public Formal mangledFormal(AJNodeFactory nf, AJTypeSystem ts) { TypeNode tn = nf.CanonicalTypeNode(position, mangleType); String name = UniqueID.newID("formal"); Formal mangledFormal = nf.Formal(position, Flags.NONE, tn, name); LocalInstance li = ts.localInstance(position, Flags.NONE, mangleType, name); return mangledFormal.localInstance(li); }
private Node translateSJInbranch(SJInbranch ib, QQ qq) { StringBuilder translation = new StringBuilder("{ "); Collection<Object> mapping = new LinkedList<Object>(); String labVar = UniqueID.newID(SJ_INBRANCH_LABEL_FIELD_PREFIX); translation.append("%T %s = %E; "); mapping.add(qq.parseType(SJ_LABEL_CLASS)); mapping.add(labVar); mapping.add(ib.inlabel()); for (Iterator<SJInbranchCase> i = ib.branchCases().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { SJInbranchCase ibc =; translation.append("if (%s.equals(%E)) { %LS } "); mapping.add(labVar); mapping.add(sjnf.StringLit(ib.position(), ibc.label().labelValue())); mapping.add(ibc.statements()); if (i.hasNext()) { translation.append("else "); } } translation.append("else { throw new SJIOException(\"Unexpected inbranch label: \" + %s); }"); mapping.add(labVar); // FIXME: need a final else case to better handle, if runtime monitoring is disabled, // non-sj-compatibility mode and in case of malicious peers. translation.append('}'); return qq.parseStmt(translation.toString(), mapping.toArray()); }
private Node translateSJOutwhile(SJOutwhile outwhile, QQ qq) { String unique = UniqueID.newID("loopCond"); boolean isInterruptible = outwhile.isInterruptible(); BooleanLit interruptible = new BooleanLit_c(outwhile.position(), isInterruptible); // RAY List targets = outwhile.targets(); String translation; Object[] mapping; if (targets.size() == 1) { if (isInterruptible) { translation = "{ %s = " + ", %s);" + " while ( %S }"; mapping = new Object[] { unique, interruptible, ((Local) targets.get(0)).name(), unique, outwhile.cond(), outwhile.body() }; } else { translation = "{, %s);" + " while (, %s)) %S }"; String sockName = ((Local) targets.get(0)).name(); mapping = new Object[] {interruptible, sockName, outwhile.cond(), sockName, outwhile.body()}; } } else { Expr sockArray = buildNewArray(outwhile.position(), targets); translation = "{ %s = " + ", %E);" + " while ( %S }"; mapping = new Object[] {unique, interruptible, sockArray, unique, outwhile.cond(), outwhile.body()}; /* BooleanLit interruptible = new BooleanLit_c(outwhile.position(), outwhile.isInterruptible()); return qq.parseStmt( "{ %s = " + ", %E);" + " while ( %S }", unique, interruptible, sockArray, unique, outwhile.cond(), outwhile.body() );*/ } return qq.parseStmt(translation, mapping); // YAR }
private Node translateSJOutinwhile(SJOutInwhile outinwhile, QQ qq) { List sources = outinwhile.insyncSources(); List targets = outinwhile.outsyncTargets(); String loopCond = UniqueID.newID("loopCond"); String peerInterruptible = UniqueID.newID("peerInterruptible"); List<Object> subst = new LinkedList<Object>(); String code; // FIXME: this should be better factored. here, should treat sources and targets separately. but // also should integrate better with the same "optimisations" in the translation of in/outwhile if (sources.size() == 1 && targets.size() == 1) { String sourceName = ((Local) sources.get(0)).name(); String targetName = ((Local) targets.get(0)).name(); code = "{, %s); "; subst.add(targetName); if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) { /*code += "boolean %s = "; subst.add(peerInterruptible);*/ throw new RuntimeException("[SJCompoundOperation] TODO."); } code += ""; if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) { // code += "negotiateInterruptingInwhile" throw new RuntimeException("[SJCompoundOperation] TODO."); } else { code += "negotiateNormalInwhile"; } code += "(%s); while("; subst.add(sourceName); if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) { /*code += "interruptingInsync(%E, %s, %E)"; subst.add(outinwhile.cond()); subst.add(peerInterruptible); subst.add(sourcesArray);*/ throw new RuntimeException("[SJCompoundOperation] TODO."); } else { code += ""; subst.add(sourceName); } code += ", %s)) %S }"; code += "\n" + "%s.flush();"; // <By MQ> to flush sends after outwhile subst.add(targetName); subst.add(outinwhile.body()); subst.add(targetName); // <By MQ> } else { Expr sourcesArray = buildNewArray(outinwhile.position(), sources); // inwhile sockets Expr targetsArray = buildNewArray(outinwhile.position(), targets); // outwhile sockets subst = new LinkedList<Object>(Arrays.asList(loopCond, targetsArray)); code = "{ %s = " + ", %E); "; if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) { code += "boolean %s = "; subst.add(peerInterruptible); } code += ""; code += outinwhile.hasCondition() ? "negotiateInterruptingInwhile" : "negotiateNormalInwhile"; code += "(%E); while("; subst.add(sourcesArray); subst.add(loopCond); if (outinwhile.hasCondition()) { code += "interruptingInsync(%E, %s, %E)"; subst.add(outinwhile.cond()); subst.add(peerInterruptible); subst.add(sourcesArray); } else { code += "insync(%E)"; subst.add(sourcesArray); } code += ")) %S }"; subst.add(outinwhile.body()); } return qq.parseStmt(code, subst); }