Ejemplo n.º 1
  private void upgrade(boolean clean) throws Exception {
    testAntBundleInitialInstall(); // install a bundle first
    cleanPluginDirs(); // clean everything but the dest dir - we want to upgrade the destination
    prepareBeforeTestMethod(); // prepare for our new test

    // deploy upgrade and test it
    ResourceType resourceType =
        new ResourceType("testSimpleBundle2Type", "plugin", ResourceCategory.SERVER, null);
    BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testSimpleBundle2BType", resourceType);
    Repo repo = new Repo("test-bundle-two");
    PackageType packageType = new PackageType("test-bundle-two", resourceType);
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle("test-bundle-two", bundleType, repo, packageType);
    BundleVersion bundleVersion =
        new BundleVersion(
            "test-bundle-two", "3.0", bundle, getRecipeFromFile("test-bundle-three.xml"));
    BundleDestination destination =
        new BundleDestination(
            new ResourceGroup("testSimpleBundle2Group"),

    Configuration config = new Configuration();
    String customPropName = "custom.prop";
    String customPropValue = "DEF";
    String onePropName = "one.prop";
    String onePropValue = "one-one-one";
    String threePropName = "three.prop";
    String threePropValue = "333";
    config.put(new PropertySimple(customPropName, customPropValue));
    config.put(new PropertySimple(onePropName, onePropValue));
    config.put(new PropertySimple(threePropName, threePropValue));

    BundleDeployment deployment = new BundleDeployment();
    deployment.setName("test bundle 3 deployment name - upgrades test bundle 2");

    // copy the test archive file to the bundle files dir
        new File("src/test/resources/test-bundle-three-archive.zip"),
        new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "test-bundle-three-archive.zip"));

    // create test.properties file in the bundle files dir
    File file1 = new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "test.properties");
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty(customPropName, "@@" + customPropName + "@@");
    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file1);
    props.store(outputStream, "test.properties comment");

    // create some additional files - note: recipe says to ignore "ignore/**"
    File ignoreDir = new File(this.destDir, "ignore");
    File extraDir = new File(this.destDir, "extra");
    File ignoredFile = new File(ignoreDir, "ignore-file.txt");
    File extraFile = new File(extraDir, "extra-file.txt");
    FileUtil.writeFile(new ByteArrayInputStream("ignore".getBytes()), ignoredFile);
    FileUtil.writeFile(new ByteArrayInputStream("extra".getBytes()), extraFile);

    BundleDeployRequest request = new BundleDeployRequest();
    request.setResourceDeployment(new BundleResourceDeployment(deployment, null));
    request.setBundleManagerProvider(new MockBundleManagerProvider());

    BundleDeployResult results = plugin.deployBundle(request);


    // test that the prop was replaced in raw file test.properties
    Properties realizedProps = new Properties();
        realizedProps, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "config/test.properties")));
    assert customPropValue.equals(realizedProps.getProperty(customPropName))
        : "didn't replace prop";

    // test that the archive was extracted properly. These are the files in the archive or removed
    // from original:
    // REMOVED: zero-file.txt
    // one/one-file.txt (content: "@@one.prop@@") <-- recipe says this is to be replaced
    // two/two-file.txt (content: "@@two.prop@@") <-- recipe does not say to replace this
    // three/three-file.txt (content: "@@three.prop@@") <-- recipe says this is to be replaced
    File zeroFile = new File(this.destDir, "zero-file.txt");
    File oneFile = new File(this.destDir, "one/one-file.txt");
    File twoFile = new File(this.destDir, "two/two-file.txt");
    File threeFile = new File(this.destDir, "three/three-file.txt");
    assert !zeroFile.exists() : "zero file should have been removed during upgrade";
    assert oneFile.exists() : "one file missing";
    assert twoFile.exists() : "two file missing";
    assert threeFile.exists() : "three file missing";
    if (clean) {
      assert !ignoredFile.exists()
          : "ignored file should have been deleted due to clean deployment request";
      assert !extraFile.exists()
          : "extra file should have been deleted due to clean deployment request";
    } else {
      assert ignoredFile.exists() : "ignored file wasn't ignored, it was deleted";
      assert !extraFile.exists() : "extra file ignored, but it should have been deleted/backed up";
    assert readFile(oneFile).startsWith(onePropValue);
    assert readFile(twoFile).startsWith("@@two.prop@@");
    assert readFile(threeFile).startsWith(threePropValue);

