public static void viewAd(String id) { Ad ad = Ad.findById(Long.parseLong(id)); List<Category> cats = Category.find("categorytype_id=?1 order by id", "1").fetch(); EntityManager entityManager = play.db.jpa.JPA.em(); List<BigInteger> bCounts = entityManager .createNativeQuery( "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by maxCount") .getResultList(); int min = bCounts.get(0).intValue(); int max = bCounts.get(bCounts.size() - 1).intValue(); bCounts = entityManager .createNativeQuery( "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by category_id ") .getResultList(); List<String> fonts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < bCounts.size(); i++) { BigInteger count = bCounts.get(i); int x = Ads.getFontSize(count.intValue(), min, max); fonts.add(String.valueOf(x)); } render(ad, fonts, min, max, cats); }
private static void addProjectNotDupped(List<Project> target, List<Project> foundProjects) { for (Project project : foundProjects) { if (!target.contains(project)) { target.add(project); } } }
public static void showPicasaGallery(Long id, String name) { notFoundIfNull(id); PicasaGallery gallery = PicasaGallery.findById(id); notFoundIfNull(gallery); PicasawebService service = new PicasawebService("portfolio"); List<PhotoEntry> photoEntries = Collections.emptyList(); try { feedUrl = new; AlbumFeed feed = service.getFeed(feedUrl, AlbumFeed.class); photoEntries = feed.getPhotoEntries(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Logger.error("Service URL for Picasa is not well formed"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error("Error I/O while communicating with Picasa Service"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { Logger.error("Picasa service error"); e.printStackTrace(); } List<ImageView> images = new ArrayList<ImageView>(); for (PhotoEntry entry : photoEntries) { ImageView image = new ImageView(); // We take the largest image.thumbnail = entry.getMediaThumbnails().get(entry.getMediaThumbnails().size() - 1).getUrl(); image.url = entry.getMediaContents().get(0).getUrl(); images.add(image); } render("Application/gallery.html", images, gallery); }
private List<Medication> searchRegnr(String lang, String regnr) { List<Medication> med_auth = new ArrayList<>(); try { Connection conn = lang.equals("de") ? german_db.getConnection() : french_db.getConnection(); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); String query = "select " + SHORT_TABLE + " from " + DATABASE_TABLE + " where " + KEY_REGNRS + " like " + "'%, " + regnr + "%' or " + KEY_REGNRS + " like " + "'" + regnr + "%'"; ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery(query); if (rs != null) { while ( { med_auth.add(cursorToShortMedi(rs)); } } conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(">> SqlDatabase: SQLException in searchRegnr!"); } return med_auth; }
public static Result start() { java.util.Map<String, String[]> map = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded(); List<String> terms = new ArrayList<>(map.size()); for (int i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) { String key = "terms[" + i + "]"; if (map.containsKey(key)) { String[] values = map.get(key); if ((values != null) && (values.length >= 1)) { terms.add(values[0]); } } } StreamConfig config = getConfig(); config.putTerms(terms); config.update(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String t : terms) { sb.append(t); sb.append(", "); } sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length()); try { startStream(terms); flash("success", "Twitter stream started (" + sb.toString() + ")"); } catch (TwitterException e) {"Error starting twitter stream", e); flash("error", "Error starting Twitter stream" + e.getMessage()); } return redirect(routes.Streams.listAll()); }
// #list-validate public List<ValidationError> validate() { List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>(); if (User.byEmail(email) != null) { errors.add(new ValidationError("email", "This e-mail is already registered.")); } return errors.isEmpty() ? null : errors; }
public static void showGallery(Long id, String name) { notFoundIfNull(id); Gallery gallery = Gallery.findById(id); notFoundIfNull(gallery); List<Picture> pictures = gallery.getPictures(); List<ImageView> images = new ArrayList<ImageView>(); for (Picture picture : pictures) images.add(picture.toImageView()); render("Application/gallery.html", images, gallery); }
private List<Medication> searchName(String lang, String name) { List<Medication> med_titles = new ArrayList<>(); try { Connection conn = lang.equals("de") ? german_db.getConnection() : french_db.getConnection(); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs; // Allow for search to start inside a word... if (name.length() > 2) { String query = "select " + SHORT_TABLE + " from " + DATABASE_TABLE + " where " + KEY_TITLE + " like " + "'" + name + "%' or " + KEY_TITLE + " like " + "'%" + name + "%'"; rs = stat.executeQuery(query); } else { String query = "select " + SHORT_TABLE + " from " + DATABASE_TABLE + " where " + KEY_TITLE + " like " + "'" + name + "%'"; rs = stat.executeQuery(query); } if (rs != null) { while ( { med_titles.add(cursorToShortMedi(rs)); } } conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(">> SqlDatabase: SQLException in searchName for " + name); } return med_titles; }
