Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Read the list of supported IDPs that the SP sent and determine if the chosen IdP is supported.
   * Request = opensaml ECP request header.
   * @param header
   * @return
  public URL determineIdP(Header header, IDPEntry idpEntry) {

    IDPList idpList = null;
    List<XMLObject> list = header.getUnknownXMLObjects();

    for (XMLObject xmlObject : list) {
      if (xmlObject.getElementQName().equals(Request.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME)) {
        idpList = ((Request) xmlObject).getIDPList();

    // If the list from the SP contains the same entry that
    // was chosen by the client...
    if (idpList != null) {
      for (IDPEntry spIdpEntry : idpList.getIDPEntrys()) {
        if (spIdpEntry.getName() != null
            && spIdpEntry.getLoc() != null
            && idpEntry.getProviderID() != null)
          if (spIdpEntry.getName().equals(idpEntry.getName()))
            if (spIdpEntry.getLoc().equals(idpEntry.getLoc()))
              if (spIdpEntry.getProviderID().equals(idpEntry.getProviderID()))
                return getURL(spIdpEntry.getLoc());
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Return a SOAP Envelope Body that contains the Response the IdP sent, if there is one.
   * <p>Returns null if the IdP returned no response at all. Nothing.
   * @return
  private Body getResponseBody(
      ExchangeContent spContent, IDPEntry idpEntry, PaosClient paosClient, ClientOptions options) {

    String spAssertionConsumerURL = "";
    ExchangeContent idpContent = null;
    Envelope idpEnvelope = null;
    URL idpURL = null;

    // Extract idplist from authnrequest and check if the SP supports
    // the one that was chosen. If not, complain.
    idpURL = determineIdP(spContent.getResponseParts().getHeader(), idpEntry);

    spAssertionConsumerURL =

    // If no matching idp was found from the list the SP sent...
    if (idpURL == null) {
      logger.info("The SP did not indicate support for the chosen IdP.");
      idpURL = getURL(idpEntry.getLoc()); // Get an assertion from the IdP
      // and let the SP trust an
      // unknown IdP.

    // Create the envelope with the AuthnRequest that will be sent to the
    // IdP
    idpEnvelope = EnvelopeCreator.createIdpEnvelope(spContent.getResponseParts());

    // Get the Assertion from the IdP (send AuthnRequest to IdP)
    idpContent = getAssertion(paosClient, idpEnvelope, idpURL, options);

    // If the IdP sent back anything at all as a response:
    if (idpContent != null) {
      // Check assertionConsumerURL. If it does not match, send a SOAP
      // fault to the SP/endpoint
      if (consumerUrlsMatch(idpContent, spAssertionConsumerURL)) {
        return idpContent.getResponseParts().getBody();
      } else {
        logger.debug("AssertionConsumerURLs from AuthnRequest and Response did not match.");
        logger.debug("Returning a SOAP fault message to the endpoint.");
        return EnvelopeCreator.createSoapFaultBody("AssertionConsumerURLs did not match.");
    } // else the paosclient has complained about this.
    return null;