Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Serialize the bean using the specified namespace prefix & uri
 public String serialize(Object bean) throws IntrospectionException, IllegalAccessException {
   // Use the class name as the name of the root element
   String className = bean.getClass().getName();
   String rootElementName = null;
   if (bean.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(ObjectXmlAlias.class)) {
     AnnotatedElement annotatedElement = bean.getClass();
     ObjectXmlAlias aliasAnnotation = annotatedElement.getAnnotation(ObjectXmlAlias.class);
     rootElementName = aliasAnnotation.value();
   // Use the package name as the namespace URI
   Package pkg = bean.getClass().getPackage();
   nsURI = pkg.getName();
   // Remove a trailing semi-colon (;) if present (i.e. if the bean is an array)
   className = StringUtils.deleteTrailingChar(className, ';');
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(className);
   String objectName = sb.delete(0, sb.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toString();
   domDocument = createDomDocument(objectName);
   document = domDocument.getDocument();
   Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
   // Parse the bean elements
   getBeanElements(root, rootElementName, className, bean);
   StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
   if (prettyPrint)
     xml.append(domDocument.serialize(lineSeperator, indentChars, includeXmlProlog));
   else xml.append(domDocument.serialize(includeXmlProlog));
   if (!includeTypeInfo) {
     int index = xml.indexOf(root.getNodeName());
     xml.delete(index - 1, index + root.getNodeName().length() + 2);
     xml.delete(xml.length() - root.getNodeName().length() - 4, xml.length());
   return xml.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private ClassLoaderStrategy getClassLoaderStrategy(String fullyQualifiedClassName)
     throws Exception {
   try {
     // Get just the package name
     StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(fullyQualifiedClassName);
     sb.delete(sb.lastIndexOf("."), sb.length());
     currentPackage = sb.toString();
     // Retrieve the Java classpath from the system properties
     String cp = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
     String sepChar = System.getProperty("path.separator");
     String[] paths = StringUtils.pieceList(cp, sepChar.charAt(0));
     ClassLoaderStrategy cl =
         ClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader(ClassLoaderUtil.FILE_SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER, new String[] {});
     // Iterate through paths until class with the specified name is found
     String classpath = StringUtils.replaceChar(currentPackage, '.', File.separatorChar);
     for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
       Class[] classes = cl.getClasses(paths[i] + File.separatorChar + classpath, currentPackage);
       for (int j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) {
         if (classes[j].getName().equals(fullyQualifiedClassName)) {
           return ClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader(
               ClassLoaderUtil.FILE_SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER, new String[] {paths[i]});
     throw new Exception("Class could not be found.");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     System.err.println("Exception creating class loader strategy.");
     throw e;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static String toString(NodeList self) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   Iterator it = DefaultGroovyMethods.iterator(self);
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     if (sb.length() > 1) sb.append(", ");
   return sb.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Initializes this object.
   * @param key Property-key to use for locating initialization properties.
   * @param type Property-type to use for locating initialization properties.
   * @exception ProcessingException when initialization fails
  public void initialize(String key, String type) throws ProcessingException {
    super.initialize(key, type);

    StringBuffer errorBuf = new StringBuffer();

    // serverName = getRequiredProperty(SERVER_NAME_PROP, errorBuf);

    headerLocation = getPropertyValue(NF_HEADER_LOCATION_PROP);

    isAsyncLocation = getPropertyValue(IS_ASYNCHRONOUS_LOCATION_PROP);

    orbAgentAddr = getPropertyValue(ORB_AGENT_ADDR_PROP);

    orbAgentPort = getPropertyValue(ORB_AGENT_PORT_PROP);

    orbAgentAddrLocation = getPropertyValue(ORB_AGENT_ADDR_PROP_LOCATION);

    orbAgentPortLocation = getPropertyValue(ORB_AGENT_PORT_PROP_LOCATION);

    if (!StringUtils.hasValue(isAsyncLocation)) {
      try {
        isAsync =
                (String) getRequiredPropertyValue(DEFAULT_IS_ASYNCHRONOUS_PROP, errorBuf));
      } catch (FrameworkException fe) {
            "No value is specified for either "
                + "or"
                + ". One of the values should be present"
                + fe.getMessage());

    if (!StringUtils.hasValue(headerLocation)) {
      try {
        header = getRequiredPropertyValue(DEFAULT_HEADER_PROP, errorBuf);
      } catch (Exception e) {
            "No value is specified for "
                + NF_HEADER_LOCATION_PROP
                + "or"
                + DEFAULT_HEADER_PROP
                + ". One of the values should be present"
                + e.getMessage());

    if (errorBuf.length() > 0) throw new ProcessingException(errorBuf.toString());
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private static String FilterID(String id) {
   if (id == null) {
     return null;
   } else {
     StringBuffer newID = new StringBuffer();
     int st = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < id.length(); i++) {
       char ch = Character.toLowerCase(id.charAt(i));
       if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch)) {
         st = 1;
       } else if (st == 1) {
         st = 0;
       } else {
         // ignore char
     while ((newID.length() > 0) && (newID.charAt(newID.length() - 1) == '_')) {
       newID.setLength(newID.length() - 1);
     return newID.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * ** Returns a ReverseGeocode instance containing address information ** @param gp The GeoPoint
   * ** @return The ReverseGeocode instance
  private ReverseGeocode getAddressReverseGeocode(GeoPoint gp, String localeStr) {