private static boolean replaceServerProperties(XMLServer server) { Class<?> serverclazz; try { serverclazz = Class.forName(server.getClazz()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { try { serverclazz = Class.forName("com.ingby.socbox.bischeck.servers." + server.getClazz()); } catch (Exception ret) { return false; } } java.util.Properties defaultproperties = null; Method method; try { method = serverclazz.getMethod("getServerProperties"); defaultproperties = (java.util.Properties) method.invoke(null); } catch (Exception ret) { return false; } Iterator<XMLProperty> iter = server.getProperty().iterator(); // Update the default properties with what is currently set // in the server property while (iter.hasNext()) { XMLProperty xmlprop =; if (defaultproperties.containsKey(xmlprop.getKey())) defaultproperties.setProperty(xmlprop.getKey(), xmlprop.getValue()); } // Create a new server property list List<XMLProperty> serverproperty = new ArrayList<XMLProperty>(); Iterator<Object> keyiter = defaultproperties.keySet().iterator(); while (keyiter.hasNext()) { String key = (String); XMLProperty xmlprop = new XMLProperty(); xmlprop.setKey(key); xmlprop.setValue((String) defaultproperties.get(key)); serverproperty.add(xmlprop); } server.getProperty().clear(); server.getProperty().addAll(serverproperty); return true; }
/** * ajax 를 이용한 사용자 검색 요청 헤더의 accept 파라미터에 application/json 값이 없으면 406 응답 응답에 포함되는 데이터 수는 * MAX_FETCH_USERS 로 제한된다 입력 파라미터 query 가 부분매칭 되는 loginId 목록을 json 형태로 응답 * * @param query 검색어 * @return */ public static Result users(String query) { if (!request().accepts("application/json")) { return status(Http.Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); } ExpressionList<User> el ="loginId").where().contains("loginId", query); int total = el.findRowCount(); if (total > MAX_FETCH_USERS) { el.setMaxRows(MAX_FETCH_USERS); response().setHeader("Content-Range", "items " + MAX_FETCH_USERS + "/" + total); } List<String> loginIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (User user : el.findList()) { loginIds.add(user.loginId); } return ok(toJson(loginIds)); }
public static void saveProperty() { String servername = params.get("servername"); String key = params.get("key"); String value = params.get("value"); boolean existingKey = false; XMLServers serversconfig = getCache(); Iterator<XMLServer> servers = serversconfig.getServer().iterator(); while (servers.hasNext()) { XMLServer server =; if (server.getName().equals(servername)) { Iterator<XMLProperty> propertiesIter = server.getProperty().iterator(); while (propertiesIter.hasNext()) { XMLProperty xmlprop =; if (xmlprop.getKey().equals(key)) { existingKey = true; xmlprop.setValue(value); } } if (!existingKey) { List<XMLProperty> propertiesList = server.getProperty(); XMLProperty property = new XMLProperty(); property.setKey(key); property.setValue(value); propertiesList.add(property); } flash.success(Messages.get("SaveServerPropertySuccess")); edit(server.getName()); } } }
public static void upload(String imei, File data) { try { File pbFile = new File( Play.configuration.getProperty("application.uploadDataDirectory"), imei + "_" + new Date().getTime() + ".pb");; data.renameTo(pbFile); byte[] dataFrame = new byte[(int) pbFile.length()]; ; DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(pbFile)));; Upload upload = Upload.parseFrom(dataFrame); Phone phone = Phone.find("imei = ?", imei).first(); if (phone == null) badRequest(); for (Upload.Route r : upload.getRouteList()) { if (r.getPointList().size() <= 1) continue; Agency a = Agency.find("gtfsAgencyId = ?", "DEFAULT").first(); Route route = new Route("", r.getRouteName(), RouteType.BUS, r.getRouteDescription(), a); = phone; route.routeNotes = r.getRouteNotes(); route.vehicleCapacity = r.getVehicleCapacity(); route.vehicleType = r.getVehicleType(); route.captureTime = new Date(r.getStartTime());; List<String> points = new ArrayList<String>(); Integer pointSequence = 1; for (Upload.Route.Point p : r.getPointList()) { points.add(new Double(p.getLon()).toString() + " " + new Double(p.getLat()).toString()); RoutePoint.addRoutePoint(p,, pointSequence); pointSequence++; } String linestring = "LINESTRING(" + StringUtils.join(points, ", ") + ")"; BigInteger tripShapeId = TripShape.nativeInsert(TripShape.em(), "", linestring, 0.0); TripPattern tp = new TripPattern(); tp.route = route; tp.headsign = r.getRouteName(); tp.shape = TripShape.findById(tripShapeId.longValue());; Integer sequenceId = 0; for (Upload.Route.Stop s : r.getStopList()) { BigInteger stopId = Stop.nativeInsert(Stop.em(), s); TripPatternStop tps = new TripPatternStop(); tps.stop = Stop.findById(stopId.longValue()); tps.stopSequence = sequenceId; tps.defaultTravelTime = s.getArrivalTimeoffset(); tps.defaultDwellTime = s.getDepartureTimeoffset() - s.getArrivalTimeoffset(); tps.pattern = tp; tps.board = s.getBoard(); tps.alight = s.getAlight();; sequenceId++; } // ProcessGisExport gisExport = new ProcessGisExport(; // gisExport.doJob(); }"Routes uploaded: " + upload.getRouteList().size()); dataInputStream.close(); ok(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); badRequest(); } }