    DeploymentsMetadata metadata = new DeploymentsMetadata(this.destDir);
    DeploymentProperties deploymentProps = metadata.getDeploymentProperties(deployment.getId());
    assert deploymentProps.getDeploymentId() == deployment.getId();
    assert deploymentProps.getBundleName().equals(bundle.getName());
    assert deploymentProps.getBundleVersion().equals(bundleVersion.getVersion());
    assert deploymentProps.getManageRootDir() == true;

    DeploymentProperties currentProps = metadata.getCurrentDeploymentProperties();
    assert deploymentProps.equals(currentProps);

    // check the backup directory - note, clean flag is irrelevent when determining what should be
    // backed up
    File backupDir = metadata.getDeploymentBackupDirectory(deployment.getId());
    File extraBackupFile =
        new File(backupDir, extraDir.getName() + File.separatorChar + extraFile.getName());
    File ignoredBackupFile =
        new File(backupDir, ignoreDir.getName() + File.separatorChar + ignoredFile.getName());
    assert !ignoredBackupFile.exists() : "ignored file was backed up but it should not have been";
    assert extraBackupFile.exists() : "extra file was not backed up";
    assert "extra".equals(new String(StreamUtil.slurp(new FileInputStream(extraBackupFile))))
        : "bad backup of extra";

    DeploymentProperties previousProps = metadata.getPreviousDeploymentProperties(456);
    assert previousProps != null : "There should be previous deployment metadata";
    assert previousProps.getDeploymentId() == 123
        : "bad previous deployment metadata"; // testAntBundleInitialInstall used 123
    assert previousProps.getBundleName().equals(deploymentProps.getBundleName());
    assert previousProps
        .equals("2.5"); // testAntBundleInitialInstall deployed version 2.5
    assert previousProps.getManageRootDir() == true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  /** Test deployment of an RHQ bundle recipe with archive file and raw file */
  @Test(enabled = true)
  public void testAntBundleInitialInstall() throws Exception {
    ResourceType resourceType =
        new ResourceType("testSimpleBundle2Type", "plugin", ResourceCategory.SERVER, null);
    BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testSimpleBundle2BType", resourceType);
    Repo repo = new Repo("test-bundle-two");
    PackageType packageType = new PackageType("test-bundle-two", resourceType);
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle("test-bundle-two", bundleType, repo, packageType);
    BundleVersion bundleVersion =
        new BundleVersion(
            "test-bundle-two", "2.5", bundle, getRecipeFromFile("test-bundle-two.xml"));
    BundleDestination destination =
        new BundleDestination(
            new ResourceGroup("testSimpleBundle2Group"),

    Configuration config = new Configuration();
    String customPropName = "custom.prop";
    String customPropValue = "ABC";
    String onePropName = "one.prop";
    String onePropValue = "111";
    config.put(new PropertySimple(customPropName, customPropValue));
    config.put(new PropertySimple(onePropName, onePropValue));

    BundleDeployment deployment = new BundleDeployment();
    deployment.setName("test bundle 2 deployment name");

    // copy the test archive file to the bundle files dir
        new File("src/test/resources/test-bundle-two-archive.zip"),
        new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "test-bundle-two-archive.zip"));

    // create test.properties file in the bundle files dir
    File file1 = new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "test.properties");
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty(customPropName, "@@" + customPropName + "@@");
    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file1);
    props.store(outputStream, "test.properties comment");

