public void attributeReplaced(HttpSessionBindingEvent evt) { final String name = evt.getName(); if (!shallIgnore(name)) { final Session sess = Sessions.getCurrent(); if (sess instanceof SimpleSession && evt.getSession().equals(sess.getNativeSession())) ((SimpleSession) sess).getScopeListeners().notifyReplaced(name, evt.getValue()); } }
@Init public void initLogin() { Session s = this.getSessionZK(); s.setAttribute(Config.LOGEADO, new Boolean(false)); BindUtils.postGlobalCommand(null, null, "deshabilitarMenu", null); this.setTextoFormularioCorriente(" "); this.loadUsers(); }
@Override public UserCredential getUserCredential() { Session sess = Sessions.getCurrent(); UserCredential cre = (UserCredential) sess.getAttribute("userCredential"); if (cre == null) { cre = new UserCredential(); // new a anonymous user and set to session sess.setAttribute("userCredential", cre); } return cre; }
/** 初始化树上的数据 */ public void initTree() { Session session = Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop().getSession(); Object selectedViewNameObject = session.getAttribute("selectedViewName"); if (selectedViewNameObject != null) { String selectedViewName = (String) selectedViewNameObject; if (selectedViewName != null && !selectedViewName.isEmpty()) { this.viewName = selectedViewName; } } this.initTree(this.getViewName()); }
/** * Outputs the HTML tags of the given component to the given writer. * * @param path the request path. If null, the servlet path is assumed. * @param out the output (never null). * @param richlet the richlet to run. If you have only one component to show and no need process * it under an execution, you could use {@link #render(javax.servlet.ServletContext, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, * org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, String,} instead. * @since 5.0.5 */ public static final void render( ServletContext ctx, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Richlet richlet, String path, Writer out) throws ServletException, IOException { if (path == null) path = Https.getThisServletPath(request); WebManager webman = WebManager.getWebManagerIfAny(ctx); if (webman == null) { final String ATTR = "org.zkoss.zkplus.embed.updateURI"; String updateURI = Library.getProperty(ATTR); if (updateURI == null) updateURI = "/zkau"; else updateURI = Utils.checkUpdateURI(updateURI, ATTR); webman = new WebManager(ctx, updateURI); } final Session sess = WebManager.getSession(ctx, request); final WebApp wapp = sess.getWebApp(); final WebAppCtrl wappc = (WebAppCtrl) wapp; final Object old = I18Ns.setup(sess, request, response, wapp.getConfiguration().getResponseCharset()); Execution exec = null; try { final Desktop desktop = webman.getDesktop(sess, request, response, path, true); if (desktop == null) // forward or redirect return; final RequestInfo ri = new RequestInfoImpl(wapp, sess, desktop, request, PageDefinitions.getLocator(wapp, path)); sess.setAttribute(Attributes.GAE_FIX, new Integer(0)); ((SessionCtrl) sess).notifyClientRequest(true); final UiFactory uf = wappc.getUiFactory(); final Page page = WebManager.newPage(uf, ri, richlet, response, path); exec = new ExecutionImpl(ctx, request, response, desktop, page); exec.setAttribute(Attributes.PAGE_REDRAW_CONTROL, "page"); exec.setAttribute(Attributes.PAGE_RENDERER, new PageRenderer(exec)); wappc.getUiEngine().execNewPage(exec, richlet, page, out); // no need to set device type here, since UiEngine will do it later } finally { I18Ns.cleanup(request, old); if (exec != null) { exec.removeAttribute(Attributes.PAGE_REDRAW_CONTROL); exec.removeAttribute(Attributes.PAGE_RENDERER); } } }