public static void list( String search, int category, Integer size, Integer page, int firstPage, int lastPage) { List<Ad> ads = null; List<Category> cats = Category.find("categorytype_id=?1", "1").fetch(); EntityManager entityManager = play.db.jpa.JPA.em(); List<BigInteger> bCounts = entityManager .createNativeQuery( "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by maxCount") .getResultList(); int min = bCounts.get(0).intValue(); int max = bCounts.get(bCounts.size() - 1).intValue(); bCounts = entityManager .createNativeQuery( "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by category_id ") .getResultList(); List<String> fonts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < bCounts.size(); i++) { BigInteger count = bCounts.get(i); int x = Ads.getFontSize(count.intValue(), min, max); fonts.add(String.valueOf(x)); } int pagesCount = 0; page = page != null ? page : 1; if (search.trim().length() == 0) { Long l = null; if (category == 0) { ads = Ad.find("order by createDate desc").fetch(page, size); l = Ad.count(); } else { ads = Ad.find(" category_id=?1 order by createDate desc", category).fetch(page, size); l = Ad.count(" category_id=?1 ", category); } Long l2 = (l / 10); if ((l % 10) > 0) l2 = (long) (Math.floor(l2) + 1); pagesCount = Integer.valueOf(l2.intValue()); } else { search = search.toLowerCase(); Long l = null; if (category == 0) { ads = Ad.find( "(lower(headline) like ?1 OR lower(description) like ?2)", "%" + search + "%", "%" + search + "%") .fetch(page, size); l = Ad.count( "(lower(headline) like ?1 OR lower(description) like ?2)", "%" + search + "%", "%" + search + "%"); } else { ads = Ad.find( " category_id=?1 and (lower(headline) like ?2 OR lower(description) like ?3)", category, "%" + search + "%", "%" + search + "%") .fetch(page, size); l = Ad.count( "category_id=?1 and (lower(headline) like ?2 OR lower(description) like ?3)", category, "%" + search + "%", "%" + search + "%"); } Long l2 = (l / 10); if ((l % 10) > 0) l2 = (long) (Math.floor(l2) + 1); pagesCount = Integer.valueOf(l2.intValue()); } if ((lastPage - page) <= 2) { firstPage = page - 2; lastPage = page + 7; if (lastPage > pagesCount) lastPage = pagesCount; } else if ((page - firstPage) <= 2) { firstPage = page - 7; lastPage = page + 2; if (firstPage < 1) { firstPage = 1; lastPage = 10; } } if (lastPage > pagesCount) lastPage = pagesCount; render(ads, search, size, page, pagesCount, firstPage, lastPage, cats, fonts); }
/** * Utility method loads all of the workflow form definitions from yaml files contained in the * workflow directory. * * @return */ public static List<FormDefinition> loadWorkflowFormDefinitions() { // List<FormDefinition> formDefs = new ArrayList<>(); // // URL path = Play.application().classloader().getResource(WORKFLOWS_PATH); // try { // File dir = new File(path.toURI()); // // File[] workflows = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { // public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { // return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".yaml"); // } // }); // // for (File file : workflows) { // formDefs.add(loadFormDefinition(file.getAbsolutePath())); // } // } catch (URISyntaxException e) { /* Should not occur */ } List<FormDefinition> formDefs = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<config.WorkflowConfig> workflows = ConfigManager.getInstance().getWorkflowConfigs(); for (config.WorkflowConfig workflow : workflows) { FormDefinition formDef = new FormDefinition(); = workflow.getName(); formDef.title = workflow.getTitle(); formDef.yamlFile = workflow.getYaml(); formDef.documentation = workflow.getDocumentation(); formDef.instructions = workflow.getInstructions(); formDef.summary = workflow.getSummary(); for (ParameterConfig parameter : workflow.getParameters()) { if (parameter.isTyped()) { String type = parameter.getType(); switch (type) { case "text": TextField textField = new TextField(); = parameter.getName(); textField.label = parameter.getLabel(); textField.tooltip = parameter.getDescription(); formDef.addField(textField); break; case "select": SelectField selectField = new SelectField(); = parameter.getName(); selectField.label = parameter.getLabel(); selectField.options = parameter.getOptions(); selectField.tooltip = parameter.getDescription(); formDef.addField(selectField); break; case "upload": FileInput fileInput = new FileInput(); = parameter.getName(); fileInput.label = parameter.getLabel(); fileInput.tooltip = parameter.getDescription(); formDef.addField(fileInput); break; } } } formDefs.add(formDef); } return formDefs; }
public void addRecommendation(Recommendation rec) { recommendations.add(rec); }