    BundleDeployRequest request = new BundleDeployRequest();
    request.setResourceDeployment(new BundleResourceDeployment(deployment, null));
    request.setBundleManagerProvider(new MockBundleManagerProvider());

    BundleDeployResult results = plugin.deployBundle(request);


    // test that the prop was replaced in raw file test.properties
    Properties realizedProps = new Properties();
        realizedProps, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "config/test.properties")));
    assert customPropValue.equals(realizedProps.getProperty(customPropName))
        : "didn't replace prop";

    // test that the archive was extracted properly. These are the files in the archive:
    // zero-file.txt (content: "zero")
    // one/one-file.txt (content: "@@one.prop@@") <-- recipe says this is to be replaced
    // two/two-file.txt (content: "@@two.prop@@") <-- recipe does not say to replace this
    File zeroFile = new File(this.destDir, "zero-file.txt");
    File oneFile = new File(this.destDir, "one/one-file.txt");
    File twoFile = new File(this.destDir, "two/two-file.txt");
    assert zeroFile.exists() : "zero file missing";
    assert oneFile.exists() : "one file missing";
    assert twoFile.exists() : "two file missing";
    assert readFile(zeroFile).startsWith("zero");
    assert readFile(oneFile).startsWith(onePropValue);
    assert readFile(twoFile).startsWith("@@two.prop@@");

    DeploymentsMetadata metadata = new DeploymentsMetadata(this.destDir);
    DeploymentProperties deploymentProps = metadata.getDeploymentProperties(deployment.getId());
    assert deploymentProps.getDeploymentId() == deployment.getId();
    assert deploymentProps.getBundleName().equals(bundle.getName());
    assert deploymentProps.getBundleVersion().equals(bundleVersion.getVersion());
    assert deploymentProps.getManageRootDir() == true;
    DeploymentProperties currentProps = metadata.getCurrentDeploymentProperties();
    assert deploymentProps.equals(currentProps);
    DeploymentProperties previousProps =
    assert previousProps == null : "There should not be any previous deployment metadata";
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Test deployment of an RHQ bundle recipe where the deploy directory is not to be fully managed.
  @Test(enabled = true)
  public void testAntBundleNoManageRootDir() throws Exception {
    ResourceType resourceType =
        new ResourceType("testNoManageRootDirBundle", "plugin", ResourceCategory.SERVER, null);
    BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testNoManageRootDirBundle", resourceType);
    Repo repo = new Repo("testNoManageRootDirBundle");
    PackageType packageType = new PackageType("testNoManageRootDirBundle", resourceType);
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle("testNoManageRootDirBundle", bundleType, repo, packageType);
    BundleVersion bundleVersion =
        new BundleVersion(
    BundleDestination destination =
        new BundleDestination(
            new ResourceGroup("testNoManageRootDirBundle"),
    Configuration config = new Configuration();

    BundleDeployment deployment = new BundleDeployment();
    deployment.setName("test bundle deployment name");

    // create bundle test files
    File file0 = new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "zero.properties");
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("zero", "0");
    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file0);
    props.store(outputStream, "zero file");

    File file1 = new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "one.properties");
    props.setProperty("one", "1");
    outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file1);
    props.store(outputStream, "one file");

    File file2 = new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "two.properties");
    props.setProperty("two", "2");
    outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file2);
    props.store(outputStream, "two file");

    // create some external test files that don't belong to the bundle but are in the dest dir
    // (which is not fully managed by the bundle)
    File external1 = new File(this.destDir, "external1.properties");
    props.setProperty("external1", "1");
    outputStream = new FileOutputStream(external1);
    props.store(outputStream, "external1 file");

    File external2 = new File(this.destDir, "extdir/external2.properties");
    props.setProperty("external2", "2");
    outputStream = new FileOutputStream(external2);
    props.store(outputStream, "external2 file");

    // deploy the bundle
    BundleDeployRequest request = new BundleDeployRequest();
    request.setResourceDeployment(new BundleResourceDeployment(deployment, null));
    request.setBundleManagerProvider(new MockBundleManagerProvider());