    /* URL */
    String url = this.getAddressReverseGeocodeURL(gp);
    Print.logInfo("Address URL: " + url);

    /* create XML document */
    Document xmlDoc = GetXMLDocument(url);
    if (xmlDoc == null) {
      return null;

    /* create ReverseGeocode response */
    Element reversegeocode = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement();
    if (!reversegeocode.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_reversegeocode)) {
      return null;

    /* init */
    String address_val = null; // null address
    String house_val = null; // house number
    String road_val = null; // street name
    String city_val = null; // city name
    String county_val = null; // county name
    String state_val = null; // state/province
    String postcode_val = null; // postal code
    String country_name_val = null; // country name
    String country_code_val = null; // country code

    // full address
    NodeList resultList = XMLTools.getChildElements(reversegeocode, TAG_result);
    for (int r = 0; r < resultList.getLength(); r++) {
      Element result = (Element) resultList.item(r);
      // String osmType = XMLTools.getAttribute(result, ATTR_osm_type, null, false);
      address_val = XMLTools.getNodeText(result, " ", false);
      break; // only the first element

    // address components
    NodeList addresspartsList = XMLTools.getChildElements(reversegeocode, TAG_addressparts);
    for (int a = 0; (a < addresspartsList.getLength()); a++) {
      Element addressparts = (Element) addresspartsList.item(a);
      NodeList addresspartsChildren = addressparts.getChildNodes();
      for (int ac = 0; ac < addresspartsChildren.getLength(); ac++) {
        Node child = addresspartsChildren.item(ac);
        if (!(child instanceof Element)) {
        Element elem = (Element) child;
        String elemName = elem.getNodeName();
        if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_house)) {
          house_val = XMLTools.getNodeText(elem, " ", false);
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_tram)) {
          // ignore
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_road)) {
          road_val = XMLTools.getNodeText(elem, " ", false);
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_residential)) {
          // ignore
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_village)) {
          // ignore
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_town)) {
          if (StringTools.isBlank(city_val)) {
            city_val = XMLTools.getNodeText(elem, " ", false);
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_city)) {
          city_val = XMLTools.getNodeText(elem, " ", false);
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_county)) {
          county_val = XMLTools.getNodeText(elem, " ", false);
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_postcode)) {
          postcode_val = XMLTools.getNodeText(elem, " ", false);
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_state)) {
          state_val = XMLTools.getNodeText(elem, " ", false);
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_country)) {
          country_name_val = XMLTools.getNodeText(elem, " ", false);
        } else if (elemName.equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_country_code)) {
          country_code_val = StringTools.trim(XMLTools.getNodeText(elem, " ", false)).toUpperCase();
        } else {
          // elemName unrecognized
      break; // only the first element

    /* populate ReverseGeocode instance */
    ReverseGeocode rg = new ReverseGeocode();
    StringBuffer addr = new StringBuffer();
    // house number /road
    if (!StringTools.isBlank(house_val)) {
      if (!StringTools.isBlank(road_val)) {
        addr.append(" ");
        rg.setStreetAddress(house_val + " " + road_val);
      } else {
    } else if (!StringTools.isBlank(road_val)) {
    // city/county
    if (!StringTools.isBlank(city_val)) {
      if (addr.length() > 0) {
        addr.append(", ");
    if (!StringTools.isBlank(county_val)) {
      if (StringTools.isBlank(city_val)) {
        // "city" not provided, at least include the "county"
        if (addr.length() > 0) {
          addr.append(", ");
      // rg.setCounty(county_val);
    // state/province
    if (!StringTools.isBlank(state_val)) {
      if (addr.length() > 0) {
        addr.append(", ");
      if (!StringTools.isBlank(postcode_val)) {
        addr.append(" ").append(postcode_val);
    } else {
      if (!StringTools.isBlank(postcode_val)) {
        if (addr.length() > 0) {
          addr.append(", ");
    // country
    if (!StringTools.isBlank(country_code_val)) {
      if (country_code_val.equalsIgnoreCase("US")) {
        // if (addr.length() > 0) { addr.append(", "); }
        // addr.append("USA");
      } else if (!StringTools.isBlank(country_name_val)) {
        if (addr.length() > 0) {
          addr.append(", ");
      } else {
        if (addr.length() > 0) {
          addr.append(", ");
    // full address

    return rg;