/** * Generates the special JavaScript code, such as the application's name. It shall be called, * before generating "zkmx(" and "zkx(". * * @since 5.0.6 */ public static final String outSpecialJS(Desktop desktop) { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // output application name String oldnm = (String) desktop.getAttribute(ATTR_APPNM); if (oldnm == null) oldnm = "ZK"; final String appnm = desktop.getWebApp().getAppName(); if (!oldnm.equals(appnm)) { sb.append("zk.appName='"); Strings.escape(sb, appnm, Strings.ESCAPE_JAVASCRIPT).append("';"); desktop.setAttribute(ATTR_APPNM, appnm); } // output zktheme cookie String oldthemenm = (String) desktop.getAttribute(ATTR_THEMENM); if (oldthemenm == null) oldthemenm = ""; final Object request = desktop.getExecution().getNativeRequest(); String themenm = ""; if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest) { themenm = ThemeFns.getThemeResolver().getTheme((HttpServletRequest) request); } if (!oldthemenm.equals(themenm)) { sb.append("zk.themeName='"); Strings.escape(sb, themenm, Strings.ESCAPE_JAVASCRIPT).append("';"); desktop.setAttribute(ATTR_THEMENM, themenm); } // output ZK ICON final Session sess = Sessions.getCurrent(); if (sess != null) { WebApp wapp = desktop.getWebApp(); if (wapp == null || "CE".equals(WebApps.getEdition()) || wapp.getAttribute("org.zkoss.zk.ui.notice") != null) { final PI pi = (PI) sess.getAttribute(ATTR_PI); boolean show = pi == null; if (show) sess.setAttribute(ATTR_PI, new PI()); else show =; if (show) sb.append("zk.pi=1;"); } } return sb.toString(); }
@Override public boolean login(String nm, String pd) { User user = userInfoService.findUser(nm); // a simple plan text password verification if (user == null || !user.getPassword().equals(pd)) { return false; } Session sess = Sessions.getCurrent(); UserCredential cre = new UserCredential(user.getAccount(), user.getFullName()); // just in case for this demo. if (cre.isAnonymous()) { return false; } sess.setAttribute("userCredential", cre); // TODO handle the role here for authorization return true; }
public static GrantTreeModel getInstance( Session session, String rootid) // modifyed by qimin.xiong 2009-10-10 { EccTreeModel eccModel = (EccTreeModel) session.getAttribute("eccWholeViewTreeModel"); GrantTreeModel model = null; if (eccModel == null) { model = new GrantTreeModel(new EccTreeItem(null, rootid, "监测树", "")); } else { model = new GrantTreeModel(eccModel.getRoot()); } model.addSpecialNode(); return model; }
public void onEventEdit(CalendarsEvent event) throws InterruptedException, RemoteException { try { StorageComponentProxy proxy = SystemDictionary.getSCProxy(); Session ses = Sessions.getCurrent(); String userid = (String) ses.getAttribute("userid"); bookEventWin = (Window) Executions.createComponents("bookEvent.zul", self.getParent(), null); bookEventWin.setAttribute("calendars", cal); bookEventWin.setAttribute("calevent", event); Date setting = event.getCalendarEvent().getBeginDate(); SimpleCalendarEvent scevent = (SimpleCalendarEvent) event.getCalendarEvent(); bookEventWin.getFellow("cancelbutton").setVisible(true); ((Datebox) bookEventWin.getFellow("datetask")).setValue(setting); ((Datebox) bookEventWin.getFellow("datetask")).setReadonly(true); ((Datebox) bookEventWin.getFellow("datetask")).setButtonVisible(false); ((Timebox) bookEventWin.getFellow("timetask")).setValue(setting); ((Timebox) bookEventWin.getFellow("timetask")).setReadonly(true); ((Timebox) bookEventWin.getFellow("timetask")).setButtonVisible(false); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("taskidfield")) .setValue((String) scevent.getParams().get("task")); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("taskstatusfield")) .setValue( SystemDictionary.getTaskStatusLabel((String) scevent.getParams().get("status"))); bookEventWin.getFellow("rowtaskstatus").setVisible(true); if (scevent.getParams().get("status").equals(SystemDictionary.TASK_STATUS_COMPLETED)) { bookEventWin.getFellow("cancelbutton").setVisible(false); String tasktype = (String) scevent.getParams().get("type"); if (tasktype.equals(SystemDictionary.TASK_TYPE_CARERQS) || tasktype.equals(SystemDictionary.TASK_TYPE_PATIENTQS)) { // TODO retrieve Questionnaire answers and show in the task window Questionnaire q = (Questionnaire) scevent.getParams().get("questionnaire"); QuestionnaireAnswers qa = proxy.getQuestionnaireAnswersByTask((String) scevent.getParams().get("task"), userid); SystemDictionary.webguiLog( "INFO", "task