    BundleDeployResult results = plugin.deployBundle(request);


    // test that files were deployed in the proper place
    loadProperties(props, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "zero.properties")));
    assert "0".equals(props.getProperty("zero")) : "did not deploy bundle correctly 0";
    loadProperties(props, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "subdir1/one.properties")));
    assert "1".equals(props.getProperty("one")) : "did not deploy bundle correctly 1";
    loadProperties(props, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "subdir2/two.properties")));
    assert "2".equals(props.getProperty("two")) : "did not deploy bundle correctly 2";

    DeploymentsMetadata metadata = new DeploymentsMetadata(this.destDir);
    assert metadata.isManaged() == true : "missing metadata directory";
    assert metadata.getCurrentDeploymentProperties().getManageRootDir() == false
        : "should not be managing root dir";

    // make sure our unmanaged files/directories weren't removed
    loadProperties(props, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "external1.properties")));
    assert "1".equals(props.getProperty("external1"))
        : "bundle deployment removed our unmanaged file 1";
        props, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "extdir/external2.properties")));
    assert "2".equals(props.getProperty("external2"))
        : "bundle deployment removed our unmanaged file 2";

    // now purge the bundle - this should only purge those files that were laid down by the bundle
    // plus the metadata directory
    BundlePurgeRequest purgeRequest = new BundlePurgeRequest();
    purgeRequest.setLiveResourceDeployment(new BundleResourceDeployment(deployment, null));
    purgeRequest.setBundleManagerProvider(new MockBundleManagerProvider());

    BundlePurgeResult purgeResults = plugin.purgeBundle(purgeRequest);

    // make sure our bundle files have been completely purged; the metadata directory should have
    // been purged too
    assert new File(this.destDir, "zero.properties").exists() == false;
    assert new File(this.destDir, "subdir1/one.properties").exists() == false;
    assert new File(this.destDir, "subdir2/two.properties").exists() == false;
    assert new File(this.destDir, "subdir1").exists() == false;
    assert new File(this.destDir, "subdir2").exists() == false;
    assert this.destDir.exists() == true
        : "deploy dir should still exist, we were told not to fully manage it";

    metadata = new DeploymentsMetadata(this.destDir);
    assert metadata.getMetadataDirectory().exists() == false
        : "metadata directory should not exist";

    // make sure our external, unmanaged files still exist - the purge should not have deleted these
    loadProperties(props, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "external1.properties")));
    assert "1".equals(props.getProperty("external1")) : "bundle purge removed our unmanaged file 1";
        props, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "extdir/external2.properties")));
    assert "2".equals(props.getProperty("external2")) : "bundle purge removed our unmanaged file 2";
Ejemplo n.º 4
  @Test(enabled = true)
  public void testAntBundleRevert() throws Exception {
    // install then upgrade a bundle first
    cleanPluginDirs(); // clean everything but the dest dir - we want to keep the metadata
    prepareBeforeTestMethod(); // prepare for our new test

    // we installed version 2.5 then upgraded to 3.0
    // now we want to revert back to 2.5
    ResourceType resourceType =
        new ResourceType("testSimpleBundle2Type", "plugin", ResourceCategory.SERVER, null);
    BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testSimpleBundle2BType", resourceType);
    Repo repo = new Repo("test-bundle-two");
    PackageType packageType = new PackageType("test-bundle-two", resourceType);
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle("test-bundle-two", bundleType, repo, packageType);
    BundleVersion bundleVersion =
        new BundleVersion(
            "test-bundle-two", "2.5", bundle, getRecipeFromFile("test-bundle-two.xml"));
    BundleDestination destination =
        new BundleDestination(
            new ResourceGroup("testSimpleBundle2Group"),

    Configuration config = new Configuration();
    String customPropName = "custom.prop";
    String customPropValue = "ABC-revert";
    String onePropName = "one.prop";
    String onePropValue = "111-revert";
    config.put(new PropertySimple(customPropName, customPropValue));
    config.put(new PropertySimple(onePropName, onePropValue));

