndex =

    // Retrieve iterator
    Iterator<?> rows = outputTable.tuples();

    // Process journal names
    int rowIndex = 0;
    while (rows.hasNext()) {
      Tuple row = (Tuple) rows.next();
      if (row.canGetString(journalColumnName)) {
        String name = row.getString(journalColumnName);
        String suggestedName = scimapsJournalMatcher.get(name);
        outputTable.setString(rowIndex, standardizedJournalNameColumnIndex, suggestedName);
    return outputTable;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) {
      // first clear the character buffer
      m_sbuf.delete(0, m_sbuf.length());

      if (qName.equals(GRAPH)) {
        // parse directedness default
        String edef = atts.getValue(EDGEDEF);
        m_directed = DIRECTED.equalsIgnoreCase(edef);
        m_graphid = atts.getValue(ID);
      } else if (qName.equals(KEY)) {
        if (!inSchema) {
                  + KEY
                  + "\" elements can not"
                  + " occur after the first node or edge declaration.");
        m_for = atts.getValue(FOR);
        m_id = atts.getValue(ID);
        m_name = atts.getValue(ATTRNAME);
        m_type = atts.getValue(ATTRTYPE);
      } else if (qName.equals(NODE)) {

        m_row = m_nodes.addRow();

        String id = atts.getValue(ID);
        m_nodeMap.put(id, new Integer(m_row));
        m_table = m_nodes;
      } else if (qName.equals(EDGE)) {

        m_row = m_edges.addRow();

        // do not use the id value
        //                String id = atts.getValue(ID);
        //                if ( id != null ) {
        //                    if ( !m_edges.canGetString(ID) )
        //                        m_edges.addColumn(ID, String.class);
        //                    m_edges.setString(m_row, ID, id);
        //                }
        m_edges.setString(m_row, SRCID, atts.getValue(SRC));
        m_edges.setString(m_row, TRGID, atts.getValue(TRG));

        // currently only global directedness is used
        // ignore directed edge value for now
        //                String dir = atts.getValue(DIRECTED);
        //                boolean d = m_directed;
        //                if ( dir != null ) {
        //                    d = dir.equalsIgnoreCase("false");
        //                }
        //                m_edges.setBoolean(m_row, DIRECTED, d);
        m_table = m_edges;
      } else if (qName.equals(DATA)) {
        m_key = atts.getValue(KEY);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  // this mutates nodeTable
  private Table makeMergeTable(Table nodeTable, Graph mergeGraph, StringBuffer mergeLog) {
    // get all the clusters in our merge graph (where each cluster is a group of nodes to be merged)
    List clusters = extractWeakComponentClusters(mergeGraph);
    // for each cluster...
    for (Iterator clusterIt = clusters.iterator(); clusterIt.hasNext(); ) {
      LinkedHashSet cluster = (LinkedHashSet) clusterIt.next();
      // mark that we will merge every node into a single node
      // (this step could be made smarter, but is ok for now. Will need user intervention in some
      // cases)
      Integer[] eachNodeInCluster = (Integer[]) cluster.toArray(new Integer[cluster.size()]);
      Integer firstNode = null;

      if (eachNodeInCluster.length <= 1) continue;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < eachNodeInCluster.length; ii++) {
        Integer node = eachNodeInCluster[ii];
        if (firstNode == null) {
          // (we arbitrarily choose the first node as the node to merge other nodes into)
          firstNode = node;
          String nodeOneAttribute =
              (String) nodeTable.getString(firstNode.intValue(), this.compareAttributeName);
          mergeLog.append("for \"" + nodeOneAttribute + "\"..." + "\r\n");

        } else {
          Integer nodeBeyondFirst = node;
          // (we merge nodes beyond the first into the first node)

          // (last value is off by one, because unique indices are 1-based instead of 0-based, but
          // otherwise correlate with row number.
              nodeBeyondFirst.intValue(), UNIQUE_INDEX_COLUMN_NAME, firstNode.intValue() + 1);
          String iAmNotThePrimaryNodeInCluster = "";
          String nodeOneAttribute =
              (String) nodeTable.getString(nodeBeyondFirst.intValue(), this.compareAttributeName);
          mergeLog.append("  merging in \"" + nodeOneAttribute + "\"" + "\r\n");

    return nodeTable;