public ECPoint twicePlus(ECPoint b) {
    if (this.isInfinity()) {
      return b;
    if (b.isInfinity()) {
      return twice();

    ECCurve curve = this.getCurve();

    ECFieldElement X1 = this.x;
    if (X1.isZero()) {
      // A point with X == 0 is it's own additive inverse
      return b;

    // NOTE: twicePlus() only optimized for lambda-affine argument
    ECFieldElement X2 = b.getRawXCoord(), Z2 = b.getZCoord(0);
    if (X2.isZero() || !Z2.isOne()) {
      return twice().add(b);

    ECFieldElement L1 = this.y, Z1 = this.zs[0];
    ECFieldElement L2 = b.getRawYCoord();

    ECFieldElement X1Sq = X1.square();
    ECFieldElement L1Sq = L1.square();
    ECFieldElement Z1Sq = Z1.square();
    ECFieldElement L1Z1 = L1.multiply(Z1);

    //        ECFieldElement T = curve.getA().multiply(Z1Sq).add(L1Sq).add(L1Z1);
    ECFieldElement T = L1Sq.add(L1Z1);
    ECFieldElement L2plus1 = L2.addOne();
    //        ECFieldElement A =
    // curve.getA().add(L2plus1).multiply(Z1Sq).add(L1Sq).multiplyPlusProduct(T, X1Sq, Z1Sq);
    ECFieldElement A = L2plus1.multiply(Z1Sq).add(L1Sq).multiplyPlusProduct(T, X1Sq, Z1Sq);
    ECFieldElement X2Z1Sq = X2.multiply(Z1Sq);
    ECFieldElement B = X2Z1Sq.add(T).square();

    if (B.isZero()) {
      if (A.isZero()) {
        return b.twice();

      return curve.getInfinity();

    if (A.isZero()) {
      //            return new SecT283K1Point(curve, A, curve.getB().sqrt(), withCompression);
      return new SecT283K1Point(curve, A, curve.getB(), withCompression);

    ECFieldElement X3 = A.square().multiply(X2Z1Sq);
    ECFieldElement Z3 = A.multiply(B).multiply(Z1Sq);
    ECFieldElement L3 = A.add(B).square().multiplyPlusProduct(T, L2plus1, Z3);

    return new SecT283K1Point(curve, X3, L3, new ECFieldElement[] {Z3}, this.withCompression);
  public ECPoint add(ECPoint b) {
    if (this.isInfinity()) {
      return b;
    if (b.isInfinity()) {
      return this;
    if (this == b) {
      return twice();

    ECCurve curve = this.getCurve();

    SecP384R1FieldElement X1 = (SecP384R1FieldElement) this.x, Y1 = (SecP384R1FieldElement) this.y;
    SecP384R1FieldElement X2 = (SecP384R1FieldElement) b.getXCoord(),
        Y2 = (SecP384R1FieldElement) b.getYCoord();

    SecP384R1FieldElement Z1 = (SecP384R1FieldElement) this.zs[0];
    SecP384R1FieldElement Z2 = (SecP384R1FieldElement) b.getZCoord(0);

    int c;
    int[] tt1 = Nat.create(24);
    int[] tt2 = Nat.create(24);
    int[] t3 = Nat.create(12);
    int[] t4 = Nat.create(12);

    boolean Z1IsOne = Z1.isOne();
    int[] U2, S2;
    if (Z1IsOne) {
      U2 = X2.x;
      S2 = Y2.x;
    } else {
      S2 = t3;
      SecP384R1Field.square(Z1.x, S2);

      U2 = tt2;
      SecP384R1Field.multiply(S2, X2.x, U2);

      SecP384R1Field.multiply(S2, Z1.x, S2);
      SecP384R1Field.multiply(S2, Y2.x, S2);

    boolean Z2IsOne = Z2.isOne();
    int[] U1, S1;
    if (Z2IsOne) {
      U1 = X1.x;
      S1 = Y1.x;
    } else {
      S1 = t4;
      SecP384R1Field.square(Z2.x, S1);

      U1 = tt1;
      SecP384R1Field.multiply(S1, X1.x, U1);

      SecP384R1Field.multiply(S1, Z2.x, S1);
      SecP384R1Field.multiply(S1, Y1.x, S1);

    int[] H = Nat.create(12);
    SecP384R1Field.subtract(U1, U2, H);

    int[] R = Nat.create(12);
    SecP384R1Field.subtract(S1, S2, R);

    // Check if b == this or b == -this
    if (Nat.isZero(12, H)) {
      if (Nat.isZero(12, R)) {
        // this == b, i.e. this must be doubled
        return this.twice();