    BundleDeployment deployment = new BundleDeployment();
    deployment.setName("test bundle 2 deployment name - REVERT");

    // copy the test archive file to the bundle files dir
        new File("src/test/resources/test-bundle-two-archive.zip"),
        new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "test-bundle-two-archive.zip"));

    // create test.properties file in the bundle files dir
    File file1 = new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "test.properties");
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty(customPropName, "@@" + customPropName + "@@");
    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file1);
    props.store(outputStream, "test.properties comment");

    BundleDeployRequest request = new BundleDeployRequest();
    request.setResourceDeployment(new BundleResourceDeployment(deployment, null));
    request.setBundleManagerProvider(new MockBundleManagerProvider());

    BundleDeployResult results = plugin.deployBundle(request);


    // test that the prop was replaced in raw file test.properties
    Properties realizedProps = new Properties();
        realizedProps, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "config/test.properties")));
    assert customPropValue.equals(realizedProps.getProperty(customPropName))
        : "didn't replace prop";

    // test that the archive was extracted properly. These are the files in the archive:
    // zero-file.txt (content: "zero")
    // one/one-file.txt (content: "@@one.prop@@") <-- recipe says this is to be replaced
    // two/two-file.txt (content: "@@two.prop@@") <-- recipe does not say to replace this
    // REMOVED: three/three-file.txt <-- this existed in the upgrade, but not the original
    // ----- the following was backed up and should be reverted
    // extra/extra-file.txt

    File zeroFile = new File(this.destDir, "zero-file.txt");
    File oneFile = new File(this.destDir, "one/one-file.txt");
    File twoFile = new File(this.destDir, "two/two-file.txt");
    File threeFile = new File(this.destDir, "three/three-file.txt");
    assert zeroFile.exists() : "zero file should have been restored during revert";
    assert oneFile.exists() : "one file missing";
    assert twoFile.exists() : "two file missing";
    assert !threeFile.exists() : "three file should have been deleted during revert";

    assert readFile(zeroFile).startsWith("zero") : "bad restore of zero file";
    assert readFile(oneFile).startsWith(onePropValue);
    assert readFile(twoFile).startsWith("@@two.prop@@");

    // make sure the revert restored the backed up files
    File extraFile = new File(this.destDir, "extra/extra-file.txt");
    assert extraFile.exists()
        : "extra file should have been restored due to revert deployment request";
    assert readFile(extraFile).startsWith("extra") : "bad restore of extra file";

    DeploymentsMetadata metadata = new DeploymentsMetadata(this.destDir);
    DeploymentProperties deploymentProps = metadata.getDeploymentProperties(deployment.getId());
    assert deploymentProps.getDeploymentId() == deployment.getId();
    assert deploymentProps.getBundleName().equals(bundle.getName());
    assert deploymentProps.getBundleVersion().equals(bundleVersion.getVersion());
    assert deploymentProps.getManageRootDir() == true;

    DeploymentProperties currentProps = metadata.getCurrentDeploymentProperties();
    assert deploymentProps.equals(currentProps);

    // check the backup directory - note, clean flag is irrelevent when determining what should be
    // backed up
    File backupDir = metadata.getDeploymentBackupDirectory(deployment.getId());
    File ignoredBackupFile = new File(backupDir, "ignore/ignore-file.txt");
    assert ignoredBackupFile.isFile() : "old recipe didn't ignore these, should be backed up";

    DeploymentProperties previousProps = metadata.getPreviousDeploymentProperties(789);
    assert previousProps != null : "There should be previous deployment metadata";
    assert previousProps.getDeploymentId() == 456
        : "bad previous deployment metadata"; // testAntBundleUpgrade used 456
    assert previousProps.getBundleName().equals(deploymentProps.getBundleName());
    assert previousProps
        .equals("3.0"); // testAntBundleUpgrade deployed version 3.0