id: " + (String) scevent.getParams().get("task")); // SystemDictionary.webguiLog("INFO", "ANSWERS LENGTH: "+ qa.getAnswer().length); // SystemDictionary.webguiLog("INFO", "getQuestion: "+ q.getQuestion().length); ArrayList<QuestionnaireAnswer> qalist = new ArrayList<QuestionnaireAnswer>(); if (qa.getAnswer() != null) for (int i = 0; i < qa.getAnswer().length; i++) { qalist.add(i, qa.getAnswer(i)); } String responses = provideQuestionnaireResponse(toPlainList(q.getQuestion()), qalist); SystemDictionary.webguiLog("DEBUG", "RESPONSES: " + responses); bookEventWin.getFellow("qsanswersrow").setVisible(true); ((Label) bookEventWin.getFellow("qsanswersfield")).setValue(responses); } else if (tasktype.equals(SystemDictionary.TASK_TYPE_BLOODPRESSURE_MEASUREMENT) || tasktype.equals(SystemDictionary.TASK_TYPE_WEIGHT_MEASUREMENT) || tasktype.equals(SystemDictionary.TASK_TYPE_ACTMONITOR)) { String resultfieldvalue = ""; SearchCriteria searchc = new SearchCriteria( "task", new SystemParameter(SystemDictionary.COMPARE_EQ, ""), (String) scevent.getParams().get("task"), ""); Measurement[] results = proxy.getMeasurement(new SearchCriteria[] {searchc}, userid); if (results.length <= 0) { resultfieldvalue = "No measurement could be retrieved"; } else { resultfieldvalue = "Use 'Monitor Measurements' button for viewing the measurements"; /*SystemDictionary.webguiLog("DEBUG", "RESULTS LENGHT: "+results.length); for(int ii = 0 ; ii < results.length ; ii++){ resultfieldvalue += results[ii].getValue()+""+results[ii].getUnits()+"\n"; }*/ } bookEventWin.getFellow("mresultrow").setVisible(true); ((Label) bookEventWin.getFellow("mresultrowfield")).setValue(resultfieldvalue); } } User addressed = proxy.getUser((String) scevent.getParams().get("objid")); Patient patient = proxy.getPatient(addressed.getPersonID(), userid); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("addressedid")) .setValue((String) scevent.getParams().get("objid")); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("addressedstr")).setValue(patient.toString()); User object = proxy.getUser((String) scevent.getParams().get("exec")); Carer executor = proxy.getCarer(object.getPersonID(), userid); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("objid")) .setValue((String) scevent.getParams().get("exec")); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("objstr")).setValue(executor.toString()); User assigner = proxy.getUser((String) scevent.getParams().get("assign")); Clinician assg = proxy.getClinician(assigner.getPersonID(), userid); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("userid")) .setValue((String) scevent.getParams().get("assign")); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("userstr")).setValue(assg.toString()); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("tasktypetext")).setValue(scevent.getContent()); bookEventWin.getFellow("tasktypetext").setVisible(true); // ((Combobox)bookEventWin.getFellow("addressedtext")).setVisible(false); int tasktype2 = Integer.parseInt((String) scevent.getParams().get("type")); this.showCustomFields(tasktype2); bookEventWin.getFellow("tasktypesel").setVisible(false); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") List items = ((Listbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("urlfield")).getItems(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Iterator it = items.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Listitem currentitem = (Listitem); if (currentitem.getValue().equals((String) scevent.getParams().get("url"))) { ((Listbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("urlfield")).setSelectedItem(currentitem); break; } } ((Listbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("urlfield")).setDisabled(true); if (scevent.getParams().get("questionnaire") != null) { items = ((Listbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("questnamefield")).getItems(); it = items.