Ejemplo n.º 1
 /** Demonstrates getIsas api function. */
 protected void demo4() throws IOException, UnknownHostException, CycApiException {
   Log.current.println("Demonstrating getIsas api function.\n");
   CycList isas = cycAccess.getIsas(cycAccess.getKnownConstantByName("BillClinton"));
   Log.current.println("\nThe obtained isas are:\n" + isas.cyclify());
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // Opencyc
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  private void sample() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    System.out.println("Starting Cyc NART examples.");
    try {
      access = new CycAccess();
      // Log.current.println("Demonstrating getConstantGuid api function.\n");
      // Guid a = access.getConstantGuid("apple");

      CycConstant cycAdministrator = access.getKnownConstantByName("CycAdministrator");
      System.out.println("Unique id ?" + cycAdministrator.guid);
      System.out.println("Unique id ?" + DefaultCycObject.toCompactExternalId("AppleInc"));
      CycList isas = access.getIsas(access.getKnownConstantByName("AppleInc"));
      Log.current.println("\nThe obtained isas are:\n" + isas.cyclify());
      CycConstant generalCycKE = access.getKnownConstantByName("GeneralCycKE");
      access.setCyclist(cycAdministrator); // needed to maintain
      // bookeeping information
      access.setKePurpose(generalCycKE); // needed to maintain bookeeping
      // information

      // find nart by external id (preferred lookup mechanism)
      CycNart apple =
                  "Mx8Ngh4rvVipdpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVjBnZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", access);

      // access.getConstantId("");
      // find nart by name (dispreferred because names in the KB can
      // change)
      CycNart apple2 =
                  CycLParserUtil.parseCycLDenotationalTerm("(FruitFn AppleTree)", true, access));

      assert apple.equals(apple2) : "Lookup failed to produce equal results.";

      // getting the external id DefaultCycObject.tofor a NART
      String appleEID = DefaultCycObject.toCompactExternalId(apple, access);

      // creating a nart
      // There is no direct way of creating NARTs, they are an
      // implementation detail
      // of the inference engine. However, if you make an assertion using
      // arguments
      // to a reifiable function that the inference engine hasn't seen
      // before, then it will be create
      // automatically.
      CycNart elmFruit =
          new CycNart(
              access.getKnownConstantByName("FruitFn"), access.getKnownConstantByName("ElmTree"));
      // NOTE: the previous call only makes the NART locally and not in
      // the KB

      // Asserting the isa and genls relations
      // every new term should have at least 1 isa assertion made on it
      access.assertIsa(elmFruit, CycAccess.collection, CycAccess.baseKB);
      // Note: the previous line causes the new NART to be created in the
      // KB!

      // Every new collection should have at least 1 genls assertion made
      // on it,
      // however, in this case, the inference engine has made it for you
      // since
      // any new terms involving FruitFn's must be types of fruits.
      // access.assertGenls(elmFruit,
      // access.getKnownConstantByName("Fruit"), CycAccess.baseKB);

      // verify genls relation
      assert access.isSpecOf(elmFruit, access.getKnownConstantByName("Fruit"), CycAccess.baseKB)
          : "Good grief! Elm fruit isn't known to be a type of fruit.";

      // find everything that is an apple
      System.out.println("Got instances of Apple: " + access.getInstances(apple));
          "Got instances of Apple: " + access.getAllInstances(apple, CycAccess.baseKB));

      // find everything that a apple is a type of
          "Got generalizations of Apple: " + access.getAllGenls(apple, CycAccess.baseKB));

      // find everything that is a type of apple
          "Got specializations of Apple: " + access.getAllSpecs(apple, CycAccess.baseKB));

      // generating NL
      // System.out.println("The concept " + apple.cyclify()
      // + " can be referred to in English as '" +
      // access.getGeneratedPhrase(apple) + "'.");

      // Killing a NART -- removing a NART and all assertions involving
      // that NART from the KB
      // Warning: you can potentially do serious harm to the KB if you
      // remove critical information


      // CycConstant dog2 = access.getKnownConstantByName("Dog");
      // CycFort snowSkiing = access.getKnownConstantByName("SnowSkiing");

    } catch (UnknownHostException nohost) {
    } catch (IOException io) {
    } catch (CycApiException cyc_e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {