Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Invoke a script from the command line.
  * @param scriptResource the script resource of path
  * @param scriptArgs an array of command line arguments
  * @return the return value
  * @throws IOException an I/O related error occurred
  * @throws JavaScriptException the script threw an error during compilation or execution
 public Object runScript(Object scriptResource, String... scriptArgs)
     throws IOException, JavaScriptException {
   Resource resource;
   if (scriptResource instanceof Resource) {
     resource = (Resource) scriptResource;
   } else if (scriptResource instanceof String) {
     resource = findResource((String) scriptResource, null, null);
   } else {
     throw new IOException("Unsupported script resource: " + scriptResource);
   if (!resource.exists()) {
     throw new FileNotFoundException(scriptResource.toString());
   Context cx = contextFactory.enterContext();
   try {
     Object retval;
     Map<Trackable, ReloadableScript> scripts = getScriptCache(cx);
     commandLineArgs = Arrays.asList(scriptArgs);
     ReloadableScript script = new ReloadableScript(resource, this);
     scripts.put(resource, script);
     mainScope = new ModuleScope(resource.getModuleName(), resource, globalScope, mainWorker);
     retval = mainWorker.evaluateScript(cx, script, mainScope);
     return retval instanceof Wrapper ? ((Wrapper) retval).unwrap() : retval;
   } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void evaluateBootstrapScripts(Context cx) throws IOException {
   List<String> bootstrapScripts = config.getBootstrapScripts();
   if (bootstrapScripts != null) {
     for (String script : bootstrapScripts) {
       Resource resource = new FileResource(script);
       // not found, attempt to resolve the file relative to ringo home
       if (!resource.exists()) {
         resource = getRingoHome().getResource(script);
       if (resource == null || !resource.exists()) {
         throw new FileNotFoundException("Bootstrap script " + script + " not found");
       mainWorker.evaluateScript(cx, new ReloadableScript(resource, this), globalScope);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Evaluate an expression from the command line.
  * @param expr the JavaScript expression to evaluate
  * @return the return value
  * @throws IOException an I/O related error occurred
  * @throws JavaScriptException the script threw an error during compilation or execution
 public Object evaluateExpression(String expr) throws IOException, JavaScriptException {
   Context cx = contextFactory.enterContext();
   try {
     Object retval;
     Repository repository = repositories.get(0);
     Scriptable parentScope = mainScope != null ? mainScope : globalScope;
     ModuleScope scope = new ModuleScope("<expr>", repository, parentScope, mainWorker);
     Resource res = new StringResource("<expr>", expr, 1);
     ReloadableScript script = new ReloadableScript(res, this);
     retval = mainWorker.evaluateScript(cx, script, scope);
     return retval instanceof Wrapper ? ((Wrapper) retval).unwrap() : retval;
   } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Create a RhinoEngine with the given configuration. If <code>globals</code> is not null, its
   * contents are added as properties on the global object.
   * @param config the configuration used to initialize the engine.
   * @param globals an optional map of global properties
   * @throws Exception if the engine can't be created
  public RhinoEngine(RingoConfig config, Map<String, Object> globals) throws Exception {
    this.config = config;
    workers = new LinkedBlockingDeque<RingoWorker>();
    currentWorker = new ThreadLocal<RingoWorker>();
    mainWorker = new RingoWorker(this);
    compiledScripts = new ConcurrentHashMap<Trackable, ReloadableScript>();
    interpretedScripts = new ConcurrentHashMap<Trackable, ReloadableScript>();
    singletons = new HashMap<Singleton, Singleton>();
    contextFactory = new RingoContextFactory(this, config);
    repositories = config.getRepositories();
    wrapFactory = config.getWrapFactory();

    loaders =
        new ModuleLoader[] {new JsModuleLoader(), new JsonModuleLoader(), new ClassModuleLoader()};

    RingoDebugger debugger = null;
    if (config.getDebug()) {
      debugger = new RingoDebugger(config);

    // create and initialize global scope
    Context cx = contextFactory.enterContext();
    try {
      boolean sealed = config.isSealed();
      globalScope = new RingoGlobal(cx, this, sealed);
      Class<Scriptable>[] classes = config.getHostClasses();
      if (classes != null) {
        for (Class<Scriptable> clazz : classes) {
      ScriptableObject.defineClass(globalScope, ScriptableWrapper.class);
      ScriptableObject.defineClass(globalScope, ModuleObject.class);
      if (globals != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : globals.entrySet()) {
              globalScope, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), ScriptableObject.DONTENUM);
      mainWorker.evaluateScript(cx, getScript("globals"), globalScope);
      if (sealed) {
      if (debugger != null) {
      try {
                new Thread() {
                  public void run() {
      } catch (java.security.AccessControlException e) {
        log.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not register shutdown hook due to security exception", e);
    } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Load a Javascript module into a module scope. This checks if the module has already been loaded
  * in the current context and if so returns the existing module scope.
  * @param cx the current context
  * @param moduleName the module name
  * @param loadingScope the scope requesting the module
  * @return the loaded module's scope
  * @throws IOException indicates that in input/output related error occurred
 public Scriptable loadModule(Context cx, String moduleName, Scriptable loadingScope)
     throws IOException {
   return mainWorker.loadModule(cx, moduleName, loadingScope);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Get the list of errors encountered by the main worker.
  * @return a list of errors, may be null.
 public List<ScriptError> getMainErrors() {
   return mainWorker.getErrors();
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Return a worker, returning it to the worker pool.
  * @param worker the worker to be released
 void returnWorker(RingoWorker worker) {
   if (!workers.offerFirst(worker)) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Invoke a javascript function. This enters a JavaScript context, creates a new per-thread scope,
  * calls the function, exits the context and returns the return value of the invocation.
  * @param module the module name or object, or null for the main module
  * @param method the method name to call in the script
  * @param args the arguments to pass to the method
  * @return the return value of the invocation
  * @throws NoSuchMethodException the method is not defined
  * @throws IOException an I/O related error occurred
 public Object invoke(Object module, String method, Object... args)
     throws IOException, NoSuchMethodException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
   return mainWorker.invoke(module, method, args);