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Listitem currentitem = (Listitem); if (currentitem .getValue() .equals(((Questionnaire) scevent.getParams().get("questionnaire")).getID())) { ((Listbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("questnamefield")).setSelectedItem(currentitem); break; } } } ((Listbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("questnamefield")).setDisabled(true); // ((Textbox)bookEventWin.getFellow("urlfield")).setValue((String)scevent.getParams().get("url")); ((Textbox) bookEventWin.getFellow("textfield")) .setValue((String) scevent.getParams().get("text")); bookEventWin.setTitle("View Task"); bookEventWin.setVisible(true); bookEventWin.doModal(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Executions.sendRedirect(""); } }
/** * Returns HTML tags to include all JavaScript files and codes that are required when loading a * ZUML page (never null). * * <p>FUTURE CONSIDERATION: we might generate the inclusion on demand instead of all at once. * * @param exec the execution (never null) * @param wapp the Web application. If null, exec.getDesktop().getWebApp() is used. So you have to * specify it if the execution is not associated with desktop (a fake execution, such as * JSP/DSP). * @param deviceType the device type, such as ajax. If null, exec.getDesktop().getDeviceType() is * used. So you have to specify it if the execution is not associated with desktop (a fake * execution). */ public static final String outLangJavaScripts(Execution exec, WebApp wapp, String deviceType) { if (exec.isAsyncUpdate(null) || exec.getAttribute(ATTR_LANG_JS_GENED) != null) return ""; // nothing to generate exec.setAttribute(ATTR_LANG_JS_GENED, Boolean.TRUE); final Desktop desktop = exec.getDesktop(); if (wapp == null) wapp = desktop.getWebApp(); if (deviceType == null) deviceType = desktop != null ? desktop.getDeviceType() : "ajax"; final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1536); final Set<JavaScript> jses = new LinkedHashSet<JavaScript>(32); for (LanguageDefinition langdef : LanguageDefinition.getByDeviceType(deviceType)) jses.addAll(langdef.getJavaScripts()); for (JavaScript js : jses) append(sb, js); sb.append("\n<!-- ZK ").append(wapp.getVersion()); if (WebApps.getFeature("ee")) sb.append(" EE"); else if (WebApps.getFeature("pe")) sb.append(" PE"); sb.append(' ').append(wapp.getBuild()); Object o = wapp.getAttribute("org.zkoss.zk.ui.notice"); if (o != null) sb.append(o); sb.append(" -->\n"); int tmout = 0; final Boolean autoTimeout = getAutomaticTimeout(desktop); if (autoTimeout != null ? autoTimeout.booleanValue() : wapp.getConfiguration().isAutomaticTimeout(deviceType)) { if (desktop != null) { tmout = desktop.getSession().getMaxInactiveInterval(); } else { Object req = exec.getNativeRequest(); if (req instanceof HttpServletRequest) { final HttpSession hsess = ((HttpServletRequest) req).getSession(false); if (hsess != null) { final Session sess = SessionsCtrl.getSession(wapp, hsess); if (sess != null) { tmout = sess.getMaxInactiveInterval(); } else { // try configuration first since HttpSession's timeout is set // when ZK Session is created (so it is not set yet) // Note: no need to setMaxInactiveInternval here since it will // be set later or not useful at the end tmout = wapp.getConfiguration().getSessionMaxInactiveInterval(); if (tmout <= 0) // system default tmout = hsess.getMaxInactiveInterval(); } } else tmout = wapp.getConfiguration().getSessionMaxInactiveInterval(); } } if (tmout > 0) { // unit: seconds int extra = tmout / 8; tmout += extra > 60 ? 60 : extra < 5 ? 5 : extra; // Add extra seconds to ensure it is really timeout } } final boolean keepDesktop = exec.getAttribute(Attributes.NO_CACHE) == null && !"page".equals(ExecutionsCtrl.getPageRedrawControl(exec)), groupingAllowed = isGroupingAllowed(desktop); final String progressboxPos = org.zkoss.lang.Library.getProperty("org.zkoss.zul.progressbox.position", ""); if (tmout > 0 || keepDesktop || progressboxPos.length() > 0 || !groupingAllowed) { sb.append("<script class=\"z-runonce\" type=\"text/javascript\">\nzkopt({"); if (keepDesktop) sb.append("kd:1,"); if (!groupingAllowed) sb.append("gd:1,"); if (tmout > 0) sb.append("to:").append(tmout).append(','); if (progressboxPos.length() > 0) sb.append("ppos:'").append(progressboxPos).append('\''); if (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == ',') sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); sb.append("});\n</script>"); } final Device device = Devices.getDevice(deviceType); String s = device.getEmbedded(); if (s != null) sb.append(s).append('\n'); return sb.toString(); }
