Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Fired when the document is written to an output stream.
   * @see org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet#write(java.io.OutputStream) ()
  protected void onDocumentWrite() {
    // check if cells in the CTRow are ordered
    boolean isOrdered = true;
    if (_row.sizeOfCArray() != _cells.size()) isOrdered = false;
    else {
      int i = 0;
      CTCell[] xcell = _row.getCArray();
      for (XSSFCell cell : _cells.values()) {
        CTCell c1 = cell.getCTCell();
        CTCell c2 = xcell[i++];

        String r1 = c1.getR();
        String r2 = c2.getR();
        if (!(r1 == null ? r2 == null : r1.equals(r2))) {
          isOrdered = false;

    if (!isOrdered) {
      CTCell[] cArray = new CTCell[_cells.size()];
      int i = 0;
      for (XSSFCell c : _cells.values()) {
        cArray[i++] = c.getCTCell();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Set the row number of this row.
  * @param rowIndex the row number (0-based)
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if rowNum < 0 or greater than 1048575
 public void setRowNum(int rowIndex) {
   int maxrow = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007.getLastRowIndex();
   if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex > maxrow) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Invalid row number (" + rowIndex + ") outside allowable range (0.." + maxrow + ")");
   _row.setR(rowIndex + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Construct a XSSFRow.
  * @param row the xml bean containing all cell definitions for this row.
  * @param sheet the parent sheet.
 protected XSSFRow(CTRow row, XSSFSheet sheet) {
   _row = row;
   _sheet = sheet;
   _cells = new TreeMap<Integer, XSSFCell>();
   for (CTCell c : row.getCArray()) {
     XSSFCell cell = new XSSFCell(this, c);
     _cells.put(cell.getColumnIndex(), cell);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Set the height in "twips" or 1/20th of a point.
  * @param height the height in "twips" or 1/20th of a point. <code>-1</code> resets to the default
  *     height
 public void setHeight(short height) {
   if (height == -1) {
     if (_row.isSetHt()) _row.unsetHt();
     if (_row.isSetCustomHeight()) _row.unsetCustomHeight();
   } else {
     _row.setHt((double) height / 20);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Use this to create new cells within the row and return it.
  * @param columnIndex - the column number this cell represents
  * @param type - the cell's data type
  * @return XSSFCell a high level representation of the created cell.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified cell type is invalid, columnIndex < 0 or
  *     greater than 16384, the maximum number of columns supported by the SpreadsheetML format
  *     (.xlsx)
  * @see Cell#CELL_TYPE_BLANK
  * @see Cell#CELL_TYPE_ERROR
  * @see Cell#CELL_TYPE_STRING
 public XSSFCell createCell(int columnIndex, int type) {
   CTCell ctCell;
   XSSFCell prev = _cells.get(columnIndex);
   if (prev != null) {
     ctCell = prev.getCTCell();
   } else {
     ctCell = _row.addNewC();
   XSSFCell xcell = new XSSFCell(this, ctCell);
   if (type != Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) {
   _cells.put(columnIndex, xcell);
   return xcell;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /** @return formatted xml representation of this row */
 public String toString() {
   return _row.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Get row number this row represents
  * @return the row number (0 based)
 public int getRowNum() {
   return (int) (_row.getR() - 1);