      // this == -b, i.e. the result is the point at infinity
      return curve.getInfinity();

    int[] HSquared = t3;
    SecP384R1Field.square(H, HSquared);

    int[] G = Nat.create(12);
    SecP384R1Field.multiply(HSquared, H, G);

    int[] V = t3;
    SecP384R1Field.multiply(HSquared, U1, V);

    SecP384R1Field.negate(G, G);
    Nat384.mul(S1, G, tt1);

    c = Nat.addBothTo(12, V, V, G);
    SecP384R1Field.reduce32(c, G);

    SecP384R1FieldElement X3 = new SecP384R1FieldElement(t4);
    SecP384R1Field.square(R, X3.x);
    SecP384R1Field.subtract(X3.x, G, X3.x);

    SecP384R1FieldElement Y3 = new SecP384R1FieldElement(G);
    SecP384R1Field.subtract(V, X3.x, Y3.x);
    Nat384.mul(Y3.x, R, tt2);
    SecP384R1Field.addExt(tt1, tt2, tt1);
    SecP384R1Field.reduce(tt1, Y3.x);

    SecP384R1FieldElement Z3 = new SecP384R1FieldElement(H);
    if (!Z1IsOne) {
      SecP384R1Field.multiply(Z3.x, Z1.x, Z3.x);
    if (!Z2IsOne) {
      SecP384R1Field.multiply(Z3.x, Z2.x, Z3.x);

    ECFieldElement[] zs = new ECFieldElement[] {Z3};

    return new SecP384R1Point(curve, X3, Y3, zs, this.withCompression);
  public ECPoint add(ECPoint b) {
    if (this.isInfinity()) {
      return b;
    if (b.isInfinity()) {
      return this;

    ECCurve curve = this.getCurve();

    ECFieldElement X1 = this.x;
    ECFieldElement X2 = b.getRawXCoord();

    if (X1.isZero()) {
      if (X2.isZero()) {
        return curve.getInfinity();

      return b.add(this);

    ECFieldElement L1 = this.y, Z1 = this.zs[0];
    ECFieldElement L2 = b.getRawYCoord(), Z2 = b.getZCoord(0);

    boolean Z1IsOne = Z1.isOne();
    ECFieldElement U2 = X2, S2 = L2;
    if (!Z1IsOne) {
      U2 = U2.multiply(Z1);
      S2 = S2.multiply(Z1);

    boolean Z2IsOne = Z2.isOne();
    ECFieldElement U1 = X1, S1 = L1;
    if (!Z2IsOne) {
      U1 = U1.multiply(Z2);
      S1 = S1.multiply(Z2);

    ECFieldElement A = S1.add(S2);
    ECFieldElement B = U1.add(U2);

    if (B.isZero()) {
      if (A.isZero()) {
        return twice();

      return curve.getInfinity();

    ECFieldElement X3, L3, Z3;
    if (X2.isZero()) {
      // TODO This can probably be optimized quite a bit
      ECPoint p = this.normalize();
      X1 = p.getXCoord();
      ECFieldElement Y1 = p.getYCoord();

      ECFieldElement Y2 = L2;
      ECFieldElement L = Y1.add(Y2).divide(X1);

      //            X3 = L.square().add(L).add(X1).add(curve.getA());
      X3 = L.square().add(L).add(X1);
      if (X3.isZero()) {
        //                return new SecT283K1Point(curve, X3, curve.getB().sqrt(),
        // this.withCompression);
        return new SecT283K1Point(curve, X3, curve.getB(), this.withCompression);

      ECFieldElement Y3 = L.multiply(X1.add(X3)).add(X3).add(Y1);
      L3 = Y3.divide(X3).add(X3);
      Z3 = curve.fromBigInteger(ECConstants.ONE);
    } else {
      B = B.square();

      ECFieldElement AU1 = A.multiply(U1);
      ECFieldElement AU2 = A.multiply(U2);

      X3 = AU1.multiply(AU2);
      if (X3.isZero()) {
        //                return new SecT283K1Point(curve, X3, curve.getB().sqrt(),
        // this.withCompression);
        return new SecT283K1Point(curve, X3, curve.getB(), this.withCompression);

      ECFieldElement ABZ2 = A.multiply(B);
      if (!Z2IsOne) {
        ABZ2 = ABZ2.multiply(Z2);

      L3 = AU2.add(B).squarePlusProduct(ABZ2, L1.add(Z1));

      Z3 = ABZ2;
      if (!Z1IsOne) {
        Z3 = Z3.multiply(Z1);

    return new SecT283K1Point(curve, X3, L3, new ECFieldElement[] {Z3}, this.withCompression);