/** * Returns the desktop of the specified ID, or null if not found. If null is returned, {@link * #recoverDesktop} will be invoked. * * @param sess the session (never null) * @param dtid the desktop ID to look for * @since 5.0.3 */ protected Desktop getDesktop(Session sess, String dtid) { return ((WebAppCtrl) sess.getWebApp()).getDesktopCache(sess).getDesktopIfAny(dtid); }
/** * Process asynchronous update requests from the client. * * @since 3.0.0 */ protected void process(Session sess, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { final String errClient = request.getHeader("ZK-Error-Report"); if (errClient != null) if (log.debugable()) log.debug("Error found at client: " + errClient + "\n" + Servlets.getDetail(request)); // parse desktop ID final WebApp wapp = sess.getWebApp(); final WebAppCtrl wappc = (WebAppCtrl) wapp; final AuDecoder audec = getAuDecoder(wapp); final String dtid = audec.getDesktopId(request); if (dtid == null) { // Bug 1929139: incomplete request (IE only) if (log.debugable()) { final String msg = "Incomplete request\n" + Servlets.getDetail(request); log.debug(msg); } response.sendError(467, "Incomplete request"); return; } Desktop desktop = getDesktop(sess, dtid); if (desktop == null) { final String cmdId = audec.getFirstCommand(request); if (!"rmDesktop".equals(cmdId)) desktop = recoverDesktop(sess, request, response, wappc, dtid); if (desktop == null) { response.setIntHeader("ZK-Error", response.SC_GONE); // denote timeout sessionTimeout(request, response, wapp, dtid); return; } } WebManager.setDesktop(request, desktop); // reason: a new page might be created (such as include) final String sid = request.getHeader("ZK-SID"); if (sid != null) // Some client might not have ZK-SID response.setHeader("ZK-SID", sid); // parse commands final Configuration config = wapp.getConfiguration(); final List aureqs; boolean keepAlive = false; try { final boolean timerKeepAlive = config.isTimerKeepAlive(); aureqs = audec.decode(request, desktop); for (Iterator it = aureqs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final String cmdId = ((AuRequest); keepAlive = !(!timerKeepAlive && Events.ON_TIMER.equals(cmdId)) && !"dummy".equals(cmdId); // dummy is used for PollingServerPush for piggyback if (keepAlive) break; // done } } catch (Throwable ex) { log.warningBriefly(ex); responseError(request, response, Exceptions.getMessage(ex)); return; } if (aureqs.isEmpty()) { final String errmsg = "Illegal request: cmd required"; log.debug(errmsg); responseError(request, response, errmsg); return; } ((SessionCtrl) sess).notifyClientRequest(keepAlive); // if (log.debugable()) log.debug("AU request: "+aureqs); final DesktopCtrl desktopCtrl = (DesktopCtrl) desktop; final Execution exec = new ExecutionImpl(getServletContext(), request, response, desktop, null); if (sid != null) ((ExecutionCtrl) exec).setRequestId(sid); final AuWriter out = AuWriters.newInstance(); out.setCompress(_compress); request, response, desktop.getDevice().isSupported(Device.RESEND) ? getProcessTimeout(config.getResendDelay()) : 0); // Note: getResendDelay() might return nonpositive try { wappc.getUiEngine().execUpdate(exec, aureqs, out); } catch (RequestOutOfSequenceException ex) { log.warning(ex.getMessage()); response.setHeader("ZK-SID", sid); response.setIntHeader("ZK-Error", AuResponse.SC_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE); } out.close(request, response); }
@Override public void logout() { Session sess = Sessions.getCurrent(); sess.removeAttribute("userCredential"); }