Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Response readTask(
     final String rawProcessDefinitionKey, final String taskId, final MessageContext context)
     throws PieceworkException {
   Entity principal = identityHelper.getPrincipal();
   String processDefinitionKey = sanitizer.sanitize(rawProcessDefinitionKey);
   Process process = identityHelper.findProcess(processDefinitionKey, true);
   return taskForm(context, process, taskId);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public Builder(Form form, Sanitizer sanitizer) {
      this.formInstanceId = sanitizer.sanitize(form.formInstanceId);
      this.processInstanceId = sanitizer.sanitize(form.processInstanceId);
      this.submissionType = sanitizer.sanitize(form.submissionType);
      this.actionType = form.actionType;
      this.layout = sanitizer.sanitize(form.layout);
      this.applicationStatusExplanation = sanitizer.sanitize(form.applicationStatusExplanation);
      this.container =
          form.container != null ? new Container.Builder(form.container, sanitizer).build() : null;
      this.task = form.task != null ? new Task.Builder(form.task, sanitizer).build() : null;
      this.explanation = form.explanation;
      if (form.data != null && !form.data.isEmpty())
        this.data = new ManyMap<String, Value>(form.data);
      else this.data = new ManyMap<String, Value>();

      if (form.validation != null && !form.validation.isEmpty())
        this.validation = new ManyMap<String, Message>(form.validation);
      else this.validation = new ManyMap<String, Message>();
      this.attachments = form.getAttachments();
      this.attachmentCount = form.getAttachments().size();
      this.valid = form.valid;
      this.external = form.external;
      this.allowAttachments = form.allowAttachments;
      this.anonymous = form.anonymous;
      this.process = form.process;
      this.currentUser = form.currentUser;
      this.bucketList =
          form.bucketList != null
              ? new BucketList.Builder(form.bucketList, sanitizer).build()
              : null;
  protected void handlePlaintext(
      ContentProfileProvider modelProvider,
      SubmissionTemplate template,
      Submission.Builder submissionBuilder,
      Attachment attachment,
      String actingAsId)
      throws PieceworkException {
    String contentType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN;
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
          "Processing multipart with content type "
              + contentType
              + " and content id "
              + attachment.getContentId());

    String name = sanitizer.sanitize(attachment.getDataHandler().getName());
    String value = sanitizer.sanitize(attachment.getObject(String.class));

    if (!submissionStorageService.store(
        modelProvider, template, submissionBuilder, name, value, actingAsId)) {
          "Submission included field ("
              + name
              + ") that is not acceptable, and no attachments are allowed for this template");
  protected void handleAllContentTypes(
      ContentProfileProvider modelProvider,
      SubmissionTemplate template,
      Submission.Builder submissionBuilder,
      Attachment attachment,
      String actingAsId)
      throws PieceworkException {
    ContentDisposition contentDisposition = attachment.getContentDisposition();
    MediaType mediaType = attachment.getContentType();

    if (contentDisposition != null) {
      String contentType = mediaType.toString();
      String name = sanitizer.sanitize(contentDisposition.getParameter("name"));
      String filename = sanitizer.sanitize(contentDisposition.getParameter("filename"));
      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(filename)) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
              "Processing multipart with content type "
                  + contentType
                  + " content id "
                  + attachment.getContentId()
                  + " and filename "
                  + filename);
        try {
          if (!submissionStorageService.store(
              contentType)) {
                "Submission included field ("
                    + name
                    + ") that is not acceptable, and no attachments are allowed for this template");
        } catch (IOException e) {
              "Unable to store file with content type "
                  + contentType
                  + " and filename "
                  + filename);
      } else if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE)) {
        handlePlaintext(modelProvider, template, submissionBuilder, attachment, actingAsId);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public Response read(final String rawProcessDefinitionKey, final MessageContext context)
     throws PieceworkException {
   String processDefinitionKey = sanitizer.sanitize(rawProcessDefinitionKey);
   Process process = identityHelper.findProcess(processDefinitionKey, true);
   return startForm(context, process);
  protected Submission.Builder submissionBuilder(
      ProcessInstance instance,
      SubmissionTemplate template,
      Entity principal,
      Submission rawSubmission) {
    String principalId = principal != null ? principal.getEntityId() : "anonymous";

    String submitterId = principalId;
    if (principal != null
        && principal.getEntityType() == Entity.EntityType.SYSTEM
        && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(template.getActAsUser())) submitterId = template.getActAsUser();
    else if (rawSubmission != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(rawSubmission.getSubmitterId()))
      submitterId = sanitizer.sanitize(rawSubmission.getSubmitterId());

    Submission.Builder submissionBuilder;

    if (rawSubmission != null)
      submissionBuilder = new Submission.Builder(rawSubmission, sanitizer, true);
      submissionBuilder =
          new Submission.Builder()
              .actionType(instance == null ? ActionType.COMPLETE : ActionType.SAVE);

        .submissionDate(new Date())

    return submissionBuilder;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Response submit(
     final String rawProcessDefinitionKey,
     final String rawRequestId,
     final MessageContext context,
     final MultipartBody body)
     throws PieceworkException {
   String processDefinitionKey = sanitizer.sanitize(rawProcessDefinitionKey);
   Process process = identityHelper.findProcess(processDefinitionKey, true);
   return submitForm(context, process, rawRequestId, body);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public Response validate(
     final String rawProcessDefinitionKey,
     final String rawRequestId,
     final String rawValidationId,
     final MessageContext context,
     final MultivaluedMap<String, String> formData)
     throws PieceworkException {
   String processDefinitionKey = sanitizer.sanitize(rawProcessDefinitionKey);
   Process process = identityHelper.findProcess(processDefinitionKey, true);
   return validateForm(context, process, formData, rawRequestId, rawValidationId);